99-O-20 --- ..".", , ORDINANCE NO. 99-0-20 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMITTAL OF CHARTER AMENDMENTS TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDGEW A TER AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999; PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AMENDMENTS CHANGING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL; MODIFYING THE ELECTIONS AND TERMS; PROHIBITIONS THAT WOULD INCLUDE LIMITATIONS ON BORROWING AND INCLUDE RESTRICTIONS ON UNRESTRICTED GENERAL FUND RESERVES; FILLING OF VACANCIES OF MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL; PROCEDURE; INCLUSION OF INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM; AMENDING THE RESIDENCY REQUIREMENTS FOR CERT AIN CITY EMPLOYEES; INCL USION OF PUBLIC INFORMA TION DISSEMINATION; INCLUSION OF CHARTER REVIEW EVERY FIVE (5) YEARS; AND PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF CORRECTIONS TO SCRIVENER'S ERRORS; AUTHORIZING CONFORMANCE OF THE AMENDMENTS INTO THE CHARTER UPON APPROVAL; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR THE ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR ADOPTION. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. Based upon the recommendation submitted by the Charter Review Committee, City Council has provided for submittal of amendments to the Charter for the electors of the City of Edgewater. 2. It is in the best interests of the citizens of Edgewater and consistent with our democratic heritage that these issues be submitted to the electors as separate ballot questions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED by the People of the City of Edge water, Florida: Stl tick till otl~l, passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 1 ...... ...., PART A. PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AN AMENDMENT CHANGING THE QUALIFICATIONS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999. A proposed amendment to the Charter ofthe City of Edgewater changing the qualifications of mayor and council is hereby approved for submittal to the electors of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. The ballot title and ballot question shall read as follows: CHANGE THE OUALIFICA TIONS OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL Shall the qualifications of mayor and council be changed from the current Charter which states "they must be a qualified elector of the city on the date that person qualifies to run for office" to read "they must be a qualified elector of the city and shall have resided within the city for no less than one (1) year". If the ballot question set forth above is approved, the Charter shall be amended to read as follows: Section 3.03 - Qualifications (a) The mayor must be a qualified elector of the city and shall have resided within the city for no less than one (1) year on the date that person qualifies to run for office. The mayor shall continuously reside within the city limits during the mayor's term of office. (b) Each council member must be a qualified elector of the city and shall have resided within the Stltlck tlllongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 2 'W' "'WIfI city for no less than one (1) year and shall be ~ ho is a resident ofthe district from which the person seeks to be elected on the date that person qualifies to run for office. Each council member elected from a district shall continuously reside in the district during the council member's term of office, except that any council member who is removed from a district by redistricting may continue to serve during the remainder of the council member's term of office. PART B. PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AN AMENDMENT REGARDING ELECTIONS AND TERMS THAT WOULD CHANGE THE TERM OF OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM TWO (2) YEAR NON- STAGGERED TO FOUR (4) YEAR STAGGERED TERMS AND LIMIT TERMS TO TWO (2) CONSECUTIVE TERMS AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999. A proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Edge water amending elections and terms to reflect the terms be changed from two (2) year non-staggered to four (4) year staggered terms and terms be limited to two (2) complete terms is hereby approved for submittal to the electors of the City of Edge water, Florida, at the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. The ballot title and ballot question shall read as follows: ELECTIONS AND TERMS Shall terms for mayor and council members be changed from two (2) year non-staggered to four (4) year staggered terms and limited to two (2) complete consecutive terms? If approved, in November 2001, Districts 2 and 4 would be elected for two (2) years and the Mayor, Districts 1 and 3 would be elected for four (4) years. Regular StI tl.:.k till otlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 3 .,. ..""" elections would continue every two (2) years thereafter for four (4) year terms. If the ballot question set forth above is approved, the Charter shall be amended to read substantially as follows: Section 3.04 - Elections and terms: Term Limits Deginlling in 1997, the r egtllat eleetion of the eity eo unci 1 shall be held in eaeh odd- numbered yeat on the date that \l\iould be established by the Plorida Ulection Code for the seeond primary ifit \l\icrc an cven-numbered yeat ill the manner prescribed in Article V of this Chartcr. Thc term of office shall be for t~o (2) yeats, beginning at the next regtllat council meeting aftGI the election. a. Elections and terms. The first regular election of the city council under 1999 Charter Amendment shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November of 2001. At the first election under the amended Charter. the mayor and four (4) council members shall be elected. The terms of the mayor and council members from districts 1 and 3 shall be four (4) years and shall expire in November 2005. The terms of council members from districts 2 and 4 shall be two (2) years and shall expire in November 2003. A regular election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Mondav in November 2003. to elect council members from districts 2 and 4 to serve a term of four (4) years expiring in November 2007. Henceforth. regular elections of the City Council shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in odd numbered years so that the terms for mayor StJtlGk tluotl~h passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 4 v .."" and each council member shall be four (4) years and staggered in the same order. Terms of office shall being on the first Wednesday after the first Monday in November ofthe vear elected. b. Term Limits. No member of the City CounciL including the mayor, shall serve more than two (2) complete consecutive terms and the portion of an unexpired term occurring by reason of a vacancy. PART C. PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AN AMENDMENT REGARDING PROHIBITIONS THAT WOULD INCLUDE LIMITATIONS ON BORROWING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDGEW A TER AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999. A proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Edgewater amending prohibitions to include limitations on borrowing is hereby approved for submittal to the electors of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. The ballot title and ballot question shall read as follows: LIMITATIONS ON BORROWING Shall the Charter of the City of Edgewater include restrictions by placing limitations on borrowing? Currently, there are no such restrictions in place. This modification would restrict the City from incurring additional debt of more than 0.75% of the net taxable ad valorem property value during any forward moving five (5) year period unless such debt was approved by a referendum of eligible voters in a general election. If the ballot questions set forth above is approved, the Charter shall be amended to read as Stltlck tluotlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 5 .... ....", follows: Section 3.08 - Prohibitions @ Limitations on borrowing. The City of Edgewater shall not incur additional debt of more than 0.75% ofthe net taxable value during any forward moving five (5) year period unless such debt is approved by a referendum of the eligible voters of the city in a general election. PART D. PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AN AMENDMENT REGARDING RESTRICTIONS ON UNRESTRICTED GENERAL FUND RESERVES TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999. A proposed amendment to the Charter ofthe City of Edge water requiring the City to maintain reserves at a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) and maximum of twenty- five percent (25%) of the general fund is hereby approved for submittal to the electors of the City of Edge water, Florida, at the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. The ballot title and question shall read as follows: MAINTAINING RESERVES OF GENERAL FUND Shall the City be required to maintain reserves at a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) with a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the general fund? If the ballot question set forth above is approved, the Charter shall be amended to read as follows: Section 3.08 - Prohibitions W Reserves. The city is required to maintain reserves at a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) with a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the general fund. ShtlGk thlotlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 6 ..." .., PART E. PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AN AMENDMENT REGARDING THE FILLING OF VACANCIES OF MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999. A proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Edgewater amending the filling of vacancies of mayor and council is hereby approved for submittal to the electors of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. The ballot title and ballot question shall read as follows: FILLING OF VACANCIES OF MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL Shall the Charter amend the criteria for filling of vacancy for mayor? The Charter currently reads "In case of vacancy, the vice mayor shall serve as mayor for the unexpired term." The modification states "...if less than 6 months remain in the unexpired term, council by vote of 3 or more members shall appoint the mayor." Ifmore than 6 months remain, a special election shall be called to fill such vacancy. If the ballot questions set forth above is approved, the Charter shall be amended to read as follows: Section 3.09 - Vacancies; forfeiture of office; recall; filling of vacancies (d) Filling of vacancies. Except as otherwise prescribed by law, a vacancy on the city council shall be filled as follows: (1) In the case of a vacancy in the office of mayor, ifless than six (6) months remain in the unexpired term. the council by a vote of three (3) or more members shall appoint Stltlck thlongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 7 ... ....." a successor who is eligible for the office under Section 3.03 of this charter. Such successor shall serve until the next regular city election at which time a mayor shall be elected in the manner prescribed in Article V of this Charter the v ice may or shall serve as maJor fcr the tl11Gxpired tam cf the mayor and assume all duties of the mayor. A vacancy in the office of council member shall then be created for thc disl1ict from ~hieh the vice mayor ~as elected and shall be filled as set fmth belo~. Once the vacanGY in the office of council member is filled, a n(,~ vice mayor shall be elected by the ciry council. ill In the case ofa vacancy in the office of mayor, if more than six (6) months remain in the unexpired term, a special election shall be called to fill such vacancy. The special election shall be scheduled not sooner than sixty (60) days, nor more than ninety (90) days following the occurrence of the vacancy and if a primary is necessary it shall be held as required by the election laws of the State of Florida. The person elected to fill the vacancy must be eligible for the office of mavor under Section 3.03 of this charter and shall serve until the next regular city election at which time a mayor shall be elected in the manner prescribed in Article V of this Charter. PART F. PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER REGARDING PROCEDURES DURING CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS MODIFYING THE RULES AND JOURNAL REGARDING CITIZENS COMMENTS TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999. Stt tick till {)tlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 8 .. ....." An amendment is proposed to the Charter of the City of Edge water amending the procedures at city council meetings so that the meeting agenda shall provide for citizen comments at the beginning of the meeting and shall not be limited to agenda items. Citizens may comment on agenda items during that time the matter is addressed by council. The amendment is hereby approved for submittal to the electors of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. The ballot title and question shall read as follows: PROCEDURES - RULES AND JOURNAL - CITIZEN COMMENTS Shall the Charter of the City of Edgewater be amended to reflect that citizen comments at the beginning and directly prior to adjournment of a council meeting not include agenda items; all comments relating to matters on the agenda will be addressed at the time the matter is before council? If the ballot question set forth above is approved, the Charter shall be amended to read as follows: Section 3.11 - Procedure (b) Rules and journal. The city council shall determine its own rules and order of business except that the agenda for regular council meetings shall include "Citizen Comments" (not to include agenda items) at the beginning of the meeting and directly prior to adjournment of the meeting and council shall include an opportunity for citizen comments relating to an agenda matter at the time the matter is before council. The city council shall provide for the Shtick thlol1gh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 9 ...." ......, keeping of a journal of its proceedings. This journal shall be a public record. PARTG. PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AN INCLUSION TO THE CHARTER REGARDING AN INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM THAT WOULD GIVE QUALIFIED VOTERS THE POWER TO PROPOSE ORDINANCES OR RECONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCES TO COUNCIL UPON COMPLETION OF CERTAIN REQUIREMENTS TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999. A proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Edge water including a section regarding an initiative and referendum giving qualified voters of the City of Edgewater the power to have council consider or reconsider ordinances upon completion of certain requirements by the voters is hereby approved for submittal to the electors of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. The ballot title and ballot question shall read as follows: INITIATIVE AND REFERENDUM Shall the Charter of the City of Edgewater include an initiative and referendum section giving qualified voters of the City upon completion of certain requirements the opportunity to request council consider or reconsider ordinances under certain circumstances? If the ballot question set forth above is approved, the Charter shall be amended to read as follows: Section 3.13 - Initiative and referendum {ill ill Initiative. The qualified voters of the citv shall have the power to proposed ordinances to the council and. if the council fails to adopt and ordinance so proposed StJnc,k tlllongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 10 v ..., without any change in substance. to adopt or reiect it at a city election. provided that such power shall not extend to the budget or capital program or anv ordinance relating to appropriation of money. levy of taxes or salaries of city officers or employees. ill Referendum. The qualified voters of the city shall have power to reqUIre reconsideration by the council of any adopted ordinance and. if the council fails to repeal an ordinance so reconsidered. to approve or reiect it at a city election. provided that such power shall not extend to the budget or capital program or any emergency ordinance or ordinance relating to appropriation of money. levy of taxes or salaries of citv officers or employees. (Q} ill Commencement of oroceedings. Any five (5) qualified voters may commence initiative referendum proceedings by filing with the city clerk or other official designated by the council an affidavit stating they will constitute the petitioners' committee and be responsible for circulating the petition and filing it in proper form. stating their names and addresses and specifying the address to which all notices to the committee are to be sent and setting out in full the proposed initiative ordinance or citing the ordinance sought to be reconsidered. Promptly after the affidavit of the petitioners' committee is filed. the clerk or other official designated by the council may. at the committee's request issue the appropriate petition blanks to the petitioners' committee at the committee's expense. StJ tlGk t1uotlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 11 ~. ....." ill Petitions. ill Number of signatures. Initiative and referendum petitions must be signed by qualified voters of the city equal in number to at least ten percent (10%) of the total number of qualified voters registered to vote at the last regular city election. ill Form and content. All papers of a petition shall be uniform in size and style and shall be assembled as one instrument for filing. Each signature shall be executed in ink or indelible pencil and shall be followed by the address of the person signing. Petitions shall contain or have attached thereto throughout their circulation the full text of the ordinance proposed or sought to be reconsidered. ill Affidavit of circulator. Each paper of a petition shall have attached to it when filed an affidavit executed by the circulator thereof stating that he personally circulated the paper. the number of signatures thereon. that all the signatures were affixed in his presence. that he believes them to be the genuine signature of the persons whose names they purport to be and that each signer had an opportunity before signing to read the full text of the ordinance proposed or sought to be reconsidered. @ Time for filing referendum vetitions. Referendum petitions must be filed within thirty (30) davs after adoption bv the council of the ordinance sought to be reconsidered. @ Procedure for filing. ill Certificate of clerk: amendment. Within twenty (20) days after the initiative petition Shtick t1l1Ot1~h passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 12 ~ ~ is filed and five (5) days for a reference petition, the city clerk or other official designated by the council shall complete a certificate as to its sufficiency, specifying, if it is insufficient the particulars wherein it is defective and shall promptly send a copy ofthe certificate to the petitioner's committee by certified maiL return receipt requested. Grounds for insufficiency are only those specified in subsection (c). A petition certified insufficient for lack of the required number of valid signatures may be amended once if the petitioners' committee files a notice of intention to amend it with the clerk or other official designated by the council within two (2) days after receiving the copy of the certificate and files a supplementary petition upon additional papers within ten (10) days after receiving the copy of such certificate. Such supplementary petition shall comply with the requirements of subsections (c )(2) and (c )(3) of section 3.13, and within five (5) days after it is filed, the clerk or other official designated by the council shall complete a certificate as to the sufficiency of the petition as amended and promptly send a copy of such certificate to the petitioners' committee by certified maiL return receipt requested as in the case of an original petition. If a petition or amended petition is certified sufficient or if a petition or amended petition is certified insufficient and the petitioners' committee does not elect to amend or request council review under subsection (2) of this section within the time required, the clerk or other official designated by the council shall promptly present his certificate [which] shall then be a final determination as to the Stmck thlotlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 13 ...... .., sufficiency of the petition. ill Council review. If a petition has been certified insufficient and the petitioners' committee does not file notice of intention to amend it or if an amended petition has been certified insufficient. the committee may. within two (2) days after receiving the copy of such certificate. file a request that it be reviewed by the council. The council shall review the certificate at its next meeting following the filing of such request and approve or disapprove it. and the council's determination shall then be a final determination as the sufficiency of the petition. ill Referendum vetitions: susvension of effect of ordinance. When a referendum petition is filed with the city clerk or other official designated by the counciL the ordinance sought to be reconsidered shall be suspended from taking effect. Such a suspension shall terminate when: ill There is a final determination of insufficiency of the petition: or ill The petitioners' committee withdraws the petition: or ill the council repeals the ordinance: or ffi After a vote of the city on the ordinance has been certified. ill Action on petitions. ill Action bv council. When an initiative or referendum petition has been finally determined sufficient. the council shall promptly consider the proposed initiative ordinance in the manner provided in Article III or reconsider the referred ordinance by voting its repeal. If the council fails to adopt a proposed initiative ordinance Stlt1Ck tlllotl~h passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 14 ....... ....., without any change in substance within sixty (60) days or fails to repeal the referred ordinance within thirty (30) days. it shall submit the proposed or referred ordinance to the voters of the city. ill Submission to voters. The vote of the city on a proposed or referred ordinance shall be held not less than thirty (30) days and not later than sixty (60) days from the date the petition was determined sufficient. If no regular citv election is to be held within the period described in this subsection. the council shall provide for a special election. except that the council may. in its discretion. provide for a special election at an earlier date within the described period. Copies of the proposed or referred ordinance shall be made available at the polls. ill Withdrawal of oetitions. An initiative or referendum petition may be withdrawn at any time prior to the thirtieth (30th) day preceding the day scheduled for a vote of the city by filing with the city clerk or other official designated by the counciL a request for withdrawal signed by at least four (4) members of the petitioners' committee. Upon the filing of such request the petition shall have no further force or effect and all proceedings thereon shall be terminated. (g) Results of election. ill Initiative. If a maiority of the qualified electors voting on a proposed initiative ordinance vote in its favor. it shall be considered adopted upon certification of the election results and shall be treated in all respects in the same manner as ordinances Stl tick till otlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 15 ..... """" of the same kind adopted by the council. If conflicting ordinances are approved at the same election. the one receiving the greatest number of affirmative votes shall prevail to the extent of such conflict. ill Referendum. If a maiority of the qualified electors voting on a referred ordinance vote against it. it shall be considered repealed upon certification of the election results. PARTH. PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AN AMENDMENT REGARDING A RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT FOR CERTAIN CITY EMPLOYEES TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDGEW A TER AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999. A proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Edgewater amending the residency requirements for certain city employees is hereby approved for submittal to the electors of the City of Edge water, Florida, at the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. The ballot title and ballot question shall read as follows: RESIDENCY REOUIREMENT FOR CERTAIN CITY EMPLOYEES Shall the Charter ofthe City of Edge water include a requirement that states that the city council may not waive the residency requirement for the city manager and that council shall only grant waivers for city attorney, city clerk and department heads under extraordinary circumstances? If the ballot question set forth above is approved, the Charter shall be amended to read as follows: Stltlck tlIIOtl~h passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 16 ,., ...., Section 4.11 - Resident requirements for certain city employees The city manager, city attorney, city clerk, and all department heads shall reside within the corporate limits of the city within six (6) months after the completion of the probationary period unless the requirement is waived by the city council. Except as to the city manager, the -The city council may waive the residency requirement if the waiver is deemed to be in the best interests of procuring the services of the most qualified professional applicant. Council shall only grant waivers under extraordinary circumstance and may impose reasonable conditions, such as, for example: limits on the time ofthe waiver. This section shall not apply to any department head or city officer hired prior to the effective date of this section unless the residency requirement found in Chapter 27532, Laws of Florida, Special Acts of 1951, as amended, was applicable to such department head or officer. PART I. PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AN AMENDMENT REGARDING DISSEMINATION OF PUBLIC INFORMATION TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999. A proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Edgewater including dissemination of information and education of the public regarding City issues is hereby approved for submittal to the electors of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. The ballot title and ballot questions shall read as follows: PUBLIC INFORMATION Shall the Charter of the City of Edgewater include requirements of ethics and fairness regarding dissemination of information and StltlGk tluotlgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 17 '-' ...., education of the public regarding City issues and authorizing the use of City funds for said purpose? If the ballot question set forth above is approved, the Charter shall be amended to read as follows: Section 5.06 - Public Information Dissemination of information and education of the public regarding City issues shall be deemed a public purpose for which City funds may be expended. Principles of fairness and the Code of Ethics shall govern the form and content of such efforts. PART J. PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AN AMENDMENT AUTHORIZING THE CITY COUNCIL TO APPOINT A CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE EVERY FIVE (5) YEARS FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING THE CITY CHARTER AND THAT THE CHARTER BE AMENDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH GENERAL LAW TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999. A proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Edgewater authorizing City Council to appoint a charter review committee every five (5) years to review the city charter and recommend additions, deletions, or changes regarding the charter to the city council for consideration and that any amendments made to the charter will be in accordance with general law is hereby approved for submittal to the electors of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. The ballot title and ballot question shall read as follows: CHARTER REVIEW AND AMENDMENT Shall the Charter of the City of Edgewater include the requirement Stltlck thlongh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 18 ..., ""'" that the City Council appoint a charter review committee every five (5) years for review of the city charter recommending additions, deletions, or changes to the city council for consideration and that any amendments made to the charter will be in accordance with general law? If the ballot questions set forth above is approved, the Charter shall be amended to read as follows: Section 6.07 - Charter review Every five (5) years after the adoption ofthis charter, the city council shall appoint a charter review committee to review the city charter and recommend additions, deletions, or changes to the city council for its consideration. Section 6.08 - Charter amendment This charter may be amended in accordance with general law. PART K. PROVIDING FOR SUBMITTAL OF AN AMENDMENT CORRECTING SCRIVENER'S ERRORS WHICH WILL CLARIFY THE LANGUAGE OF SECTION 3.05 - COMPENSATION; SECTION 3.06 - MAYOR AND SECTION 4.07 - PERSONNEL SYSTEM TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF EDGEW ATER AT THE GENERAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON NOVEMBER 2, 1999. A proposed amendment to the Charter of the City of Edgewater which will correct certain scrivener's errors in an effort to clarify language of Section 3.05 - Compensation; Section 3.06 - Mayor; and Section 4.07 - Personnel System is hereby approved for submittal to the electors of the City of Edge water, Florida, at the general election to be held on November 2, 1999. The ballot title StttlGk tluotl~h passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 19 ....... ""'" and question shall read as follows: CORRECTION OF SCRIVENER'S ERRORS Shall the City of Edgewater correction certain scrivener's errors which will clarify the language of Section 3.05 - Compensation; Section 3.06 - Mayor and Section 4.07 - Personnel System? If the ballot question set forth above is approved, the Charter shall be amended to read as follows: Section 3.05 - Compensation Council members shall receive as compensation the sum of four thousand eight hundred dollars ($4,800.00) annually, payable monthly. The mayor shall receive as compensation the sum of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00), annually, payable monthly. The city council is authorized to adjust the annual salary for the mayor and council members by ordinance, but the no ordinance shall not become effective until the date of commencement of the term of those members of the city council elected at the next regular election, provided that such election follows the adoption of the ordinance by at least six (6) months. Section 3.06 - Mayor The mayor shall be a member of the city council and preside at meetings of the council. The mayor shall be recognized as head of the city government for all ceremonial purposes, by the governor for purposes of military law, for service of process, and execution of contracts, deeds and other documents, but shall have no administrative duties. Any additional POWCl5 and duties of the StltlGk Huotl!;l. passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 20 'wi' ....., mayor shall be such as are conferred upon the mayor by the council. At the first council meeting after each regular city election, the council shall elect one of its members as vice mayor. The vice mayor shall act as mayor during the absence or disability ofthe mayor. Section 4.07 - Personnel system (a) All appointments and promotions of city officers and employees shall be made solely on the basis of merit, fitness, and demonstrated ability. (b) Consistent with all applicable federal and state laws, the city council shall provide for the establishment, regulation, and maintenance of a personnel system indtlding a pcrsonnel ad v isory committcc. PART L. EFFECTIVE DATE OF CHARTER AMENDMENTS The amendments set forth in Parts A through K of this ordinance shall become effective upon approval by a majority of the electors voting in the referendum upon the ballot questions. PARTM. AUTHORIZING CONFORMANCE OF THE AMENDMENTS INTO THE CHARTER UPON APPROVAL Upon approval of any of the amendments set forth in Parts A through K of this ordinance by a majority ofthe electors voting in the referendum upon the ballot questions, the City Attorney is hereby authorized to conform those amendments which are approved into the Charter, and if none are approved, the Charter of the City of Edgewater shall remain as set forth in Ordinance No. 92-0- 5 and Ordinance No. 92-0-6. Stltlck thHmgh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 21 . . ....., ""'" PART N. EFFECTIVE DATE OF ORDINANCE This ordinance shall take effect upon adoption. PART O. ADOPTION After Motion by Councilwoman Lichter and Second by Councilman Roberts, the vote on the first reading of this ordinance held on this 16th day of August, 1999, was as follows: Mayor Randy G. Allman AYE Councilman Jim Gornto AYE Councilman Myron F. Hammond AYE Councilman Gary W. Roberts AYE Councilwoman Judy Lichter AYE After Motion by Councilman Roberts and Second by Councilman Hammond, the vote on the second reading of this ordinance was as follows: Mayor Randy G. Allman AYE Councilman Jim Gornto AYE Councilman Myron F. Hammond AYE Councilman Gary W. Roberts AYE Councilwoman Judy Lichter AYE Stll:lck throngh passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 22 d � J PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 136 day of September, 1999. ATTEST: Stmek-tlttengl passages are deleted. Underlined passages are added. 99-0-20 23 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA APPROVED FOR FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Ail,x2/! Nikki Clayton City Attorney