09-22-1980 Special
SEPTEMBER 22, 1980
Chairman Pilch called the special meeting of the Edgewater Building
Code to order September 22, 1980 in the City Clerk's office, at 1:00
Mr. Hall
Mr. Cole
Mr. Harris
Mr. Pilch
Mr. Troutner
Present (1:25 P.M.)
Chairman Pilch stated the reason for this special meeting is to listen
to the tapes of the July 15, 1980 meeting. The purpose of listening
to these tapes is to see if the letter that went to the City Council
concerning the Building Inspector should be rewritten. At this time
the board listened to the tapes.
After the board listened to the tapes, Chairman Pilch stated that he
feels, after listening to the tapes, that the letter was correct. He
went into detail why he felt it was written the way it was. He stated
that we were not asking the City Council to hire a Builing Official
on the payroll, we were asking them to check into hiring a Building
Official opposed to the contractual Building Official.
Mr. Hall stated that he does not think the board should be making these
Chairman Pilch explained that the supervisors of any of the departments
can make recommendations to the COuncil and this is the reason he feels
that the Building Code should make this recommendation. The City Council
should have these things brought to their attention..
Mr. Cole stated that all we are doing is checking into updating the
Mr. Hall stated that this is not his idea of a Building Code Board. If
we were having a lot of complaints on the Building Official, then yes,
we should take action and have the City COuncil look into it.
Chairman Pilch stated that the purpose for calling this special meeting
was to get the letter corrected. He went on to say that he feels the
way the letter was written reflects what we voted on and agreed upon.
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Building Code
September 22, 1980
Mr. Holahan stated that he feels the City Council misunderstood the
letter that was sent to them. He feels that the board should rewrite
Chairman Pilch stated that he feels the letter reflected what was said
in the tapes and he feels that the letter should stay the way it is.
Mr. Holahan went on to say that he is not a member of the board and he
was not at the orginal meeting, but this letter does not reflect
the discussion that was carried on at the meeting.
Chairman Pilch stated that he also listened to the tapes. He did
not hear anytime anyone mention feasability study. It was to check
into the hiring of a full time Building Inspector.
Chairman Pilch asked the members of the Board what they wanted to do
with this letter.
Mr. Cole stated, to be honest with you, the letter looks to him like
it is asking for what we wanted. That is for the City to check into
hiring a full time Building Official. He went on to say that we do
not have the authority to do anything, all we can do is recommend.
Mr. Harris stated that he would like for the Chairman to read the letter
that went to the City Council.
After the letter was read, Mr. Harris stated that he can see nothing
wrong with the letter, as it is. It is just asking the City Council
to check into this. The letter states what is on the tapes.
Mr. Hall stated that he does not see anything wrong with the letter as it
Mr. Troutner stated that he did not see anything wrong with the letter.
Mr. Holahan asked if this is the same letter that went to the City
Council? He went on to say that he believes that the letter was
modified or it was a changed letter. The letter that went to the
City Council did not say that Mr. Pilch made the motion.
Chairman Pilch stated that Mr. Holahan was wrong; this is the letter that
went to the City Council. He asked the secretary if this letter is
the one that went to the Council? She stated that it was.
Mr. Holahan asked her if it was the same letter. She stated that it was.
Mr. Opal stated that after listening to the tapes, the Chairman made
a motion on thre:e:." different ocassions. He hears that Chairman Pilch
made a motion; this is not what he heard at the last meeting either.
To him it seems that the letter had two paragraphs and now he only sees
one. Mr. Opal feels that it is not Mr. Pilch's duty as Chairman
unless the Chairman relinquishes the chair to make any kind of motion.
Mr. Harris made a motion that we leave the letter as it is. He stated
that he does not see why we should have to take any action on this at
all. He withdrew his motion.
Chairman Pilch stated that the next thing we have is a letter from
Mr. Cline. Mr. Cline's letter states that all the buildings in his
area have been built under the old 12" level. and now he is being
required to build the 18" level.
Chairman Pilch asked Mr. Murphy if this is a continuous problem. Mr.
Murphy stated that this man is in between two existing houses that
are at the old level and there is no way because of the size of the
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Building Code
September 22, 1980
lots would this create a problem. He feels that the board should
give Mr. Cline permission to go with the old level, Which in this
case, with the two existing houses; it should be done this way.
Mr. Harris asked if this should not go to the Board of Adjustments.
Mr. Hall stated that once before we granted Mr. Murphy permission
to handle this problem.
Mr. Murphy stated that this. would be under the Building Code and
they would have to make a decision.
Chairman Pilch stated he did not see anything wrong with this man
being granted permission but would this be causing a problem with
the septic tank.
Mr. Murphy stated that the man will be on City sewer.
Mr. Harris made a motion to approve this request to make the
elevation 12" above the crown of the road with the condition the
house be hooked up to the sewer system. Mr. Hall made the second.
Chairman Pilch stated that he had one other thing he asked Mr. Murphy
if he anticipated this to be a continuous _ problem and does he feel
that it will always be brought to us.
Mr. Murphy stated that he feels that it will always be a continuous
problem but he feels that the City Council should take care of it
after all they are the ones that make the rule.
There was some discussion on the Florida Energy Code.
Mr. Cole made a motion to adjourn Mr. Troutner made the second. CARRIED
Minutes taken and submitted by;
Susan J. Wadsworth
Board of Adjustments
and Appe.ls,
Edgewater, Florid..
Dear Sirs:
This letter is on .ppe.l to you concerning .. floor level on a structure
I'm going to build on Lots 356 .nd 357, Block 12 Unit 1, on Fern Palm in
in Florid. Shores Sub.
The reason is the concern for dr.inage to the existing homes on e.ch
side of me.
fhe home on the South side has a floor level of 6" above the street
..nd the home on North side 8" above the street.
I'm ..sking for permissmon to m~ke my elev.tion 12" instead of 18" ..bove
the crown of the ro,d so .s not to c.use a water drainage problem to my
neighbors with the fill I'd h.ve to put in bec.use of ~he higher elev.tion.
Sincerely., tJ~ /J 0 ,
~l:? . ~~
Owner of above property.
"1 ~ s Y'
. -f"