07-15-1980 o o CITY OF EDGEWATER REGULAR BUILDING CODE BOARD 'JULY 15, 1980 The Regular meeting of the Building Code Board was called to order by Mr. Joseph Troutner at 7:30 P.M. in Edgewater City Hall. ROLL CALL Mr. Troutner Mr. Cole Mr. Hall Mr. Pilch Mr. Harris Present Present Excused Present Present Also present: Charles A. Murphy, Building Official Mr. Frank Opal Mr. David Castagnacci, News Journal Mr. James C~~eron, Councilman APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Harris made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 15, 1980 meeting. Mr. Cole made the second. CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Pilch made a motion to accept the minutes of the June 18, 1980 meeting. Mr. Troutner made the second. CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Harris made a motion to appoint Mr. Pilch as Chairman of the Building Code. Mr. Cole made the second. CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Cole made a motion to appoint Mr. Troutner as Vice Chairm~n-- of the Building Code. Mr. Harris made the second. CARRIED 4-0. At this time Mr. Pilch took over the meeting as Chairman. Mr. Harris suggested that the Board meet once every month. This was discussed and the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 was decided on. Mr. Harris made the motion that the Building Code meet once a month the third Tuesday. Mr. Cole made the second. CARRIED 4..,.0. Chairman Pilch passed around resolution 80-R-165 appointing him to the board. He also passed around the letter to him from the City appointing him to the board. Chairman Pilch read the two memos from the City Clerk, one concerning building permits to be ready within 48 hours and the other on the recommendations to change section 1706.6 of the Code. There were no more commUnications. REPORTS Chairman Pilch stated that he had been doing some research on the Building Department. Attached is Mr. Pilch's fact sheet. Chairman Pilch stated that he felt that it would be a good motion that the City of Edgewater check into the facts and find out if it would be better for the City to have a full time employee hired or stay with the contract official. Mr. Cole stated that he felt a full time inspector would be better but will it cost the City more money? Mr. Harris asked are we just asking to check into this? Chairman Pilch stated yes. Q o PAGE 2. Chairman Pilch made a motion that the Building Code write a letter to the City Council of the City of Edgewater re- questing that the merits of a full time employee be hired as the Building Official to replace what he feels is the obsolete contracting method presently in use. Mr. Cole made the second. CARRIED 4-0. There was some discussion on the Contractors making sure the people they hire as sub-contractor are properly licensed. OLD BUSINESS NONE NEW BUSINESS NONE ADJOURN Mr. Harris made a notion to adjourn. Mr. Cole made the second. CARRIED 4-0. o o ~ '~.., FACTS 1) '" " During the fiscal ye~,of 1977-78, the City of Edgewater paid C. Murphey $25,136.05 for"his services to operate Edge\\Tater's building ,department . During the 1978-79 :tJ'iscal year he was paid 520,265.12. During the first .six mon~hs of this fiscal year he was paid $18,244.00., , . A typical man hour work w~ekof I"1I:. Murphey's services are as follows: 15 hrs. per week - one "inspectorl1 - makes all job site inspections between 11:00 to 12:30 mornings and 3:00 to 4:30 afternoons. 20 hrs. per week - an'other "inspectorl1 - makes rio inspectiopsand is in the office only from 9:00 to 11:00 morning and 1:00 to 3:00 afternoons. 2) 3) 4) 35 man hours per week total 5) C{tyof New Smyrna Beach m~ hour work week: 40 bra. 'per week - one building inspector 40 brs. per week ~ one plumbing inspector 40 hI's. per we'ek - one electrical inspector " 6) 120 man hours per week total The City of New Smyrna Beach paid their inspectors less than $17,500.00 for the first six months of. this year. The average salary of building inspectors in all of Volusia, Lake, Brevard, Seminole, Orange and Osceola County's in cities with between 3'and B thousand population was $13,727.00 per year with electrical or plumbing inspectors eyen, lower at $13,;t60.00 per year. Other examples of sub-contracted construction inspections are: " t~ ) / 8) First Federal Savings & Loan ;.-::~r Five inspections Veteran's Administration Five inspecti?ns (monolytic slab) - Seven inspections (stem wall) : :1~: $ 75.00 $lbo.oo 140.00 ~ .. I;-~)'\ \j) o q at+tdJ\\)m6 CITY OF EDGEWATER REGULAR BUILDING CODE BOARD J=ULY 15, 1980 The Regular meeting of the Building Code was called to order by Mr. Joseph Troutner at 7:30 P.M. in Edgewater City Hall. ROLL CALL Mr. Troutner Mr. Cole Mr. Hall Mr. Pilch Mr. Harris Present Present Excused Present Present Also Present: Charles A Murphy,Building Official Mr. Frank Opal Mr. Dave Castagnacci, News Journal Mr. J. Cameron, Councilman APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Harris made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 15, 1980. Mr. Cole Made the second. CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Pilch made a motion to accept the minutes of the June 18, 1980 meeting. Mr. Troutner made the second. CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Harris made a motion to appoint Mr. Pilch as Chairman of the Board. Mr. Cole made the second. CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Cole made a motion to appoint Mr. Troutner as Vice Chairman of the Board. Mr. Harris made the second. CARRIED 4-0. At this time Mr. Pilch took over the meeting. Mr. Harris suggested that the Board meet every month. This was discussed and the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 was decided on. Mr. Harris made the motion and Mr. Cole made the second. CARRIED 4-0. ~Chairman Pilch passed the Information around for the other members to see. v Chairman Pilch read the two~emo from the City Clerk, one concerning Building Permits and the other on recp-nMendations to change section 1706.6 of the Code. This was all the communications. REPORTS Chairman Pilch stated that he had been doing some research on the building department. Attached is his fact sheet. After much discussion. Mr. Harris made a motion that a letter go to the council asking them to research and find if it would be better for the City to have a full time employee hired or the contract official would be more feasable. Mr. Cole made the second. CARRIED 4-0. o Q PAGE 2 There was some discussion on the Contractors making sure the people they hire are properly licensed. OLD BUSINESS NONE NEW BUSINESS NONE ADJOURN Mr. Harris made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Cole made the second. CARRIED 4-0. o o {tIILI" or ~.." U. rp F'.. ~ ~ ....!.. ....".4 ~l ~ ,'- "- POST OFFICE BOX 10'J EDGEWATER, FLORID';3:'~:: July 16, 1980 MEMO TO: Mayor and City Council ~IDIO FRO~I: Building Code At the regular meeting of the Edgewater Building Code held July 15, 1980 the board elected a Chairman and Vice Chairman. Mr. Harris made a motion to have Mr. Pilch serve as Chairman of the Building Code. Mr. Cole made the second. CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Cole made a motion to have Mr. Troutner serve as Vice Chairman of the Building Code. Mr. Harris made the second. CARRIED 4~0. The Board also decided to have their meeting once a month. These meeting will be on the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Harris made the motion and Mr. Cole seconded. CARRIED 4-0. J! 'V\ 'A ~~~'1 \ o Q mity of 1fbg.ewat.er POST OFFICE BOX 100 EDGEWATER, FLORIDA 32032 [\..,'.~~_ r ~~r'\.<L\ J" B From: To: City Clerk City Council Subject: Review of tape recording of the 15 July 1980 Building Code Board Meeting 1. At the City Council meeting of 28 July 1980 a question was raised concerning whether or not the Chairman of the Building Code Board had made a motion subsequent to his appointiment as the Chairman of that Board. I was instruct- ed by Mayor Christy to research into this matter and report back to the City Council. 2. At the City Council meeting conducted on 4 August 1980 I read from the tentative minutes of the meeting which stated that Mr. Harris made the motion in question and that the motion was seconded by Mr. Cole.On 5 August 1980 I reviewed the tape recording of this meeting with a resident of the Ci~y. This review indicated that the minutes of the meeting were incorrect. The Chairman of the Building Code Board had in fact made the motion in question and the motion was seconded by Mr. Cole. The tapes are still available in City Hall should anyone wish to listen to them. i~;JH~ City Clerk JGHjsjw r vP' \?- I y (.) (!tUt! of 1Ellgrwat.ct9 POST OFFICE BOX 100 EDGEWATER, FLORIDA 32032 June 25, 1980 Mr. Edward A. Pilch 1848 Queen Palm Drive Edgewater, Florida 32032 Dear Mr. Pilch: This is to notify you that on June 23rd, 1980, the City Council adopted Resolution No.80-R-165, which appoints you to the Edgewater Building Code Board. Your term will be for a period of one year or until your successor is appointed by the Council. The Building-Code Board meets on the third, Tuesday of each month of January, April, July and October, at 7:30 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall. If you have any questions concerning your appointment, please feel free to contact me at 427-4101. I am looking forward to working with you. Sincerely, 1.<}. 41## q;'~:H~~r JGH/kc 1 0' ~v' (j u RESOLUTION NO. s> 0 - t? - / G ~ A RESOLUTION APPOINTING EDWARD A. PILCH, JR. TO THE EDGEWATER BUILDING CODE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS, OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA; REPEALING ALL RESOLUTIONS IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, to appoint a member to the Edgewater Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Edward A. Pilch, Jr. is hereby appointed to serve on the Edgewater Building Code Board of Adjustments and Appeals. SECTION 2. That this Resolution shall be retroactive to June 16, 1980. SECTION 3. That the appointee named above shall have all of the powers, rights and duties as provided under the resolutions, ord- inances and laws of the State of Florida. SECTION 4. That all resolutions or parts of resolutions in con- flict herewith be and the same are hereby rescinded. SECTION 5. That this Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption by the City Council --and .approval as provided by law. The first reading of the Resolution was read in full and passed by a vote of the City Council of the City of Edgewater, Florida, at a Regular meeting of said Council held on the ~day of June, 1980, and approved as provided by law0~~~ ~ ~ ~ p1A>/oR- .~~ . QI~ 'I c1Jc -= ~----~-t 0'-) ~t{f-.z,--- "- OllCl man (2 ~~~ 7/ a~~(,~ ~~ ~Cilman . h~;t1~::tM councilm~'~- I , .., '. :.f~ p ~: ~ tl~ 1" ., ",I ~ ~t ll'!-Af!\"~ ,'~~ ~ '~",<{ ']:,.,; _ ~:' t - .~ ,- " ,,~; }~'K..i ! ~~"'~. ~: .~' ~- .- ,,", ~}.j~? ~~)~':1ft""",t~tI-'~. ~:Jj ~~~ f' ". ,-$..: I, ...;'" ':j~.. ,t:l~!f ": '~..-~ 't, t' ...... ."f:~ !'''4j~' ,;;.. "". .. J,1.. r..~ \ .' ... ih-. ~ .~ _, , ,r,." .i . ~t"" ~ ~ of "/> ... This ReSOlution 'prepared' by:: '. I .~ '. i41ei~ . Approved this ~ day June .D. 1 80. " JUDSON I . WOODS-, JR. City Attorney