08-14-1979 '1rY\.~tr"L JI ., ~....~ - .. If' Q ......4...a..~..,_...~~. , ....9.... . ..,.~ '. - ~. CITY OF EDGEWATER BUILDING CODE BOARD Auoust 14, 1979 ~ CALL TO ORDER Mr. Griffith called the Building Code Board to'order at 7:30 P.M. ln the Edgewater City Hall. ROLL CALL Also Present Mr. Griffith Mr. Harris' Mr. Troutner Mr. Cole Present Present Present Present. Mr. Berman Mr. Goodwin (Subcontractor) ~1 r. H 0 1 0 h a n Mr. Opal Mr. Hebster' ~1 r. \.J h art 0 n Mr. Gregory. ~1 r. G e h r i s Hr. Sriffith said the first order of business is the discussion on the complaint from Mr. Gregory regarding Mr. Berman. Mr. Berman's attorney is here tonight and the Board wouid like to hear from him. Mr. Gehris said that Mr. Berman came to' him in April ,'with a problem with an o\'Jner that he bu.ilt';'a house .for, at.approximately, $11 ,000.00. ..' We w ro t e,' ~1 r.~ G re gory.: a:- ] e t te r ~ st a tin g~ t h a t- eve ryt h in g.- wo u ld - be:. fix e d ~ - --: according to the Builaing Code and the Building standards in conjunction with,the City of, Edgewater:and the Florida Building-Code and the Southern B u i 1 Cli Ii g - Cod e" and the r e . \" a s nor e s po n s e. tot he 1 e tt e r ~ \'J e f i 1 e d a 1 i en 0 n April 20th because Mr. Goodwin and Mr. Berman were not allowed, by Mr. Gregory to complete the repairs or go back on the property. Now, it is a matter that's pending in the Circuit Court in Volusia County Florida. Mr. Griffith asked Mr. Goodwin, if at any time that you went out, did you have the Building Official with you? Mr. Goodwin said No, Mr. Berman told me what he had discussed Building Inspector and I went to do what I was told. Mr. Harris felt that the house should be fixed as it should have been in the first place. with t Mr. Troutner said, I still don't think it's our responsibility to have this thing done, the way it's been taken care of. That's up to the contractor and the owner. Mr. Griffith asked Mr. Gregory if he would allow our City Inspector and one of Mr. Berman's designates to come on your property and fix these items that we're concerned about, would you allow them to come on. Mr. Gregory said he would have to ask his attorney. Mr. Griffith said Mr. Berman? Mr. Berman said Mr. Murphy had cleared as to how to go about it and we were refused permission to conduct it in that fashion. Mr. Cole said he felt that they should try to resolve this situation. I~ r:. G r iff i t h s aid t hat h e f e 1 t t hat the sol uti 0 n tot his pro b 1 em. w 0 u 1 d b e that Mr. Berman hire another general contractor who is licensed in the C i t Y . 0 k a y, ~i r. G reg 0 r y, t his i s w hat . we are tal kin gab 0 u t : Footings under all wing walls 5 Pilasters Stucco cracks Stucco around house Aluminum soffit Fasci a Reraulking S.E. Patio door I! l i , J ; /1 \:,; I .' 'of . ,. ,,' .. '"'.. o Ql' Mr. Griffith continued to say that this would seem to take care of all th major constructional 'problems for your house. We should have the Buildin Inspection Dept. check the roof out. Who roofed that house, Mr. Berman? Mr. Berman said T & H Roofing. i Mr. Griffith suggested that Mr. Gregory get with Mr. Murphy, Building Official, he has a list of all the licensed contractors in town, and let him give you a list of about 4 or 5 names and you can discuss it. Mr. Berman said that it would have never gotten to this point had we been permitted to make these repairs many months ago. Mr. Griffith said it shouldn't. take very long to get this fixed. Could you make arrangements to come in tomorrow and talk to Mr. Murphy? Mr. Gregory said he would have to check with his attorney. Mr. Griffith said that Mr. Murphy would glve Mr. Gregory a list of licens contractors, I would say that he should pick at least 3, and let them bid on this. Also, have Mr. Murphy check the footing. ~ir. Harris made a motion to have this done,footings under all wing walls, Pilasters 5, Stucco cracks, stucco around house, aluminum soffit, fascia, recaulking S.E. patio door, flashing around chimney, Mr. Murphy recheck the roof, and check the footing. Mr. Troian seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 4-0. Send a letter to Mr. Murphy, cc. Mr. Berman and Mr. Gregory. Mr. Griffith thanked Mr. Gregory and Mr. Berm6n and called for a 5 minute recess. Mr. Griffith called the regular meeting of the Board to order. And asked for a roll call. ROLL CALL t.1 r. G r iff i t h Mr. Harris Mr. Troutner Mr. Cole Present Present Present Present Mr. Griffith asked for approval of the July 31st minutes. Mr. Harris made a motion to approve the minutes of the last meeting. Mr. Troutner seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 4-0. Mr. Griffith said the next item was the selection of a new Board member' to balance the Board we would like to have a plumber. The only thing that I can see wrong with Frank Hall is that he is not a resident. He ha a business and is a large landholder and has been a member of the EdgewaL Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Troian made a motion to recommend Frank Hall to the Building Code Bo Mr. Cole seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 4-0. Send a letter to the Council to recommend Frank Hall as a new member of the Building Code Board. Mr. Wharton said that the next house to his has built a arbor 101 from the property line at 1531 S. Riverside (Carlson Cove). Mr. Griffith suggested that the Board write a letter to Mr. Murphy and ask that he investigate this "immediately and report back to us~ . Mr. Harris made a motion to investigate the property immediately North of 1531 S. Riverside for a possible violation and send a copy to the Zoning Baord. Mr. Webster said the State recommends without a 4' overhang we have to g to tinted glass windows. I checked around Daytona, Holly Hill to find at if we have to do this or not? r) - ( . l!..... " o Q - 3 - Mr. Griffith said that right now the Board is operating under Appendix J of th~ South~rn Standard Building Code. The next discussion wi~1 be on the S1gn Ordlnance. The Council would like recommendations from the Board before they start hearing on it. Turn to page 12 Section 3-9,' our first recommendation should be the wording should say Adjustments and Appeals. Page 4 on Prohibited signs I call your attention to snipe signs, this mean you couldn1t put any sign on your property on a tree, it would have to be put on a free standing stand. Mr. Cole asked if this was something they drew up for adoption? Mr. Griffith said yes. Mr. Cole asked just the way it is? Mr. Griffith stated that Mr. Woods requeste~ that any co~ments the Board may have be directed to his office and also that the Sign Ordinance be placed on the Agenda as soon as possible, so our earliest transmittal of comme nts 'wi 11 be appreci ated. Mrs. Lovell pointed out that on the Real Estate signs, that most of the signs they use will not meet these standards and thi.s will hurt a lot of realtors and she just wanted the Board to be aware .of this. Mr. Griffith sqjd that the Board could call him with their comments on the Sign Ordinance and he would let Mr. Woods know the Boards comments at one time. Mr. Tobin recommended the 16xlO for the footing 1611vlide and 1011 deep for the footing guidelines, conventional. Mr. Griffith said that he thought that Mr. Murphy's intention was that the Board put it into the code so that this is an option, that they can go either way. I think that this should be put on the agenda for the next meeting so that we can figure out guidelines for masonry, footing height and depth ~nd for wood. Mr. Tobin said that he1s recommended that the Florida Home Builders Association recommendation, be adopted, then he will institute an additiona inspection of insulation prior to the installation of drywall, starting Sept. 1st. This will require strict compliance with the Energy Code requirements, Mr. Murphy would like to know what the Boards thoughts are. Mr. Griffith said he thought there should be an inspection step before we put up the sheetrock. Mr. Tobin said that another suggestion that ~r. Murphy had, visqueen should be placed under alterized slabs so that at a later date this is changed into a room, would be no dampness protection, which a lot of them have been. Mr. Griffith said he felt they should recommend that the garage floor haVE a vapor barrier. Mr. Tobin the conclusion of what Mr. Murphy has written down here, he waul like the Board to read the Section on the Board of Adjustments and Appea15 Section 111-115. They get a permit for building a patio and when we inspect it,.it is enclosed, another thing is the outside receptacle is in the patio, which is wrong. There is a requirement for an outside receptacle, it should not be closed in. Mr. Griffith recommended that a letter be sent to the Council stating thai no Board member went out to Mr. Crouch's property to take pictures. Mr. Troutner made a motion that the Board send a letter to the Council that the Board did not send any member to Mr. Crouch's property. The Council appointed someone to the Board at a later date. Mr. Harris seconded the motion. The motion CARRIED 4-0. A letter \..,i11 be sent to the Council. Mr. Harris made a motion that Ordinance 79-0-23 be brought back before the Council for an answer. Mr. Troian seconded the motion. The motion C.n.Rf1 1E D 4 -0. ,. r~' ,:/ ." '" o (,) - 4 - Mr. H a r r ism a d e a mot ion to ad j 0 urn. Mr. T r 0 i an see 0 n de d the m o.t ion. The motion CARRIED 4-0. Meeting adjourned Minutes submitted by Donna Prevatt " , , ~itl1 of iEOgClUUtcrO POST OFFICE BOX 100 EDGEWATE R. FLORIDA 32032 August 15, 1979 TO: Building Official FROM: Board of Adjustmen~s & Appeals (Building Code Board) The decision of the Building Code Board; in reference to a complaint brought by Mr. Gregory against Berman Inc., are that the following repairs must be made~ . Footings under all wing walls Pilasters Stucco cra cks 'Stucco around house Aluminum soffit Fascia Recaulking S.E. patio door Flashing around chimney The Building Official should check the roof. The subcontractors for the roof were, T & H Roofing. Mr. Berman is in agreement, Mr. Gregory is also ln agreement but, he would like to check it out with his attorney. The Board recorrunends the selection of at least three general contractors who should submit their bids to Mr. Berman of Berman Inc. This should be done within a reasonable period of time, approximately three months. Mr. Harris made the above motion. Mr. Troutner seconded the motion. The motion carried. Sincerely, 'tY1~~/ff/ Milan Griffith Cha~i rman r~G/ d P " 1.I "