09-13-1988 Special Workshop
September 13, 1988 - 7:00 P.M.
The Screening Committee of the City of Edgewater was called to order
by the Chairman, Thomas Sheridan, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference
Room of City Hall.
Members present were: Dominick Fazzone, James Bonneville, William
Hoffart, Thomas L. Sheridan. Wallace Trickey was excused.
Mr. Sheridan announced the Committee would be discussing the By Laws
and any suggestions at this meeting would have to be on the Agenda
for approval at the Committee's next regularly scheduled meeting.
Mr. Sheridan also asked the members to keep their rough draft of the
By Laws in frott,of them and each Article could be discussed as they
go down the line.
ARTICLE I - Officlal Name - Approved as presented.
ARTICLE II - General Rules - After discussion, the Committee agreed
to accept Mr. Fazzone's suggestion that Article II become "Purpose
and Intent", incorporating his statement as read to the Committee,
with Article III becoming "General Rules" , as presented.
ARTICLE III - ARTICLE III shall become ARTICLE,IV - Membership, as
presented, except for the term of "three years each" shall be changed
to "two years each", and adding the sentence "each member to serve at
the pleasure of the City Council~"
ARTICLE V - Officers - Approved as presented, but Mr. Fazzone stated
the secretary and her duties should be added under "Officer",
although she is not an Officer. Mr. Fazzone read his suggestion
and after discussion, the Committee agreed to insert "Secretary"
after "Officers" and list her duties.
ARTICLE VI - Vacancies - Approved as presented. Discussion was had
concerning how many "excused" absences should be allowed and the
secretary was asked to secure any information regarding this question
and incorporate it in these By Laws.
A discussion continued as to vacancies occurring on the different Boards
and the' Committee determined we continue to advertise, review all
applications, including persons who may have applied previously (if
they are still interested) and schedule interviews for those who have
not been interviewed previously.
ARTICLE VII - Meetings - Regular Meetings - Approved as presented, along
with Special Meetings and Continued Meetings, Notice of Meetings, /
Cancellation of Meetings and Conduct of Meetings. As to Quorum,
accepted as presented, Voting, accepted as presented with the addition
of the words "All members present are required to vote.". Public
Hearings accepted as presented.
ARTICLE VIII - Agenda - Accepted as presented.
ARTICLE IX - Amendfllents - Amendments are to be' !.wri tten as suggested
by Mr. Fazzone.
A discussion continued as to procedure of selection and interviews. Mr.
Bonneville suggested discussing reappointments to Boards as they have
served on the boards, and Mr. Fazzone stated personalities are brought
up, also. Mr. Sheridan stated~if someone comes along with better
qualifications, they are selected and this may result in a former
member being shot down. The discussion also included statements that
people may have been on the Boards for years and perhaps not contrib-
uted at all; that some members do not realize we are in a state of
transition in this City and you must be progressive. Mr. Fazzone
stated he had been to a Land Development and Regulatory Agency
meeting and he was very proud of the members who had been selected
by this Committee for recommendation. The Committee agreed there
will be times when not all agree.
Mr. Sheridan then turned back to the reading of the By Laws and
suggested the addition of Supplements, making "Informational
Concepts" Supplement I; "Procedural Meeting Board Member Screening
Committee" Supplement II; "Interview and Selection procedure"
Supplement III; "Screening Committee procedure" Supplement IV.
After discussion of this topic, Mr. Sheridan suggested there be
a booklet prepared for the Screening Committee contain~ng all these
supplements. This suggestion met with approval of the Committee.
There being no further business before the Committee, Mr. Hoffart
moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Bonneville. The meeting
adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Dorothy C. Garrity,
Minutes of the Screening
Committee "Meeting held
September 13, 1988