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August 10, 1988 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Thomas Sheridan, at
7:02 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall.
Mr. Sheridan said the Committee is here this evening to consider five
applicants for positions on three boards and the Committee is to make
a determination of qualifications as to who will be interviewed next
week. Mr. Sheridan said he is pleasantly surprised at the qualifi-
cations of some of the applicants.
Mr. Trickey then spoke out and said he would like to explain or ask
some questions pertaining to new business. He stated he had resigned
from the Police Pension Board to serve on this Committee, which is a
very important Committee. He continued he had nominated Mr. Sheridan
as Chairman and thinks he is qualified to be Chairman, but the members
have to remember they are not above the elected officials. He said one
member made the statement industry moving here means more young people;
more young people means marriage and childreD which means higher school
taxes. Mr. Trickey stated he doesn't believe this is called for by a
Committee member. He then moved that every member of this Committee
should have a_resume on file in City Hall so everyone will know if they
are qualified to serve on this Committee. The motion was seconded by
Mr. Hoffart. Mr. Bonneville said initially, when this Committee was
being formed the Council told the members there were no particular
qualifications or guidelines for this Committee; the Committee was
on its own. He continued he thinks the motion is fine, but Mr. Trickey
must have some motive behind this, and asked what he is trying to tell
the Committee.
Mr. Trickey explained he believes there should be qualified people on
this Committee; that the Committee determines if other people are
qualified to serve on Boards, and how does the Committee know it is
qualified to determine other 'peoples' qualifications. Mr. Sheridan
asked why, after all this time, this is being brought up now and
Mr. Trickey said he realizes now some of our members, when they voted,
thoug0t.->they were above the elected officials. Mr. Bonneville said he
thought the Committee's first concern was the welfare of the City. Mr.
Fazzone stated this is all starting to bother him, as he has been away
for five weeks, this being the sixth;: that he suddenly finds the
Committee seems to be in disarray, that members are taking sides. He
said he believes when the Committee first started they were pretty well
united. He continued, the Committee may not always agree but the
members serve at the will of the Council, have been appointed by Council
to come up with the best possible candidates for the Boardsiand he
believes the Committee tries to do this. He also said not everyone
selected by this Committee has been approved by Council and that wasn't
really expected; the Committee doesn't expect 100% to be accepted.
When that happens, the Committee has to go back to the drawing board.
Mr. Sheridan said the Committee had an applicant on the floor and a
Councilman stepped in and nominated someone else before they had
finished addressing the person the Committee had presented. That is
what he resented. Mr. Fazzone said he wasn't here but he read Mr.
Wargo had been presented to the Council and had been refused; that
again, this Committee brought him back to the Council, isn't that
correct? Mr. Fazzone asked how the Committee expected Council to
accept someone they hadn't approved. Mr. Trickey said the Council
has the right to reject anyone the Committee recommends. Mr. Sheridan
said, to takeeach'step, Mr. Wargo was presented again because he
handed in a new application and every application that comes in has
to be considereq and in his min4 Mr. Wargo was the better qualified.
Mr. Fazzone said he thinks it was an affront to bring that same person
back who has once been refused.
Mr. Sheridan then reminded the Committee they still had a motion on
the floor and asked the secretary to read the motion again, which
she did. The Committee then discussed who does and who does not have a
resume in City Hall and Mr. Sheridan asked by whose authority were
resumes to be turned in by the Committee, and that several of the
Members have done this. Mr. Fazzone said no one asked him for a resume,
it was strictly political and, therefore, he would not support the
motion. He said he believes Mr. Trickey is right, but it was not
asked of him. Mr. Sheridan then called for a vote. The MOTION DID
NOT CARRY, 2-3, Mr. Fazzone, Mr. Bonneville and Mr. Sheridan voting
Mr. Sheridan returned to the business of the Committee for this
evening, selections for the Industrial Board, the Citizen Code
Enforcement Board and the Police Pension Board. After discussion,
of candidates for the Industrial Board, Mr. Fazzone moved the Committee
interview both candidates, Jfu~ES R. BALDWIN and DAVID R. KOCH. Motion
seconded by Mr. Trickey and CARRIED 5-0. As to the Citizen Code
Enforcement Board candidates, Mr. Fazzone moved the Committee inter-
view both candidates, RAY L. DUFFIE and ELLA M. LEDGER-ADLE, seconded
by Mr. Bonneville. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Sheridan said the
Committee should spend some time in visiting all the Boards, as
some of the candidates corne up for reappointment and the Committee
knows nothing about their service on the Board. The Committee then
went on to candidates for the Police Pension Board and Mr. Fazzone
moved the candidate, JOHN J. BORZNER, be interviewed, seconded by
Mr. Bonneville. Motion CARRIED 5-0.
The secretary was asked to contact the candidates and set up inter-
view time. There being no further business before the Committee,
Mr. Hoffart moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Fazzone.
The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Dorothy C. Garrity,
Screening Committee
Minutes of August 10,
1988 Meeting.