July 12, 1988 2:00 p.m.
The Chairman, Thomas Sheridan, called the meeting to order- at 2:00
p.m. in the City Hall Conference Room.
Members present were Wallace Trickey, James Bonneville, William
Hoffart: and Thomas Sheridan. Dominick Fazzone was excused.
The Board discussed the fact that just two persons had applied for the
position as Negotiator for Collective Bargaining Agreements, Mr.
Melbourne Wargo and Mr. James Inman. Mr. Sheridan stated he would
like to have had a resume from Mr. Inman, but they do not. After
discussing the applications Mr. Sheridan asked the Board to please
write down any questions they may have to present at the meeting on
Friday, July 15th, when there will be a selection made.
The secretary asked the Board for permission to place new ads in
the newspaper for openings on three boards, the Citizen Code
Enforcement Board, the Industrial Board and the Police Pension
Board. Permission was granted to place the ads_ in the Daytona
News Journal on July 15th, JUly 16th and July 17th, plus an ad to
appear in the Observer Monday, July 18th, in addition to the above
named dates.
The Board also asked the secretary to secure copies of the duties of
the Police Pension Board, which she agreed to do.
The Board returned to discussion of a negotiator, and Mr. Hoffart
asked why we have to select a negotiator when a negotiator cannot
make a decision, which is usually done by the Council. Mr. Bonneville
stated he believed the City Manager should be a negotiator, as he deals
with the Council, makes out the budget, deals with all the people, and
he believes there is no one who has any better knowledge. Mr.
Sheridan stated it is the intent and purpose of this Committee to
provide the best qualified person we can and that is why we are
sitting here, for recommendation to Council.
There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Bonneville
moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Hoffart. The meeting
adjourned at 2:47 p.m.
Minutes submitted by.
Dorothy C. Garrity,
Minutes of July 12, 1988
Meeting of the Screening