06-07-1988 ~ o o CITY OF EDGEWATER SCREENING COMMITTEE June 7, 1988 7:00 p.m. CITY HALL MINUTES ) ! The meeting of the Screening Committee was called to.order by the Chairman, Thomas Sheridan, at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall. ROLL CALL Members present were: Wallace Trickey, Dominick Fazzone, James Bonneville and Thomas Sheridan. William Hoffart was excused. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Sheridan asked for any comments on the minutes of May 17, 1988, and there being none, Mr. Fazzone moved the minutes be accepted, seconded by Mr. Trickey. Motion CARRIED, 3-2, Mr. Hoffart being excused and Mr. Bonneville voting no, not being at the meeting. Mr. Bonneville spoke of the minutes of the April 13, 1988 meeting, which he had not attended and asked several questions, the first, as to how many of the applicants should be interviewed. Mr. Bonneville said he had voted to interview all applicants but it did not appear in the minutes. Mr. Bonneville then stated the Chairman, at the April 13th meeting, stated he could get more from an interview than a resume, but at the May 17th meeting, at which time Mr. Bonneville was again not present, there were five applicants for the Citizen Code Enforcement Board; three applicants were chosen to be interviewed but a Mr. Keith Denton was not chosen; then Mr. Keith Denton was chosen to be interviewed for the Merit Board, and Mr. Bonneville does not understand this; he believes all applicants should be interviewed. Mr. Sheridan asked Mr. Bonneville to bear with him, as he, himself, had some questions to bring before the Committee; that we have had applicants applying for two or three boards. Mr. Bonneville continued he is surprised our Committee has not been shot down, as going back to our very first meeting we had sixteen applicants and only interviewed ten; that any applicant who does not come up to the By Laws of the Committee he is all for that. Mr. Sheridan stated he would like to refer the Committee to a communication of April 10, 1988, to the Edgewater Screening Committee, "Suggested Screening and Selection Procedure of Eligible Applicants for recommendation to City Countil to Fill Vacancies on Advisory Boards, Committees or Agencies", and went on to read the paragraphs concerning this subject which stressed interviews, selection and final recommendation to Council. Mr. Sheridan also added when this Committee started out we knew we were going to make mistakes; we have made mistakes; we are trying to rectify any mistakes we have made and the selection of applicants was to be rectified as one of the procedures. Mr. Bonneville also said he objected to criticism by the Committee of any Board; he believes this is not the Committee's job; the Committee is to interview applicants fur Boards and criticism is not the obligation of the Committee. Mr. Trickey said this has a bearing on whom we select; the duties of the Boards. Mr. Bonneville still stated he believes the Committee would be up for ridicule. Mr. Sheridan answered the Committee's reason for being here is to select the best qualified people to staff these Boards; if there is a mal- function of any Board somewhere, we should inform the applicants to make sure it is not done again down the road. Quite a discussion continued regarding this subject, with Mr. Bonneville stating again he believes this Committee should only be concerned with people, not the operation of the boards or the committees. Mr. Sheridan said he is concerned about the operation of boards or committees, and\that is why the Committee has a list of questions, plus availability to attend meetings. Mr. Sheridan told Mr. Bonneville we had discussed all these questions at the last meeting and the Committee is not being critical in pointing out things that are wrong; he believes otherwise, that the Committee is performing a service. Mr. Sheridan stated we better get on with our first interview. Q o But Mr. Fazzone stated the Committee will have to address the question of how many should be interviewed and Mr. Sheridan said we will have to get together to work on our By Laws but in the meantime he would like to read the six items of a criteria for Screening Committee procedures which will correct a lot of wrongs which some people think we might have done: (1) Allow one week interval between preliminary screening and interviews. (2) Written notice to applicants stating date, time and location of interviews. (3) Applicants limited to one application for one board, committee or agency only. (4) No recommendation to Council for appointment without proper screening and selection procedure. (5) No applicant to be included on agenda after cutoff date, i.e., two days prior to agenda formulation. (6) Letter of appreciation to all applicants not selected or appointed to Boards, Committees or Agencies. Mr. Sheridan also read a sample letter of appreciation. Mr. Fazzone moved a copy of th~ criteria be made and given to each member, seconded by Mr. Bonneville. Mr. Sheridan said he would like to have the City Attorney present at our meeting to set up our By Laws and Mr. Fazzone repeated he would like to have the criteria typed up and given to each member of the Committee for their review, additions or amendments. Motion CARRIED 4-0. The secretary asked if she could place an ad the second week of July for a vacancy on the Police Pension Board, plus an opening will be occurring in August for the Citizens Code Enforcement Board and an opening on the Industrial Board. Mr. Sheridan said we could go to applicants who have already applied for the Citizens Code Enforcement Board and the Industrial Board, an ad not being necessary, but the Police Pension Board ad could be placed. Mr. Sheridan stated we would now go on with the interviews. RUSSELL GOLD -\ Mr. Gold was introduced to members of the Screening Committee. Mr. Sheridan said the Committee is interviewing for a position on this Board and would like to have people who have the desire and availability to get the job done. Mr. Sheridan commented Mr. Gold's prior work experience is very good for this Board and Mr. Gold said his reason for wanting to serve is that he has served for three years and believes he has done some good, enjoyed it and would like to continue. Mr. Sheridan asked what the status is of the Safety Committee, and Mr. Gold recalled the last he had heard it was dissolved, although the Merit Board is supposed to attend those meetings. Mr. Sheridan said yes, the Merit Board deals primarily with personnel, and the first consideration should be the safety and welfare of the employees. Mr. Gold said all he knowsis, the monthly packets contain accident reports for each month. Mr. Sheridan said he is really concerned, as the Safety Committee is composed of the Merit Board and asked if the Safety Committee was ever dissolved, and Mr. Gold answered he cannot recall ever receiving a notice. ,Mr. Sheridan read articles from the duties of the Merit Board which certainly emphasized safety of the employees, and the Merit Board should be involved with safety as well as the rest of the criteria. Mr. Sheridan also read from the Amended By Laws of the Merit Board, where it states the Merit Board ". . shall review and recommend policies for the safety of municipal employees." Mr. Gold stated he believes the Safety Committee should be continued. Mr. Trickey then asked Mr. Gold if the Merit Board ever had an employee appeal to that Board and Mr. Gold said yes, just one. and Mr. Trickey said he believed Mrs. Plaskett should have gone before the Merit Board but Mr. Gold said she chose to go before Council. Mr. Gold was then asked what position Mrs. Martinez held with the Merit Board and Mr. Gold said she was there for advice. Mr. Fazzone asked Mr. Gold if merit raises shouldn't go before the Merit Board. Mr. Gold answered regular merit raises can be brought before the Board but not cost of living raises. Mr. Fazzone asked how many times they meet and Mr. Gold Screening Commitee Minutes of June 7, 1988 Meeting -2- Q o said once a month, although not always, that they have held just one meeting in the last three months.. He explained some things should not be brought before the Board and as a result a meeting cannot be held. Mr. Gold also explained most grievances are brought to the employee representative, elected every year by the employees, and there being no items for the agenda, a meeting could not be held. Mr. Sheridan then asked Mr. Gold what he would do if he had a pet project he had worked on for months and brought it before the Board and it was shot down what would be his reaction. Mr. Gold said he would just accept that they have the final authority and he would not go to the Mayor or anyone. He also stated he has had no conflict of interest. Mr. Sheridan then thanked Mr. Gold for coming in and said he would be notified. KEITH DENTON Mr. Denton was introduced to the Committee and Mr. Sheridan started the questioning by asking what his reason would be for wanting to serve on the Merit Board. Mr. Denton said he sees a lot of growth here in Edgewater and being in real estate he hears from people why they are leaving the area. He added he believes there is a great future here and believes he can help in making it a planned growth. Mr. Bonneville said he doesn't see a connection between Mr. Denton's background and the Merit Board, but Mr. Sheridan said if we continue with the questions we will perhaps get to the answer. Mr. Denton said he believes getting top quality people on the Boards and in up front positions is necessary to controlled growth. Mr. Trickey reminded the Committee Mr. Denton did have experience with J.C. Penny as a manager and Mr. Sheridan said he had been a legislative interne in New York and has the work experience. When asked if he had a comprehension of the structure and direction of this particular Board, Mr. Denton said he just has the paper given to him by the secretary as to what the Board does. Mr. Sheridan said the Merit Board deals primarily with personnel matters, setting standard scales for rates of pay, etc. and since Mr. Denton worked as a Manager for a store he would have that background. Mr. Sheridan also asked Mr. Denton if he would have the time, since he is working, to do the research, planning and putting together different projects which is required, and Mr. Denton said his schedule is very flexible, is in control of his own time. Mr. Sheridan asked if Mr. Denton believed he could be subjective in discussions and if he could present his views and listen to others, to which Mr. Denton answered yes. Mr. Sheridan then asked the pet project question of being shot down, and Mr. Denton said he would have to rework his presentation if it was a problem he thought needed to be solved. He also said he would work through channels rather than going to the Mayor or stepping on toes. Mr. Sheridan then explained the Sunshine Law and asked if Mr. Denton had ever had any conflict of interests, and Mr. Denton said no. Mr. ~azzone asked Mr. Denton if ~e had an understanling of all the Boards, as he noticed he had applied for more than one, and Mr. Denton stated he had an idea of the Boards and believed if he got even one Board he .would like people to get to know his thinking and judgment factor, and would like to get his foot in the door. He also believed being young and aggressive and wanting to learn would help. He also stated geing tra~sferred around as manager enabled him to learn all phases of merchandising but was never able to get established in one area. There being no further questions, Mr. Sheridan thanked Mr. Denton for coming in and said the Committee would keep in touch. The Committee then turned to voting for applicants to recommend to the Mayor and Council. The secretary read the voting from the last meeting, wherein Harry Jones was recommended, along with Keith Denton and Russell Gold, although the Committee determined Mr. Gold and Mr. Denton would have to be interviewed, not being available that evening. -3- Screening Committee Minutes of June 7, 1988 Meeting o o Mr. William Hoffart submitted an absentee ballot wherein he nominated Mr. Russell Gold, Mr. Harry Jones and Mrs. Cecelia Stevens. Mrs. Stevens had not received enough votes to be recommended to Council so that vote cannot be counted. The results of the Committee voting then proceeded and the results were as follows: Russell Gold, 5 votes: Harry Jones, 4 votes; Keith Denton, 3 votes. This list will be forwarded to Council. Mr. Fazzone then moved the Committee, in the future, interview most applicants and Mr. Bonneville suggested we interview all applicants. A discussion continued on this subject with Mr. Sheridan reminding the Committee we already have a procedure to follow, screening the applicants and selecting the best. Mr. Sheridan added he would like to see the Committee dispensing with a vote from an absent member. Mr. Fazzone, after discussion, moved the Committee no longer honor absentee ballots, seconded by Mr. Bonneville. A discussion continued again as to interviewing all applicants, and Mr. Sheridan stated w~ have~v6ted to follo~2~-- / procedure~/such as the preliminary screening, wherein we select the best qualified of those applicants,/~honare then called the next day for interview. Mr. Sheridan explained how an applicant had affronted him at a Council meeting and asked why he wasn't qualified, and Mr. Sheridan said it is not that the applicant wasn't qualified, it is because there were people who were better qualified, which is the whole essence of this Committee, a judgment call on the Committee's part. A vote was then taken on the motion of Mr. Fazzone that the Committee no longer honor absentee ballots, seconded by Mr. Bonneville and the motion CARRIED 4-0. There being no further business before the Committee, Mr. Bonneville moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Trickey. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. Minutes submitted by Dorothy C. Garrity, Secretary Screening Committee Minutes of June 7, 1988 Meeting -4-