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April 13, 1988 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Thomas L. Sheridan, at
7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall.
Members present were: Wallace Trickey, Dominick Fazzone, James W.
Bonneville and Thomas L. Sheridan. Mr. William C. Hoffart was excused.
Mr. Sheridan asked for approval of the minutes of February 29th, March 1st,
March 2nd, March 3rd, March 14th and March 15,th, 1988. Mr. Trickey moved
the minutes be accepted, seconded by Mr. Fazzone. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mr. Sheridan stated there are no Public Comments. The Correspondence
dealt with a reply from Mr. Dennis Kelly, Interim City Manager,
regarding this Committee's action concerning new applicants for the
Self Insurance Program, Police Pension Board and the General Employee's
Pension Board. Mr. Kelly stated the Self Insurance Committee will shortly
be filled but he will have to research the Police Pension Board and the
General Employee's Pension Board. There followed a short discussion as
to alternates being named to serve on Boards and the Committee concluded
they can now handle all vacancies. Mr. Bonneville suggested workshops
for this Committee to study the duties of all Boards and Mr. Sheridan
suggested we see the Boards in action to better acquaint the Committee
with their duties. There followed a discussion as to absences on the
Boards and how they might relate to being reappointed.
Mr. Fazzone stated he had studied the By Laws::of the Industrial Board
and the resumes of the applicants, and that is what he has before him.
Mr. Sheridan stated we have the screening process, the interviews and
the selection process. He said he can get more from an interview then
all the resumes in the world.
!-1r. Sheridan then turned to the Interview and Selection Procedures, which
he had prepared, and asked for the Committee's opinion. A discussion was
held as to Council asking the Committee..for their best choicesiand then
not accepting what the Committee thought was the very best. Mr. Bonneville
said he didn't think this was right. Mr. Sheridan said he is not going'.
to bow to political pressure; he is going to select the best way he knows
how; he is not going to be .biased, prejudiced or political. A discussion
followed as to the number of choices to be presented to the Council and
the Committee determined they should select five of the best and send
three of those five to Council; if Council does not accept the first
three, the other two originally selected will then be sent to Council.
Mr. Sheridan then returned to the Interview and Selection Procedure and
the Committee agreed to accept it with Mr. Sheridan saying perhaps the
original procedures, etc. could be included in the By Laws. Mr.
Sheridan said the Committee would now take time to read the applications
as the secretary had presented new ones received after packets were
made. A discussion was then held as to applicants for Industrial Board
being a non resident, and the words "preferably" and "may be" in the
By Laws could be interpreted differently. Mr. Bonneville stated he is at
a loss as to what the Industrial Board is seeking, new businesses, etc.
and the secretary read from the Resolution the idea is to assist the
City Council in locating industry in the City, so long as it is clean,
does not pollute and is not hazardous. Mr. Fazzone then read from the
Resolution, Section 3, the Powers, Duties and Responsibilities and
Limitations of the Board.
Mr. Sheridan stated he believes it would be a good idea to have someone
from each Board come before this Committee and acquaint the.members_
with their duties. The Committee then agreed to place Mr. Richards on
the list even though he was not a resident of the City, as the
Industrial Board uses the word "prefer" in their by laws relating to
The Committee returned to the selection procedure and Mr. Sheridan said
the questions on the Procedure would have to b~ changed.-as they were
originally set up for the Land Regulatory Agency. Mr. Sheridan had
the secretary confirm, from notes, that the Committee is to select_
fiveapplicants to be interviewed, with the best three being sent.to
Council, keeping the other two in reserve. Mr. Bonneville stated he
would go along with the others, as he does not feel qualified to vote
for anyone without suggestions. He added that he believes some of the
industries in this area now are cluttered, are not kept up. Mr.
Sheridan then asked the secretary to read the list of all applicants
so the Committee could get on with the voting. The secretary was also
asked to change Mrs. Baker's recommendation of Mr. "Henry" Scherz to
Mr. "John" Scherz, to serve on the Industrial Board. The Committee
proceeded to discuss each applicant and was then asked to submit their
voting lists. Mr. Sheridan had the secretary tabulate their votes, the
results being: Robert W. Richards, 4 votes; John Scherz, 4 votes: Guy
Hanson, 4 votes; Vincent P. Azzarello, Jr., 3 votes; Danny K. Hatfield,
3 votes, the aforesaid being the five applicants receiving the majority
of the membership's votes.
The secretary was asked to call each applicant for interviews to be
held tomorrow evening. The secretary asked if the Committee would
give permission for placement of an ad in the newspapers regarding
vacancies on the Building Trades Regulatory and Appeals Board and
they agreed. There being no further business before the Board, Mr.
Fazzone moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Trickey. The
meeting adjourned at 8:47 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Dorothy C. Garrity,
Screening Committee Minutes
of April 13, 1988 Meeting