03-03-1988 o o o CITY OF EDGEWATER SCREENING COMMITTEE March 3, 1988 2:00 p.m. CONFERENCE ROOM MINUTES The meeting of the Screening Committee was called to o:r:der by the Chairman, Thomas L. Sheridan, in the Conference Room at City Hall at 2:'0~ p.m. ROLL CALL Members present were: Wallace Trickey, Dominick Fazzone, James W. Bonneville and Thomas L. Sheridan. William C. Hoffart was excused. Mr. Sheridan stated the purpose of this Committee meeting is to select seven names of applicants to be sent up to Council for approval. He continued the Committee has screened all the applicants and have selected from the screening ten people, of which seven will be sent to Council. Mr. Sheridan then asked each member to submit their list, but stated he would first ask a~~meffiber move the first three applicants to serve be given three year terms, the second two, two year terms, and the next given one year terms. Mr. Trickey so moved and the motion was seconded by Mr. Fazzone. A discussion followed as to this arrangement allowing excellent choices to serve the longest term, etc. and would enable the removal of anyone not doing their job when their turn would.be up. Mr. Sheridan ~hen stated it has been moved and seconded a memo be sent to Council for their recommendation. Mr. Sheridan then read his list as follows: Mr. Klein, Mr. Garthwaite, Mrs. Glover, Mrs. Blazi, Mr. Bennington, Mrs. Martin and Mr. Vath. Mr. Trickey's list read as follows: Mr. Klein, Mrs. Blazi, Mrs. Bennington, Mr. Garthwaite, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Glover and Mr. Vath. Mr.Bonneville then read as follows: Mrs. Martin, Nancy Blazi, Mrs. Glover, Mr. Ga~thwaite, Mr. Klein and Mr. Vath. Mr. Fazzone's list read as follows: Mr. Mackie, Mr. Bennington, Mr. Garthwaite, Mr. Klein, Mr. Wheeler, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Blazi. Mr. Hoffart's list was as follows: Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Bla?i, Mrs. Glover, Mr. Mackie, Mr. Loeffler, Mr. Klein, Mr. Bennington. The secretary was then asked to rescind the original motion as to three, two and one year terms to be served by the new Land Development and Regulatory Agency. '. .\ The secretary was then asked to present a list to Mrs. Sue Koser, Executive Secretary, as to the Committee's recommendations of applicants to serve on the new Agency. Mr. Sheridan then announced a memo has been sent to Council as to the "Informational Concept" letter, and if Council agrees to go along with it, the Screening Committee will have quality applicants; if they follow the concept, they will more fully understand the workings of a Board and will be more informed before they come before the Screening Committee. Mr. Sheridan also discussed each member of the Committee having in their packet all the By Laws and Resolutions of each Board to better their understanding of the work of each Board. A discussion was also held as to immediate openings of Boards, and the secretary was asked to place an ad in the Journal asking for anyone interested to apply for any openings in the future. Mr. Sheridan asked the secretary if people for the Self Insurance Program would be screened by this Committee, as he believes there are two vacancies on that Committee, plus the Police Pension Board. He also stated information is needed as to the General Employee's Pension Board. The Committee had a short discussion as to when to meet again and it was. decided, since there are no applicants for the vacancies, the Committee must wait until the ad has appeared and applicants apply. There being no further business before the Committee, Mr. Fazzone moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Bonneville. Meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Dorothy C. Garrity, Secretary " Screening Committee Minutes of March 3, 1988 Meeting