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February 29, 1988 2:00 p.m.
The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of
the City of Edgewater by the Chairman, Thomas L. Sheridan.
Members present were: Dominick Fazzone, James W. Bonneville and
Tbomas L. Sheridan. Wallace Trickey was excused and William Hoffart
was absent.
Mr. Sheridan then presented a procedural policy for the Committee
members to follow when interviewing applicants and asked for the
Committee's opinion. Mr. Fazzone stated he believed most of the
information can be found in the applicants' resumes but Mr. Sheridan
said the idea is to supplement the background that is not on the
written form. Mr. Sheridan asked the Committee's thoughts on the
procedure and the Committee discussed the various subjects brought
about by the procedure, including attitude, conflict of interest,
political pressure, etc., which the applicants will be facing. Mr.
Sheridan then turned to the "Informational Concept" dealing with the
main objective of the Advisory Board Screening Committee, which is
to provide qualified applicants for the Mayor and City Council's
consideration. Mr. Fazzone moved the Informational Concept be sent
to the Mayor and City Council members for their consideration, seconded
by Mr. Bonneville. Motion CARRIED 3-0.
Mr. Sheridan informed the Committee there is a list of sixteen people
who have applied, two of them being ineligible leaving a total of
fourteen. The two ineligible applicants are Mr. Charles W. Allshouse,
not a resident, and Lawrence R. Lanchone, moving here April 1st. Mr.
Sheridan stated Mr. Wallace Trickey is out of the City but submitted
a proxy vote. The secretary was asked to read and record the vote
which stated: 1. Nancy Blazi; 2. Gi Gi Bennington; 3. Paul Loeffler;
4. Sadie "Sue" Glover; 5. M. Wheeler; 6. Louise Martin; 7. James Mackie;
8. Ray Vath; 9. Thomas C. Owens, Mr. Trickey selecting just nine.
Mr. James Bonneville then read his list; 1. Louise Martin; 2. M.F.
Wheeler; 3. Ray Vath; 4. Paul Loeffler; 5. Sadie Glover; 6. Nancy Blazi;
7. Robert Garthwaite; 8. Lawrence Lanchoney. Mr. Bonneville said the
Committee may receive more by tomorrow, the deadline, and Mr. Sheridan
said we should have at least ten names so Council does have a little
Mr. Fazzaone stated his list is not in order of preference and believed
some of them may have a conflict of interest although highly qualified.
Mr. Sheridan said the Committee had addressed that subject, and if there
is a continuous conflict of interest resulting in a "No" vote, the
Boards or Committees will be operating with six people, although Mr.
Sheridan said he can understand a conflict of interest once in a great
while. Mr. Fazzone then read the following list: 1. Louise A. Martin;
2. M.F. Wheeler; 4. Qualified but perhaps conflict of interest, Reverend
Ray Vath, which Mr. Fazzone would like to exclude for the time being;
5. Paul Loeffler; 7. James Mackie; 14. Robert Garthwaite; 16. Gi Gi
Bennington (these numbers being assigned as applications were received).
Mr. Sheridan stated we cannot exclude people at this time because of a
conflict of interest; this Committee must be unbiased and unprejudiced.
Until the Committee holds interviews it cannot exclude these people; we
must study their resumes then approve or disapprove.
Mr. Sheridan suggested we have our by laws changed as he is not in favor
of proxy voting. Mr. Bonneville agreed and said we may want to change
more. Mr. Sheridan then asked Mr. Fazzone if he could come up with
three more names to acquire the ten and Mr. Fazzone selected: 17. Billy
Klein (Mr. Bonneville asked to have Mr. Klein added to his list, making
nine); 8. William D. Rossiter and 13. Nancy Blazi. Mr. Fazzone said the
Council is asking for a seven member board, the best we can get, and
Mr. Sheridan said he believes we should select ten, the first seven being
the very best qualified and the other three alternates. Mr. Bonneville
stated if our recommendations are not accepted by Council we may as
well dissolve this committee. The secretary stated the City Attorney,
in our minutes, stated the Council would not have gone to all the
trouble of selecting this committee and then not accept what they have
chosen. Mr. Sheridan asked if there is a motion that the list be
determined at seven and Mr. Fazzone said the selections we come up with
should be our selections as we have put in many hours. Mr. Sheridan
then stated from this screening process today, we will pick ten men or
ten women, whatever it may be, to be interviewed on Tuesday and
Wednesday nights, and on Thursday we will sit down and from the ten
top people interviewed we will select seven to be presented to the
Council, seven and no more. Mr. Fazzone then moved the ten most
qualified people be interviewed by the Committee and the seven best
after interviews will be senttc Council for their consideration. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Bonneville.
Mr. Fazzone was then asked to add one more name to make the ten, and he
announced;Reverend Ray Vath as his selection.
Mr. Sheridan then gave his list: 1. Louise Martin; 2. Ray Vath; 3.
Sadie Glover; 4. William Parker; 5. Nancy Blazi; 6. Robert Garthwaite;
7. Mr. Mackey; 8. Gi Gi Bennington; 9. Mr. Klein; 10. Mr. Denton.
Mr. Bonneville suggested we tally this but may have more tomorrow to
consider and Mr. Sheridan said yes, but we want an idea right now.
The secretary then tallied the votes and read the results as follows:
Louise Martin, 3 out of 4; Mr. Wheeler, 3 out of 4; Nancy Blazi, 4 out
of 4; Gi Gi Bennington, 2 out of 4; Paul Loeffler, 3 out of 4; Sadie
Glover, 3 out of 4; Mr. Mackie, 3 out of 4; Ray Vath, 4 out of 4; Mr.
Garthwaite, 3 out of 4; Tom Owens, l,out of 4; Mr. Klein, 3 out of 4;
Mr. Rossiter, lout of 4; Mr. Parker, lout of 4; Mr. Denton, lout of
4. The final tally showed Nancy Blazi and Ray Vath receiving 4 out of
4; Mr. Loeffler, Mrs. Glover, Mr. Wheeler, Mrs. Martin, Mr. Mackie,~Mr.
Garthwaite,and Mr. Klein/1 out of 4; Mrs. Bennington receiving 2 out of
4, and Mr . Rossiter, Mr. Parker, Mr. Denton 'andMr~" Owens - receiving, 1
ou t 0 f 4.
The Committee then discussed the time to be set for each applicant and
selected Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Blazi, Mr. Wheeler, Mrs. Glover and Mr.
Loeffler to be interviewed Tuesday evening, with Mr. Mackie, Mr.
Garthwaite, Mr. Klein, Mrs. Bennington and Mr. Vath to be interviewed
Wednesday evening, at half hour intervals.
Mr. Rossiter questioned his application just being submitted, although
he had sent a letter two weeks ago. The Committee explained Mr.
Rossiter's letter and resume had been given to the Committee; the
applica tion had to be completed, ~ fol16wing';procedures. Mr. Rossiter
asked about the conflict of interest question and Mr. Sheridan said
the Committee has to take this as it comes, and that the rest of the
Committee, the same as himself, gave Mr. Rossiter's resume their
consideration. Mrs. Blazi questioned one member not being present and
the secretary said each member stated they would be here and Mr.
Trickey had stated the same but was called out of town'but sent in
a proxy vote, which was accepted' by the City Attorney. Attorney Alvarez
stated as long as Mr. Trickey would be voting Tuesday and Wednesday
evening9 the proxy can be accepted. Mr. Sheridan said he believes
the Committee should have everyone present at all times.
The secretary was then asked to keep Mr. Lanchoney and Mr. Allshouse
on hold, as they will be moving into Edgewater. The Commilttee had a
short discussion as to Mr. Hoffart not being present to submit a
list and by the By Laws, a quorum is considered three members and
the Committee could have a two to one vote. The Committee decided
to have the By Laws up dated'at a future meeting to iron out any
There being no further business before the Committee, Mr. Bonneville
moved for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Fazzone. The meeting adjourned
at 3:30 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted
by Dorothy C. Garrity, Secretary
Screening Committee
Minutes of February 29,
1988 Meeting