02-17-1988 (f o o 1JO \ ) CITY OF EDGEWATER SCREENING COMMITTEE FEBRUARY 17, 1988 10:00 P.M. CITY HALL MINUTES The meeting of the Screening Committee of the City of Edgewater was called to order by City Attorney Jose' Alvarez at 10:00 p.m. in the Conference room of City Hall. ROLL CALL Members present were: Wallace Trickey, Dominick Fazzone, James W. Bonneville, William C. Hoffart and Thomas L. Sheridan. Also present was City Attorney Jose' Alvarez and newspaper reporter Colleeen Siegel. Attorney Alvarez stated the first point of business would be the oath of office of the appointed members, and the Acting City Clerk Susan Wadsworth administered the oath, to which each member placed their signature. Attorney Alvarez stated since this is an organizational meeting and the Committee does not have an Agenda, as such, they will make one as they proceed. He continued: for those of the members who did not know him, he is the City Attorney and can be reached anytime at 423-4227. Attorney Alvarez suggested the Committee have a discussion on the general scope of their duties as a Screening Committe and of what those duties will consist. He suggested the Committee deliberate and appoint officers, a Chairman and a Vice Chairman, adding he was sure some members have served on committees and know the procedures and Roberts Rules of Order. Attorney Alvarez explained the background of this committee came as the result of a procedure adopted by the City Council to have a formal official manner to fill vacancies on the Cities' Board and Committees, and with the complexities of local governments, a growth of the state, and the consequent demand of elected officials, the trend had been to rely on citizens such as the Committee, to donate their time to assist and aid in a better government for the community. The procedures were adopted, he explained, by 87-R-41, consisting of four basic steps: Step 1, is the advertisement of the position with a deadline for submission of applications and resumes, and it will be the duty of the secretary when a vacancy occurs or exists to advertise the position. Attorney Alvarez stated the reasoning behind this step is to open the position for the residents of the City, as opposed to, as in the past, simply making a nomination of someone known by members of the Boards to fill a position. Step No.2; the applicants will be contacted to appear before the Screening Cornnittee who will then submit their top choices to City Council. Attorney Alvarez stated · the Council was very careful in making appointments to this Committee; the members of this Committee are individuals of experience and capable of looking at applicants and determining, without interference, which are the best qualified on the basis of merit and demonstrated ability, which should be the Committee's guideline. Mr. Alvarez continued factors such as personalities or political affiliations should never enter, and that is why this committee has been formed, to ensure the Council will have before them a group of applicants referred by this Committe, the most qualified objectively selected. When Mr. Sheridan asked if the applicants should first submit their resumes to the Committee for reviewal before the Committee meets with these people, and Attorney Alvarez answered yes, definitely. The Committee may first wish to meet, look over the resume and, if they wish, may check into credentials and deliberate among themselves and determine the "number to be sent to CounciL o o Mr. Alvarez stated all of the Committee's meetings are under the Sunshine Law, which means every meeting held will have to be advertised and duly noticed; it is open to the public; a transcript of the proceedings shall be filed, which is why we have a secretary and a tape recorder; there will be minutes of every meeting. Step Number 3; Council will nominate from referrals by this Committee. Step No.4; the appointment and oath of office will take place with a formal resolution appointing the individual selected to fill the vacancies on any particular Board or Committee. Attorney Alvarez continued; applicants must first of all be qualified, and he emphasizedto the Committee how important this is. Attorney Alvarez then went over the application form to be used and read from Resolution 88-R-I, "T~at the Screening Committee shal promulgate its rules of order or procedure and shall select its own officers. A majority of the members appointed shall constitute a quorum at meetings." Attorney Alvarez's advice to the Committee: when only three members are present, all three members must have a unanimous decision to adopt. Attorney Alvarez also stated the Committee may have times when they must meet very regularly to catch up, but on the other hand, several months may go by and there will be no need to meet as there may not be vacancies. He suggested the Committee will very likely be a IIseasonalll committee and right now seems to be their season, with all the changes taking place in City Hall. Attorney Alvarez also cautioned the Committee they will be in a position to be lobbied; they.willbe-.pressured, and to avoid this, they must work as a 9rou~ not make individual commitments. Attorney Alvarez continued that right now, the State is subject to a Growth Management Legislation; that in 1986 the State of Florida adopted some new laws which mandate the Cities and Counties to put in place a Comprehensive Plan, by 1989. He explained the Comprehensive Plan is like the Cities' or the Counties' Bible; it is a thick document dealing with elements such as roads, traffic, etc. and how this is going to move around within the next five years; that the Comprehensive Plan will try to avoid a crisis that can develop three years from now; bad traffic, poor police protection; poor housing, causing the entire community to deteriorate. Attorney Alvarez said because of this, the Land Develpment and Regulatory Age.ncy has developed which has a very heavy charge. It is patterned to Volusia County's Land Development and Regulatory Agency~ it is charged with the duties of the Old Board of Adjustments which granted special exceptions and variances; it is also charged with enforcing the zoning laws of the City and is charged with formulating and putting together a Comprehensive Plan for the City of Edgewater, which is due in 1989. He added it will be one of the most important Boards in the City. Attorney Alvarez suggested the Committee receive the roster and duties of all Boards to be used when a vacancy occurs. As to the Land Development and Regulatory Board, there should be seven members. After discussion. a date of March 2nd as a deadline for applications was decided. Attorney Alvarez said the Land Development and Regulatory Board is to meet the second Thursday of each month, the time formerly occupied by the Board of Adjustments, which meeting would be March 10th. He said the Council would be meeting March 7th and the applicants chosen by the Screening Committee should be in by March 2nd, which is the deadline fIDr applications. A discussion then continued as to the selecting of a Chairman and Vice Chairman, the Rules of Procedure for this COmmittee; he also suggested the Committee work immediately on the selection of the new members for the Land Development and Regulatory Board, and study the duties of that Agency. Mr. Sheridan suggested each member of this Committee attend at least one Board meeting each and every year to acquaint themselves with procedures, etc. Attorney Alvarez said a motion could be made to have the secretary forward a copy of minutes of all boards to the Committee. He also stated the Sunshine Law must be obeyed; members must not discuss the minutes between themselves; if they attend meetings together, they must not discuss any Board business among any two of them. Mr. Trickey asked that the dates of meetings of all boards be secured and the secretary informed him a list of all boards and dates of meetings are in their packets. -2- o o Attorney Alvarez went on to explain to the Committee the new .Land Development and Regulatory Agency will be responsible for the Master Plan for the City; that Beverly Kinney in the Planning Department has been working and putting together these elements and can give the committee a good "nuts & bolts" feeling as to what this is all about. The Attorney also discussed granting of variances and special exceptions by the new Board and stated the granting must follow the criteria; that the applicants must meet all criteria, period. Attorney Alvarez concluded by saying "hardship" must be with the land only, in the case of variances. A discussion was held by the Committee as to some type of form to be followed in evaluation of applicants, as recommended by Mr. Sheridan. Attorney Alvarez said the Committee must be able to qualify their background, experience, etc., and their ability to handle the difficulties of their position. Each member of the Committee then introduced themselves and gave a short background, so as to become better acquainted with each other. Attorney Alvarez then suggested the Committee elect a Chairman and a Vice Chairman. Mr. Trickey moved Mr. Sheridan be named Chairman, seconded by Mr. Fazonne. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Trickey then moved Mr. Fazzone be named Vice Chairman, seconded by Mr. Bonneville. Motion CARRIED 5-0. After an in-depth discussion, the Committee agreed upon a set of By Laws to be followed by the Committee. Discussion was also held as to the input being allowed members of the audience and Attorney Alvarez stated the Committee has to decide to what extent the public may inter into discussions of appointments and perhaps there could be a section there for public comments, but restricted to the business at hand.He suggested the Committee have public comments at the beginning of their meetings and then go into the regular meeting. The Committee also approved a speaker under Public Comments will be limited to three minutes, unless extended by the Committee. The Committee also discussed the question of "Quorum" and decided to use the existing paragraph from other By Laws pertaining to Quorum, as it can be amended at any time in the future. After further discussion of the By Laws, Mr. Fazzone moved to accep the By Laws as amended, seconded by Mr. Bonneville. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Sheridan asked when the applications would be available for the Committee to start screening procedures and the secretary informed the Committee there are some in their packets, including IIreappointment" letters, which are to be handled by the Committee, also. Attorney Alvarez stated the Committee would probably not be able to make the Council Agenda, as Council meets March 7th. He also suggested the Committee schedule their meeting for Wednesday, March 2nd, and perhaps get recommendations to Council by Thursday or Friday morning. The reporter asked why they have to be in by March 10th and the Attorney answered there is an open meeting once a month and this new Board would have to be held off for another month. Mr. Alvarez suggested the meeting to be held on the 2nd of March could be for recommendations and review of applicants and then short list them, which may take several meetings.The secretary was asked to prepare a list for the Committee as applicants come in and "reappointments" must also fill out the new applications. Attorney Alvarez stated there is an ad appearing in the newspaper right now asking for applications to the Land Developments and Regulatory Board. The secretary was asked to call everyone who had submitted a letter to come in and secure an application, also. Mr. Fazzone then moved the Application which was in the packets be accepted as the standard form for applicants for any Board. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hoffart and CARRIED 5-0. Mr. Sheridan then suggested the Committee review the applications we have received and meet again to select about ten, holding the rest in in reserve. Mr. Fazzone then asked Attorney Alvarez what would happen if the Committee selects a group of applicants, presents them to the Council, and Council does not approve, as has happened before. Attorney Alvarez said he believes that after all the time that has been spent putting this Committee together and the procedures we are adopting, he doesn't really believe the Council would be very willing to ignor this Committee's recommendations, as it saves them a lot of work and political hassle; it has also been adopted by resolution. The Attorney explained there is a procedure adopted already, requiring four steps. -3- Screening Committee Minutes of February 17, 1988 o o . Attorney Alvarez also stated the formation of this Screening Committee is a piece of legislation, not something that can be change " unless they want to repeal these resolutions. Mr. Fazzone asked when the committee would next meet and Mr. Sheridan said we must review the applications we have and discuss them, and Attorney Alvarez stated the Committee wil have to individually review the applications and by the first of March applications will stop. He suggested the Committee should have a packet of all these applications, have a meeting to just review them and perhaps short list them. He also recommended the committee submit as many as are qualified, whether it be nine, eight, or fourteen. Mr. Sheridan said the Committee will send as many as are qualified, after discussion, screening and interviewing. Mr. Sheridan also suggested we have about ten, the ten best qualified, and hold the rest in reserve. Mr. Sheridan asked the Committee when they would like to have their next meeting, and the secretary reminded there is just a little over two weeks to do this all, and Attorney Alvarez said yes, you must finalize your By Laws, meet on the 24th to short list. After discussion, Mr. Sheridan suggested the 24th of February as a procedural meeting and the Board agreed to meet at 9:30 on that date at City Hall, the conference room. There being no further business before the Committee, Mr. Trickey moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Mr. Fazzone. The meeting adjourned at 12:25. Minutes respectfully submitted by Dorothy C. Garrity, Secretary -4- Screening Committee Minutes of February 17, 1988 Meeting. '