MARCH 13, 1991 7:00 P.M.
The Vice Chairman, Lawrence Lanchoney called the March 13, 1991,
meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board to order at 6:06 P.M.
in the Edgewater City Hall Conference Room.
Members present were:
Cory and Thomas Tipton.
Also present was Jack
Council Person NoraJane
Citizens Advisory Ad
Lawrence Lanchoney, Sharon Mooney, John
Chairman, Harry Montgomery, was excused.
Corder, Director of Parks and Recreation,
Gillespie, Ben Berman from the Senior
Hoc Committee and Mark Miller from the
Mr. Cory moved to approve the minutes of the February 6, 1991
meeting and Mrs. Mooney seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 3-0.
Status of 26 Acres
Mr. Corder stated he had spoken with Interim City Attorney, Nikki
Clayton and she said she is in the process of working on the
easement paperwork and it should be completed in a week to get
back to the School Board on a closing date. Mr. Lanchoney asked
if the money has already been set aside for this purchase and Mr.
Corder stated we have the money for the first payment. He said
the first payment would be $120,000.00 and there would be two
more payments over a total of three years. Mr. Corder noted the
impact fees are coming in slowly now because of the building
industry but added he hoped that would be picking up soon. Mr.
Lanchoney asked if there would be an interest payment to make
over that three year period and Mr. Corder replied no. Mr.
Lanchoney asked the expected amount from impact fees for 1991 and
Mr. Corder said about $90,000.00, which is down from the recent
years of about $110,000.00.
Mr. Lanchoney asked about the River Walk and said he read Jack
Ascherl's article in the paper about grant money and what he'd
like to see in the New Smyrna Beach and Edgewater areas. Mr.
Corder said that article referred to "wild turkey" money and Mr.
Ascherl is trying to get some money for the 26 acres but the
River Walk is not included in that. Mr. Corder stated he already
has half of the money for the River Walk from a Port Authority
grant and is applying for another grant for the other half. Mr.
Lanchoney asked if there would be any land acquisition necessary
for the River Walk and Mr. Corder replied no, that the right of
way will be sufficient for the path.
Mr. Lanchoney's Report from Senior Citizens Advisory Ad Hoc
Mr. Lanchoney stated he met with the two members, Mr. Berman and
Mr. LeTourneau and they reviewed the 5 Year Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Lanchoney's Reoort
Committee - Continued
from Senior
Citizens Advisory Ad Hoc
In this review it was noted that about 33% of the population in
Edgewater is 55 years of agp or older and it is this age group
that the committee is trying to address. Mr. Lanchoney staterl
the two members are going to try and get responses from their
personal contacts and get some intprest among the seniors for any
ideas or plans that may have been left out of the 5 Year Plan.
He noted the plan as is, pretty well covers the senior activities
but there are little things such as a fence around the bocci ball
court and other small items which could be done that would he
inexpensive but worthwhile from the seniors' point of view. He
stated they plan to meet again next month at the same scheduled
time before the Park Board meeting and see what develops. If not
enough information is available monthly, they may decide to meet
quarterly. Mr. Lanchoney concluded that their intent is to get
more citizens involved and he will continue to bring a verbal
report to the Parks and Recreation Board.
Council Person Gillespie noted that May is National Safe Bicycle
Month and the County will be doing more work on the senior
aspect. She said they are planning an adult bicycle rodeo and
also a "Bike to Work" day.
Mr. Corder stated baseball signups and tryouts are finished and
ready for the upcoming season. There has been a children's
baseball clinic and a coaches clinic and once again we have about
forty teams.
Mr. Tipton stated he is a teacher at Spruce Creek and has talked
with several area coaches. He said the New Smyrna coaches are
saying they are two years behind in their programs because they
were the first school to go from a junior high to a middle school
and they claim there is a lack of fundamental activities at the
middle school level. Mrs. Mooney stated she has continually had
a problem getting cooperation from the Middle School and the High
School when it comes to handing out flyers to the kids about her
County recreation programs. Mr. Corder said his department has
also had the same problems at times. The Board discussed this at
greater length and resolved to work on this problem in the
future, perhaps through meetings of some sort with the members of
the school faculty.
Mr. Corder continued his report saying there are 53 children now
signed up for the after school tennis program being taught by
Steve Hardock. He said this year there will be an Easter Egg
Hunt at Whistle Stop Park on March 30th at 10:00 A.M. He also
mentioned the River Awareness Days which will be held the weekend
of March 16th and 17th with several environmental groups
attending. Mr. Corder concluded his report saying a lot of the
month's work was spent on maintenance due to a rash of vandalism
in the parks.
Council Person Gillespie said she wished to express her thanks to
the Parks and Recreation Board for serving and volunteering their
Mr. Lanchoney again welcomed
the newest member.
Mr. Thomas
Tipton to the Board as
There being no further
seconded by Mr. Cory.
business, Mrs. Mooney moved
The meeting ended at 7:48 P.M.
to adjourn,
Minutes submitted by
Barb Kowall
Page 2 Parks & Recreation Board
March 13, 1991