FEBRUARY 6, 1991 7:00 P.M.
The Chairman~ Harry Montgomery called the February 6, 1991,
meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board to order at 7:06 P.M.
in the Edgewater City Hall Conference Room.
Members present were: Harry
Sharon Mooney and John Cory Jr.
Director of Parks and Recreation~
Montgomery, Lawrence Lanchoney~
Also present was Jack Corder,
and Mark Miller from the press.
Mr. Lanchoney moved
1991~ meeting and Mr.
to approve the minutes of the January
Cory seconded. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Senior Citizen Ad Hoc Committee
Mr. Corder stated the City had only received two applications
From senior citizens who wished to be on the Senior Citizen Ad
Hoc Committee and asked the Board if they wanted to re-advertise
or go Nith the two interested people they have. After
discussion~ t1t-. Lanchoney moved to go t<lith the h-lo applicants
they have and he will contact them and do a short interview and
their meetings could be held an hour beFore the Park Board
meetings and he could then bring their input directly to the
other membet-s of the Pat-k Boal-d. Mr. COt-y seconded the lUO t ion
and it CARRIED 4-0.
FundinQ for 6vmnasium/26 Acres
Mr. Corder stated he included a sample of a lease/purchase
finance in the agenda packet to give the Board one ~dea of how
this funding could be accomplished for the gymnasium. He said
that grant monies available for gymnasiums are very rare and most
go for outdoor recreation. The question on a lease/purchase
would be how to pay back the money. He said recreation impact
fees could be used for that, however, that is based on the
building industry as to how much money would be available in,a
couple years. Mr. Corder stated he has already applied for a
F.R.D.A.P. grant and if it were to be given to the City, it would
pay for half of the cost to acquire the land and would free up
the impact fee monies already earmarked for the land acquisition,
which WOUld mean development could start much sooner. Mr.
Lanchoney questioned whether user fees could to toward paying off
the loan once the gymnasium was built and programs were going.
Mr. Corder stated and Mrs. Mooney agreed that user fees basically
only cover the cost of facility operation~ maintenance,
uti]ities~ umpires, referees~ etc. Mrs. Mooney further stated
that you can ne',,'er fully get 100':1. bac!.: out of 'recreation
programs; it would be too expensive for the users~ and these
people are taxpayers and deserve to get something bacl~ from their
tax dollars. Mr. Corder said the first important thing was to
get the closing on the land and then decisions can be made on the
development and which of these ideas may be used for funding.
He said the first thing developed once the land was ours, was to
put up a large maintenance building for all of the department's
equipment and supplies and the Recreation office would be
temporarily put in this building for the time being. He also
mentioned he has checked into the possibility that this property
is in the district of the City which may qualify for a Community
FundinQ for Gymnasium/26 Acres - Continued
Development Blocl~ Grant and he is now awaiting a map from the
County which will show the district lines within Edgewater.
Review of 5 Year Comprehensive Plan
Mr. Corder stated that with the acquisition of the 26 acres, it
will put the City very close to standards in 1995 for park
acreage. Also, with the development of the 26 acres, it will
bring our user-oriented facilities up to standards. Mr. Corder
explained this parcel of land is the major land acquisition and
development over the next five years and the recreation plan has
been accepted and must be adhered to according to the State of
Florida. Mr. Corder drew a brief sketch of what he would like to
see in the gymnasium, which included two large activity rooms,
offices, small I~itchen area, restrooms, gymnasium floor, exercise
and weight area and locker rooms. The Board discussed these
plans at length and agreed this City is in real need of a
facility like this one. Mr. Lanchoney stated he felt the
recreation element of the Comprehensive Plan was a good solid one
and it looks as though we are pretty much on target, and it helps
to review it periodically to see our future plans and what has
been accomplished to date.
Parks & Recreation Monthly Report
Mr. Corder's report included the completion of the fitness trail
at Whistle Stop Park. Also, plans are in the works for an Easter
Egg Hunt. He noted we have one co-sponsor so far and is hoping
to get donations for prizes. The eggs will be plastic ones
filled with small prizes for kids with ages 0 - 10. The Fire
Department Ladies' Auxiliary will be helping with the event which
will be on March 30th. He also informed the Board of the
upcoming River Awareness Days that will be held at Kennedy Park
on March 15th, 16th, and 17th. The Recreation Department, along
with 15 - 20 local environmental groups, will be sponsoring this
week end long event with movies in the Community Center, booths
set up with environmental information, and a mini boat show. The
purpose, he said, is to teach the public the environmental
aspects of the river and what everyone can do to help in his own
way. He ended the report, noting the shuffleboard courts at
Kennedy Park are now being resurfaced and baseball signups are
under way for the upcoming season.
Mr. Cory stated the New Smyrna Beach Recreation Department
sponsors bus trips to spring training baseball games and they are
always sold out. He asked the possibility that we might be able
to get trips of this sort. Mr. Corder replied he would check
into it and let them know what he found out.
There being no further business, Mr. Lanchoney moved to adjourn,
seconded by Mrs. Mooney. The meeting ended at 8:32 P.M.
Minutes submitted by
Barb Kowall
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Parks & Recreation Board
February 6, 1991