JANUARY 2, 1991 7:00 P.M.
The Chairman~ Harry Montgomery called the January 2~ 1991 meeting
to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Edgewater City Hall Conference Room.
Members present were: Harry Montgomery~ Lawrence Lanchoney,
Sharon Mooney, Jeff Ridgdill and John Cory. Also present was
Jack Corder, Director of Parks and Recreation~ and Mark Miller
from the pre::.s.
Previous to
introduced to
the beginning
the Board as a
of the meeting,
ne"J member.
l'Ja s
November 14. 1990
Mr. Lanchoney moved
~eeting, seconded by
to approve
i1'lr. R i dgd ill .
the minutes of the November
Motion CARRIED 4-0.
There were no uOld Business>> items on the agenda for discussion.
Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman
Mr. Montgomery nominated Mr. Ridgdill as Chairman and Mr.
Ridgdill declined. Mr. Lanchoney nominated Mr. Montgomery to
remain as Chairman and Mr. Montgomery was chosen by acclamation.
Mr. Ridgdil1 explained to the Board he declined the nomination
because it Nas his intention to resign as a member after this
meeting. He thanked tne Board for a rewarding three years and
felt a lot has been accomplished during the time he served. Vice
Chairman nominations were opened and Mr. Ridgdill nom2nated Mr.
Lanchoney~ who was chosen as the Vice Chairman by acclamation.
UDcominq Baseball Season
Mr. Montgomery stated the previously formed Edgewater Baseball
Association needs to get going and get something started on a
baseball clinic. He explained the success of last year's clinic
put on by Dick Geiger and area coaches. Mr. Corder said he has
been contacted by Mr. 6eiger~ who knows several players from the
Daytona Beach Explorers that would be interested in doing a
baseball clinic for Edgewater. Mr. Montgomery asked if ~he
season would be starting earlier this year and Mr. Corder agreed
it would. Mr. Corder stated he has already had district
tournament meetings with other cities and they are all going to
the same format and conducting the drafts the same way and
working together as a district. He said sign ups for baseball
Nould probably begin in the middle of this month with the season
starting in April. Mr. Montgomery added that New Smyrna Beach
has raised their fees for baseball and Edgewater will most
likely get more teams because of it. Mr. Corder agreed we may
have as many as 40 teams this year. Mrs. Mooney stated the
County basketball program increased teams way over last year and
Edgewater should expect a big addition of teams. Mr. Montgomery
stated he has been a coach for many years and he is proud of the
Edgewater ball teams and their good conduct at other city
tournaments. Mr. Cory asked about the 15 and 16 year old players
and Mr. Corder said he doesn't have a field for them but is
Upcomina Baseball Season - Continued
planning to contact New Smyrna about getting ~ team together
and using one o~ their fields if the interest is there in this
age group. Hrs. Mooney stated her County programs are out of
gymnasium space and if New Smyrna doesn't let them use the Junior
High they will have to turn away about 8 teams for basketball.
Mr. Cory asked how many years it would be for Edgewater's planned
gymnasium to be built. Mr. Corder stated the gymnasium is our
main priority right now and the City is Jooking for ways to
finance the project so ~t can be built all at once. He said he
has already applied for a F.R.D.A.P. grant which would cover half
of the cost of the land purchase, however, there is no guarantee
that the City will be awarded this grant due to several other
cities competing for funds. Mr. Lanchoney asked that funding
ideas for the gymnasium be put on next month's agenda for
d i ':.cu:.s ion.
Park Update
Hr. Corder stated the retention area at Whistle Stop Park has
been cleaned and cleared and should allow for more much needed
parking by the ballfields. He added the two shuffleboard courts
put in the park are now ready for use. At Kennedy Park, the
shuffleboard courts are soon to be resurfaced and also the docks
in Kennedv Park are soon going to be replaced with recycled
material which is said to last for 50 years. Mr. Lanchoney asked
the status of the river walk project on Riverside Dr~ve. Mr.
Corder stated he received a letter from the Ponce De Leon Port
Authority saying the project had been rev)ewed by the
Environmental Management Department and they see no problems with
the concept of our project. Mr. Corder stated this project will
no doubt take a full two years before completianl due to the need
to survey Riverside Drive. He said this year's Cnristmas Program
was a huge success with the kindergarten children from the
elementary SChools singing and Santa's arrival on the fire truck.
He added this was the first year we had a Santa House set up in
the Shuffleboard Clubhouse building for children to visit with
Santa and this too was a big success. He stated next year
Edgewater may be having a Christmas parade.
]mpact Fee Report
Mr. Corder said the impact fee money for
and though the housing building figures
they did go back up to average in October
parks was in good shape
were down In Septemher
and November.
Mr. Lanchoney asked about the Senior Citizen Ad rioc Committee and
Mr. Corder stated he would be advertising this month for
applications and the Board could review them at the next meeting
and choose the members they felt were appropriate.
There being no further business Mr. Lanchoney
seconded by Mrs. Mooney. The meeting ended at
mO\led to
7 : 50 P. ('1 .
Minutes submitted by
8arb l:::ol'lall
Page 2
Parks & Recreation Board
.JarIUar},' 2., 1991