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.JULY 18, 1991
7:00 P.M.
Chairman George Cowan called to order the regular meeting of the
Citizens Code Enforcement Board at 7:00 P.M., Thursday July 18,
Members present were Chairman George Cowan, Mrs. Borner, Mr.
Lange, Mrs. Cucanich, Mrs. Strong and Mr. Christian. Also
present were Charlane Runge, Code Enforcement/Safety Director,
Beverly A. Kinney, Code Enforcement Officer, Tonya Elliott,
Secretary and Councilperson Norajane Gillespie.
Mrs. Strong made a motion to approve the minutes as amended of
June 20, 1991. Seconded by Mrs. Borner. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Correction of minutes to read: page 3, violation 91-CC-054,
motion CARRIED 4-1.
Case #91-CC-039 - Piggy's of Edgewater (Fat Bob's) - Concrete
blocks and other building material on north and rear sides.
Section 717.00. Ms. Runge reported that on June 24, 1991, upon
reinspection of Fat Bob's the violation had not come in
compliance. Ms. Runge recommended the fine of Two hundred Fifty
Dollars (S250.00) for the violation and Fifty Dollars (S50.00)
per day be recorded with the county. Mrs. Castelli pleaded her
case explaining they were attempting to clean up the violation.
Mrs. Cucanich made a motion to keep the same fine as determined
at the regular meeting of May 16, 1991, and record it with the
County of Volusia. Seconded by Mrs. Strong. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Case # 91-CC-040 Fishers Auction - Ray Fisher - Placing a
driveway without required permit, and placing fill without
required fill permit. Section 15-3 & 9.5.58 Ms. Runge reported
the required permits had been obtained and recommended the case
be in compliance.
Mr. Christian made a motion to accept the case in compliance.
Seconded by Mrs. Cucanich. Motion CARRIED 4-2. Mrs. Borner and
Mrs. Strong voted no.
Citizens Code Enforcement Board
July 18, 1991
page -2-
Case #91-CC-058 - Susan Blauer - Discarded dog house in right-of-
way. Section 717.00. Ms. Runge passed pictures to the board
dated July 18, 1991. Ms. Runge reported that there has been no
change since the citation was issued and recommended a fine of
Twenty Five Dollars (525.00) a day. The board briefly discussed
what other options were available to remove the violation.
Mrs. Cucanich made a motion to fine Susan
Dollars ($25.00) a day until in compliance.
Strong. Motion FAILED 2-4. Mr. Lange, Mr.
Borner and Chairman Cowan voted no.
Blauer Twenty
Seconded by
Mr. Lange made a motion to fine Susan Blauer Fifty Dollars
(S50.00) for the violation and bill her for the charges it will
cost for Public Works to remove the dog house. Seconded by Mr.
Christian. Motion CARRIED 4-2. Mrs. Cucanich and Mrs. Strong
voted no.
Case #91-CC-ObO - Jesse Peeples Grass/weeds in excess of two
(2) feet. Section 10-43. Ms. Runge reported that code
enforcement has not received any response from Mr. Peeples since
the citation was issued. Ms. Runge recommended that a work order
be submitted to the City Clerks office to have the grass cut.
Mrs. Cucanich made a motion to
Clerks office requesting the
dr., and bill the owner for
Strong. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Submit a work order to the City
grass be cut at 2526 needle palm
the charges. Seconded by Mrs.
Case #91-CC-Ob9 - FranJ, Morris - Various discarded items on side
of residence and building material on side yard. Section 717.00
& 714.00. Ms. Runge reported this case as being in compliance
but recommended a fine of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars (5250.00) for
the violation. Mr. Morris made a brief statement to the board in
reference to the recommended fine.
Mrs. Strong made a motion to accept case ~91-CC-069 in compliance
and to fine Mr. Morris Two Hundred Fifty Dollars (5250.00) for
the violation. Seconded by Mrs. Borner. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Code Enforcement Officer, Charlane Runge reported
cases withdrawn and signed in compliance:
the following
Case 191-CC-071
Allan Haag
Citizens Code Enforcement Board
.July 18, 1991
page -3-
Case ~91-CC-073
Case #91-CC-074
Case #91-CC-077
Case #'i'l-CC-095
Gail Cook
John r-h :o(orl
John Etayo/Second Generation Appliances
Sides Cars & Trucks C/O Elwood Sides
Code Enforcement Officer, Beverly Kinney reported the following
cases withdrawn and signed in compliance:
Case #91-CC-085
Case #91-CC-086
Case #'i'l-CC-092
Case #91-CC-093
Gerald Urick C/O East Coast Real Estate
R. A. Coleman
Paul Loeffler
Simon Roper
Mrs. Strong made a motion to accept cases 91-CC-071, 91-CC-073,
91-CC-074, 91-CC-077, 91-CC-095, 9]-CC-085, 91-CC-086, 91-CC-092
and 91-CC-093 as in compliance. Seconded by Mr. Lange. Motion
Code Enforcement Officer Char lane Runge reported that the current
sign ordinance is not being enforced and recommended the
following violations be put on hold:
Case #91-CC-075
Case #91-CC-076
Case #91-CC-080
Case #'i']-CC-081
Case #91-CC-083
John Ni :o(o'n
Perry Barrett
Uni ty' Bui I der':::_
Pawlak Construction
T ~. T Builder's
Mrs. Cucanich made a motion to accept cases 9]-CC-075, 91-CC-076,
91-CC-080, 9]-CC-081 and 91-CC-083 as on hold. Seconded by Mr.
Christian. Motion CARRIED 6-0
Case #91-CC-078 - Richards Truck Repair - Building material on
property. Section 717.00. Ms. Runge passed pictures dated July
17, 1991 to the board. Ms. Runge reported there has been no
change since the citation was issued. Mr. Isomone explained the
industrial scrap aluminum was to be recycled. There was a brief
discussion between the board and Mr. Isomone.
Mrs. Strong made a motion for Mr. Isomone
Repair to enclose the scrap aluminum with a
Mr. Christian. Motion CARRIED 6-0
of Richards Truck
fence. Seconded by
Case #91-CC-079
items inside
passes pictures
repor'ted there
The board had a
- McDonald C/O J
and rear yard,
dated May 28, 1991
has been no change
brief discussion.
& D Cook - Various discarded
open bags of trash. Ms. Runge
to the board. Ms. Runge
since the citation was issued.
Citizens Code Enforcement Board
July IB, 1991
page -4-
Mrs. Strong made a motion to fine McDonald C/G J & D
Hundred Dollars ($100.00) a day until in compliance.
Mrs. Borner. Motion CARRIED 6-0
Cook, One
Seconded by
Case #91-CC-OB4 - Jack Sparks - Roof leaking, electrical panel
has no room for a dryer hook-up, water entering rear dining room
when it rains and swimming pool was partially empty with dark
green water. Section 102.5 & 101.6. Fire Inspector Mike Hayes
passed pictures dated June of 1991 to the board.
Mr. Sparks explained he was aware of the needed repairs and was
in the process of evicting the tenants. The board requested Mr.
Sparks fax a copy of the Complaint of Possession to City Hall.
There was a discussion between the board, Building Inspector Mike
Hayes and ~1r. Spar ks.
Mr. Lange made a motion to fine Mr.
Dol lars ($2'::10.00) for t.he "violation.
Fire Inspector Mike Hayes do what is
elimination of violations and bring up
19, 1991. Seconded by Mr. Christian.
Sparks TIo>m Hundred Fift"y
Mr. Lange also recommended
necessary to expedite the
to standards starting July
i"10t.iorl CARRIED 6-0
Case #91-CC-089
10-66. Ms.
unsuccessful in
be held over to
- John Keller - Inoperable V. W. Bus. Section
Kinney reported Code Enforcement has been
delivering the subpoena and recommended the case
the meeting of August 15, 1991.
Mrs. Cucanich made a motion to hold the case until the meeting of
August 15, 1991. Seconded by Mr. Christian. Motion CARRIED 6-0
Case #91-CC-094 - George l:::ing - Black Thunderbird l'~ith no tag.
Section 10-66. Ms. Kinney reported no changes have been made
since the citation had been issued. Ms. Kinney recommended a
Twenty Five Dollar ($25.00) a day fine until in compliance.
Mrs. Strong
day unt i 1 in
made a motion
comp 1 i arKe.
to fine Mr. King Twenty Five Dollars a
Seconded by Mrs. Borner. r-10tion
Case #91-CC-087 - Ronnie Hobbs - l>Jeeds irl e}(ce"ss of tl.'m (2) feet.
Plywood and other items against side of house. Section 10-43 &
717.00. Chairman Cowan made mention that this case was not on
the agenda. There was a brief discussion among the board to
either hear the case or postpone until the meeting of August 15,
1 9Cj'l .
Mr. Christian made
meeting of July
mot i orl
1 S'91 .
to heiOH" case #91-CC-087
Seconded by Mrs. Borner.
a t the
(>10 t i 0'11
. \ .
Citizens Code Enforcement Board
july 18, 1991
page -5-
Ms. Kinney explained that when Code Enforcement attempted to
deliver the subpoena, Mr. Hobbs said he no longer owned the
property in violation. Ms. Kinney recommended case #91-CC-087 be
held over until the meeting of August 15, 1991.
Mrs. Cucanich
made a motion to hold case #91-CC-087 for further
Seconded by Mrs. Strong. Motion CARRIED 6-0
Code Enforcement Officer Beverly I(inney passed pictures to the
board of the property located at 1225 Victory Palm Dr. Ms.
Kinney explained the grass/weeds exceeded two (2) feet and the
fence around the pool in the back yard had slats missing and
needed to be repaired. Ms. Kinney reported she has been
unsuccessful in delivering a citation to the owner and requested
a work order be sent to the City Clerks Office to have the grass
cut and the fence repaired.
Mrs. Borner made a motion to send a work order to the City Clerks
Office requesting the grass be cut and the fence be repaired at
1225 Victory Palm Dr., and to bill the owner for the charges.
Seconded By Mr. Christian. Motion CARRIED 6-0
Ms. Kinney requested a work order be sent to the City Clerks
Office requesting the grass be cut at 1811 Juniper Dr. Ms.
Kinney explained that Code Enforcement has been unsuccessful in
delivering a citation and there have been several complaints that
the grass needed to be cut.
Mr. Christian made a motion to send a work order
Clerks Officer requesting the grass be cut at 1811
and to bill the owner for the charges. Seconded by
Motion CARRIED 6-0
to the City
Juniper Dr.,
Mrs. Strong.
None at this time.
There being no further business to come before the board at, a
motion was made and accepted to adjourn. The meeting adjourned
at 8:54 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Tonya L. Elliott, Secretary
Citizens Code Enforcement Board