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THURSDAY, 3UNE 21, 1990
7:00 P.M.
Chairwoman, Maureen Borner called to order the regular meeting of
the Citizens Code Enforcement Board at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June
21, 1 990 .
Members present were Mr.
Mrs. Strong, Mr. Kozlowski
Lange was excused. Also
Enforcement/Safety Director
Christian, Mr. Cowan, Mrs. Cucanich,
and Mrs. Borner, Chairwoman. Mr.
present were Pat Di Leva, Code
and Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary.
Mrs. Strong made a motion to accept the minutes of May 17, 1990
as presented. Seconded by Mr. Cowan. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Mr. Di Leva reported Case numbers 90-CC-047, 90-CC-070, 90-CC-
071, 90-CC-072, 90-CC-077, 99-CC-078, 90-CC-079, 90-CC-080, and
90-CC-083 are all in compliance.
David Jones, Mr. Haney, Perry Barrett and Pat Di Leva were sworn
in regarding the following the cases.
Citation at 2220 Victory Palm Drive, David Jones - Violation
305.00, driveway in side set-back:
Mr. Di Leva read a letter from David Jones given to Code
Enforcement, requesting a waver to the thirty (30) day period to
come into compliance and requested to be put on the next Citizens
Code Enforcement Board agenda. Mr. Di Leva passed pictures to
the Board showing the driveway (David Jones refers to said
driveway as a walkway) that has a boat, trailer and a utility
trailer parked on it. In Mr. Di Leva's opinion this makes it a
driveway. Mr. Di Leva's inspection showed the driveway to be
seven feet (7') in width and approximately three feet three
inches (3'3") to three feet five inches (3'5") from the side
property line. The code states a driveway must be five feet (5')
from the side and rear property lines.
David Jones described the "l"lalkway" and showed a video of his
property and similar properties to the board. The board members
commented that the pictures of other alleged violations are not
reI event to this case.
After the board asked several questions of David Jones they were
still not clear and requested a copy of a survey of his property.
Mrs. Strong made a motion to TABLE the case until the July 19,
1990 meeting so additional information may be obtained and have
Dennis Fischer, Building Inspector present at the meeting.
Seconded by Mr. Cowan. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Case # 90-CC-082 - Perry
permit, erected satellite
property that do not meet
thru 7-376 and 3-1.
Barrett (Gas Stop) Signs with no
station without permit, signs placed on
sign regulations Sec(s). 3-5, 7-371
3une 21, 1990
PAGE -2-
Mr. Di Leva read the list of violations and the letter of June 7,
1990, from Mr. Barrett to the board. Mr. Di Leva stated City
Council, gave approval only for an occupational license for the
Gas Stop. However, there are still signs on the property that
permits were not issued for.
Perry Barrett, spea.(ing in his own behalf, stated that he has a
permit for all his signs. Mr. Barrett submitted a newspaper
article from the Daily Journal, dated Wednesday, May 9, 1990,
which states the City Council approved an occupational license
application for the Gas Stop in a 4-0 vote. Mr. Barrett said the
Council accepted the Gas Stop as is.
Mr. Barrett, used toy trucks to illustrate for the board the
truck he had parked on his property and other similar trucks
within the City. He stated that nothing is be1ng done about the
other trucks. He also passed a picture to the board of his
inoperable vehicle.
Mr. Barrett also accused the City of losing his applications for
sign permits and said the City is harassing him.
After considerable discussion with Mr. Barrett the Board felt
they needed more information on the case and Mrs. Strong made a
motion to TABLE the case until copies of all permits and any
additional information could be obtained until the July 19, 1990
meeting. Seconded by Mr. Kozlowski. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Case # 90-CC-066 - Consumer Discount - Weeds in excess of two (2)
feet, fence in need of repair. Section 10-43 and 200.00. Mr. Di
Leva reported, according to Mr. Fawley of First Federal Bank,
Consumer Discount is in foreclosure. Upon receiving the proper
signatures, Mr. Fawley stated to Mr. Di Leva that the grass will
then be cut.
Case # 90-CC-075 - Don Grames - Ford pick-up truck with expired
tag. Section 10-66. Mr. Di Leva reported that the Police
Department was unable to serve the subpoena.
June Organizational Meeting - Mrs. Cucanich made a
elect Mrs. Borner for Chairman, seconded by
Motion CARRIED 6-0.
motion to re-
Mr. Kozlowski.
Mr. Kozlowski made a motion to re-elect Mrs. Strong as Vice
Chairman, seconded by Mrs. Cucanich. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Mr. Di Leva stated to the Board that Maureen Sikora, City
Attorney of Port Orange did an excellent presentation to the Code
Board at the Special Meeting of June 20, 1990.
Mrs. Strong also wished to express to the Board that she felt all
board members should dress in a professional manner (not to wear
shorts and play cloths) when attending board meetings.
There being no further business to come before the Board a motion
was made and accepted to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:15
Minutes respectfully submitted by:
Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary
Citizens Code Enforcement Board