01-18-1990 u Q D~ v 0. \ CITY OF EDGEWATER CITIZENS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1990 7:00 P.M. COMMUNITY CENTER 6-~;r\ oV-ee: <---- CALL TO-PRP-ER..;. Chairwoman, Maureen the Citizens Code January 18, 1990. Barner, called to order a regular meeting of Enforcement Board at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, RQU."._CAI...l-J_ Members present were Mrs. Barner, Chairwoman, Mr. Christian, Mr. Lange, Mr. Norris, Mrs. Cucanich, Mr. Kozlowski, and Mrs. Strang. Also present were Mark Karet, Director of Planning and Zoning, Pat Di Leva, Code Enforcement/Safety Director and Sandra Meager- Pengov, Secretary. aeP-ROY.~ OF M INUTESJ_ Mrs. Str'ong presented. moved to accept the minutes of December 21, 1989 Seconded by Mrs. Cucanich. Motion CARRIED 7-0. as ~ I NI SHED---PUji I NES~;.. Case ~ 89-CC-132 - Sue Skaggs - Brush (lags) in right-of-way. Mr. Di Leva reported this case is now completely in compliance. Case ~ 89-C.C-l1B - Mid Florida Recycling - Operating without an occupational license. Mr. Di Leva passed pictures to the Board taken January 18, 1990 showing that all commercial vehicles had been removed from the property and no business is in operation. Mrs. Strang made a motion to accept the pictures of Mid Florida Recycling as proof that they are not operating a business. Seconded by Mr. Christian. Motion CARRIED 7-0. SUBPOENA · 5 I S!?Ul;.I1.-=-NOW I N COMPL_I..ANC~ :_ Mr. Di Leva read the fallowing cases that have come into camp Ii ance: Case ~89-CC-127 Case ~89-CC-146 Case ~89-CC-148 Case tt89-CC-144 Case #89-'CC-147 Case 1t:89-CC--150 ~EW BUS_I NESS: Mr. Di Leva read the following two cases that were issued subpoena's, but have come into compliance within the past week: Case ~ 89-CC-139 - Robert Spiering - Sec. 18-4 Case # 89-CC-142 - Charles Clark Sec. 717.00 Case # tan in in and trying 89-CC-149 - Doris Bollinger - Commercial truck aver one residential area. Sec. 712.00. Mrs. Bollinger was sworn stated that the truck belonged to her san and they were to locate a place in which to park the vehicle. Mr. Lange made a motion that Mrs. Ballinger is to find a place to park the truck by January 31, 1990 or a fine of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) per day will be imposed starting February 1, 1990. Motion CARRIED 7-0. .. Page -2- CITIZENS CODE ENFORCEMENT REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 18, 1990 o o BOARD PISCUSSION ITEMS: Repeat violation Case #89--CC-85 - Louis Panico - Commel-cial vehicle in residential district. Mr. Marriott of Meadow Code Enforcement on still parking his subdivision. Lakes subdivision issued a complaint with January 12, 1990, stating Louis Panico is commercial vehicle in the Meadow Lake A letter was sent from Mr. Di Leva requesting Mr. Marriott and Mr. Panico to appear before the Citizens Code Enforcement Board, January 18,1990. Mr. Di Leva stated to the Board, he has not seen the commercial vehicle parked during his daytime working hours in the Meadow Lake subdivision since December 21, 1989, the date Mr. Panico was given to have the vehicle removed from the area. Mr. Marriott and several other residences of Meadow Lake were sworn in, and stated two or three different times that they had observed the vehicle. Attorney Simpson, representing Mr. Louis Panico, after being sworn in stated Mr. Panico had parked the vehicle at his residence on January 5, 1990 after receiving an injury to his hand/arm, left the vehicle at his residence so his wife could drive him to the hospital (a hospital receipt for the injuries was presented to the Board.) Mrs. Strong made a motion to have the residents of Meadow Lake call the Police Department if the vehicle is at Meadow Lake after 5:00 p.m. They are to report to the Police Department that a violation of City Ordinance, Section 712.00 is being repeated by Louis Panico. If there is a violation, a fine of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) per day will be imposed as of the documented date and time (documented at the Police Department.) Mr. Lange seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 7-0. CQDE ~NFOR..CEMENT OFF IoCERS COMMENTS: Mr. Di Leva had nothing to report at this time. AQJ'OURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the Board a motion was made and accepted to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary Citizens Code Enforcement Board /smp