07-20-1989 o o CITY OF EDGEWATER CITIZENS CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, JULY 20, 1989 COMMUNITY CENTER 7:00 P.M. Chairwoman, Maureen Borner, called to order a regular meeting of the Citizens Code Enforcement Board at 7:CDp.m.., Thursday, July 20, 1989, in the Community Center. Members present were Mrs. Cucanich, Mr. Kozlowski, Mrs. Adle, Mrs. Strong and Mrs. Borner, Chairwoman. Also present were Pat Di Leva, Code Enforcement Officer/Safety Director and Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of June 29, 1989 were presented for approval. Mrs. Adle made a motion to accept the minutes after inserting the words - per day, added to case numbers 89-CC-64 and 89-CC-66 after the $250.00 imposed fine. It will now read a $250.00 per day fine will be imposed. Mrs. Strong seconded. Motion CARRIED 5-0. UNFINISHED BUSINESS/NEW BUSINESS: Case 89-CC-64 and 89-CC-67 - Mr. Di Leva, Code Enforcement Officer reported these cases have now been brought into compliance. Case 89-CC-66 - Mr. Di Leva reported on case 89-CC-66, Mr. Carl Baugh, on behalf of the City. Mrs. Adle swore in both Mr. Di Leva and Mr. Baugh. Mr. Di Leva, representing the City, brought the Board up-to-date on the case, and passed pictures of the property to the members. As of July 14, 1989, the property was still in violation. At the June 29, 1989 Board Meeting, a fine was imposed of $250.00 per day until the property is brought into compliance. Mr. Di Leva spoke with the owner, Mr. Brousseau, on the property after July 14, 1989 and informed him what was taking place with Mr. Baugh, the tenant of the property. Mr. Brousseau statoohe has sold the house to Mr. Baugh, but on record Mr. Brousseau's name still appears. There is question as to who legally owns the house. Mr. Di Leva stated, Mr. Baugh had called him at his office and said he had forgotten about the subponea to appear before the Board on June 29, 1989, and apologized. Mr. Di Leva explained that Mr. Baugh has been very sick and is on a dialyses machine. Mr. Baugh did say in the phone conversation with Mr. Di Leva, that he is able to get the debris around the house and the untagged vehicle removed and would start immediately. Mr. Di Leva went past the house and the vehicle has been removed. Also, Mr. Baugh has called Public Works and has made arrangements to have the debris removed now that he has put it in the front yard. Public Works called Mr. Di Leva verifying they would pick-up the debris on a special pick-up per Mr. Baugh's request. Mr. Baugh explained to the Board that he does not have the money for the $250.00 fine imposed, because of his ill health and inability to work. Mr. Di Leva stated his findings definitely show Mr. Baugh's intent to clear the property of the violation. Mrs. Strong moved to give Mr. Baugh until July 27, 1989, to completely clean everything up. If brought into compliance by July 27, 1989, the imposed fine will be dropped. If not in compliance by July 27, 1989, the $250.00 per day fine will be enforced. Seconded by Mrs. Adle. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Permission to Cut Grass - Mr. Di Leva asked permission to cut Mrs. Sarah Walfenzao's grass (unable to subpoena as she lives in Belgium) on the corner of Live Oak & Palmetto Streets. This could be done in conjunction with Mr. Mazin Saleh lots on the N. E. corner of Live Oak and Yelkca Terrace. Mr. Di Leva took Mr. Overstreet of Public Works, to the properties and he said it was efficient to cut the lots together. Mrs. Adle moved to have the grass cut and send the bill to the owners. Seconded by Mrs. Cucanich. Motion CARRIED 5-0. o o Citizens Code Enforcement Board Minutes Minutes of July 20, 1989 Mr. Di Leva asked the Boards permission to contact Mr. Alvarez, City Attorney, to inquire as to the next step to take concerning Mr. Jimmy Owens who is running a junk yard. Mr. Di Leva passed pictures to the Board taken on July 20, 1989. Mr. Di Leva further stated a certified letter had been sent to Mr. Owens on June 30, 1989, that was unsuccessfully delivered. The lett~rwas re- turned to us. Because the letter was returned, a subpoena can not be issued as Mr. Owens has not been officially notified of the offense. As the junk yard is a violation, Mr. Di Leva is in question as to how to handle the matter. The Board suggested, as there seems to be no way to get in touch with Mr. Owens, to contact Mr. Alvarez. The Board said they stand behind Mr. Di Leva's decisions. There was further discussion on past violations and Mr. Kozlowski commended Mr. Di Leva on his fine work as Code Enforcement Officer. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, Mrs. Cucanich moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mrs. Adle. Motion CARRIED 5-0. RE-OPENING OF MEETING: Chairwoman Borner re-opened the meeting. After roll call,nominations for a Vice-Chairman were opened, as Mr. Bennington, past Vice-Chairman, had resigned. Mrs. Adle nominated Mrs. Joan Strong. Seconded by Mr. Kozlowski. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Mrs. Strong moved to adjourn. Seconded by Mrs. Adle. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. Minutes respectfully submitted by: Sondra Meager-Pengov, Secretary Citizens Code Enforcement Board /smp