May 28, 1987 7:00 p.m.
City Hall
The secretary announced the Board did not know how to handle this
meeting as we are without a Vice Chairman, and the Chairman co~ld
not be present this evening. The Board then voted to elect a Vice
Chairman and the secretary called for nominations. Mrs. Moses
nominated Jon Davis, seconded by Mrs. Cucanich. Motion CARRIED
4-0. Mr. Davis accepted but asked that someone else take the
meeting tonight and Mrs. Kane said she would do so. The meeting
was then called to order at 7:10 p.m. in City Hall.
Members present were Lois Kane, Delores Cucanich, Roberta Moses and
Jon Davis. Excused were Mary Ciccarello, Chairman; Phil Williams and
Paul Biggerstaff.
Also present were Dennis Fischer, Building Official/Code Enforcement
Officer; David Jones, Assistant Code Enforcement Officer/Fire
Inspector; Pat Di Leva, Assistant Code Enforcement Officer/Safety
Mrs. Kane then asked for approval of the April 30th Minutes. Mrs.
Cucanich moved the minutes be accepted, seconded by Mrs. Moses.
Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mrs. Kane then announced that under Old Business the Board would now
hear case No. 86-CC-47, Frank Morris - Accumulation of Trash, and
asked if anyone was here to speak for Mr Morris or was Mr. Morris
here. Mr. Morris did not appear, and Mrs. Kane asked Mr. Pat Di Leva
to bring the Board up to date. Mrs. Kane then asked anyone wishing
to speak this evening to stand up and be sworn in, which was done by
Mr. Di Leva.
The Board then returned to the case of Frank Morris, and Mr. Fischer
was called upon by Mr. Di Leva to explain the up date to the Board.
Mr. Fischer passed around various photographs he had taken of this
property on Evergreen before and after, saying this property has now
become an additional complaint as to trash, junk cars not operable,
and a general nuisance. Mr. Fischer stated this is a continuing
situation which has to be addressed by the Board. Mrs. Kane then
asked if this case was originally a building and now becomes trash,
and Mr. Fischer said yes, it is now not a building code requirement;
it is now basically rubbish, a nuisance ordinance. Mr. Di Leva
explained Mrs. Morris had removed several things she had in the way
of trash, but this all belongs to Mr. Morris. Mr. Fischer asked
the Board to be aware of the fact that a trailer and car are titled
to Frank Morris. Mrs. Kane asked if a fine would be imposed and not
paid, what name is the house in just now, and Mr. Fischer stated it
is now in litigation and ownership is at this time undetermined. A.Mr.
Clark then asked if he could speak and proceeded to show pictures of
before and after that he had taken, which shows the property is still
not in compliance. Quite a discussion followed as to any lien going
against the property having to come out of proceeds of Mr. Morris if
there is a settlement. Mr. Di Leva explained that due to court pro-
ceedings, Mrs. Morris cannot touch these things but Mr. Morris can,
and the Board must then decide what to do. After discussion,
Mrs. Moses moved the Board fine Mr. Morris $25.00 per day, seconded
by Mrs. Cucanich. After discussion by the Board, Mrs. Moses
amended the motion that the fine commence May 29, 1987, and continue
until Mr. Morris has notified the Code Enforcement Officer that the
property is in compliance. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mrs. Kane then announced under New Business, the Boardhas.Case..
No. 87-CC-19, Larry's Complete Auto Air - No Emergency Pump Shut-Off.
Mrs. Kane called upon Mr. David Jones, Assistant Code Enforcement
Officer/Fire Inspector, who started to inform the Board of the
actions taken, but Mr. Kopec, landlord of Larry's Auto Air,
spoke up and said he had not been informed of this meeting; he
had a terrible headache; he had to leave. Mr. Jones asked him to
remain since he had already appeared, but Mr. Kopec }eft 6f~is 'own
accord. Mr. Jones then explained to the Board the work he had done
at all gas stations; that all stations put in their emergency pump
shut-offs, outside, where everyone could see, except this one,
Larry's Air. Mr. Larry Robinson, lessee of the property, stated
he is not changing anything, that in the lease, the lessor is to take
care of everything; that he, Mr. Robinson, is not responsible for
maintaining the building or taking care of it. Mr. Jones then read
from Section 907.4.6.2, describing all sections of the Code to the
Board, including the section that states "A clearly labeled manually
operated pump master switch shall be provided in an approved location
. ", and~~r.Jones added the controls have to be acceptable to the
fire officials. Mr. Jones also said he had tried to reach Mr. Kopec
by phone and could not reach him, and that Mr. Jones had talked
periodically with Mr. Robinson. Mr. Jones then went on to explain
the purpose of the pump shut-off; in case of a car fire someone can
shuf off all the pumps at the same time. Mrs. Kane asked Mr.
Robinson why he doesn't have the pump shut-off installed when Mr.
Jones stated it would only cost around $50.00, and Mr. Robinson
said the main reason is that commencing Monday, he will not be in
there anymore as lessee; that he is just going to work there. After
much discussion by Mr. Di Leva as to Mr. Jones being a certified fire
inspector and Mr. Fischer stating Mr. Jones has done his job, Mr.
Fischer stated he believes the Board has no'~ other alternative but
to require this one station to be brought into compliance immediately
or face fines which may be placed by the Board. Mrs. Cucanich then
moved the Board fine Mr. Kopec $25.00 per day effective May 29th,
1987, until in compliance, seconded by Mrs. Moses. Motion CARRIED 4-0.
Mrs. Kane then asked what is to be discussed under miscellaneous and
Mr. Di Leva stated he would like to speak of Mr. David Morris who was
to have been here last month and there was some confusion as to where
he was living, as someone signed the certified mail in his behalf, but
he did not see the letter. Mr. Di Leva then stated he would like Mr.
Morris to explain to the Board what he is going to do, for Mr. Di Leva
states Mr. Morris's fine is still going on since it wasn't cancelled
by the Board. Mr. Morris then told the Board everything is almost
ready for the boat to be put in the water..A Mr. James Loeffler spoke
as a witness and said he is going to help Mr. Morris put the boat in
the water if they can contact the crane operators. After discussion,
Mrs. Cucanich moved Mr. Morris be fined $10.00 per day from May 11,
1987, until in compliance, at which time Mr. Morris is to inform
the Code Enforcement Officer. Motion was seconded by Mr. Davis and
Mr. Di Leva said he also wanted to speak about Mr. Finn's complaint
regarding trees and hedges and stated he found out the trees would
not die if they were pruned. He also said he finally reached the
lady next door who said she would trim the trees. Mr. Di Leva then
asked Mr. Fischer to speak and Mr. Fischer stated he and Mr. Di Leva
went by the property today and they observed the small trees had been
cut back from root level to approximately six feet, pruned from the
bottom up, and it appears they have been trimmed sufficiently not
to impose any hazard to the safety or well being of the neighbor,
Citizen Code Enforcement
Board Minutes of May 28,
1987 Meeting
and it is his opinion those trees and/or shrubs are in compliance
with any hedge, tree or fence ordinance we have. Mr. Fischer
continued he believes the City and Citizen Code Enforcement
Board have done everything that can possibly be done as far as
legal ramifications are concerned, and it is no longer a City
Mrs. Kane then asked if there was any other matter to be
discussed and the secretary stated she had a memo from the
City Attorney, Jose' Alvarez, regarding the Edgewater Florist
case, stating it is now in the hands of Mrs. Susan Wadsworth,
Deputy City Clerk. The secretary also read a memo from Cornelia
A. Martinez, City Clerk/Administrator, regarding "Abstaining from
Voting", which was read for the Board's information.
There being no further business, Mr. Davis moved the meeting
adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Moses. The meeting then adjourned
at 7:52 p.m.
Minutes submitted by
Dorothy C. Garrity
Citizen Code Enforcement
Board Minutes of May 28,
1987 Meeting