06-26-1986 .... I (J o . ~ /~ ~ I I . '-' CITY OF EDGEWATER CITIZEN CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD June 26, 1986 7:00 p.m. Community Center The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairrrrm, Mr. Vince Turano, at 7:00 p.m. in the Cornnuni ty Center of Edgewater. Members present were: Roberta Moses, Lois Kane, Mary Ciccarello, Delores CUcanich, Vince Turano, Paul Biggerstaff. Phillip Williams was excused. Also present were: Attorney Jose' Alvarez, City Attorney; Attorney Judson Woods; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kotakes: Mr. and Mrs. Spalding; Mrs. Stella Bardinski; Building Official/Code Enforcement Officer Dennis Fischer; Assistant Code ~Enforcement Office David Jones; Assistant Code Enforcement Officer Pat Di Leva and repJrter, Cathy Vaughn. Mr. Turano announced we would nC1tl hear from Mr. Di Leva. Mr. Di Leva announced he had to leave for a later meeting and would like to present his cases at this time. OID BUSINESS 86-CC-12 - Ventiniglia, Joseph - Four lots - Orange Tree Drive to be cleared. Mr. Turano asked if !vIr. Ventiniglia was here and Mr. Di Leva answered no, he is from New York. Mr. DiLeva continued that Mr. Ventiniglia' s land had been cleared at a cost of ninety ($90.00) Dollars and Mr. Di Leva recomnended the Board fine Mr~ Ventiniglia ninety ($90.00) dollars to pay for the clearing. He also asked that Mr. Williams and the Board infonn Mr. Ventiniglia that within three or four weeks the lots may have to be cleared again. Mrs. CUcanich then ITOVed the Board adopt the pJlicy of sending Mr. Ventiniglia a letter and let the City collect the ITOney. The ITOtion was seconded by Mrs. Moses and CARRIED 6-0. NBiv BUSINESS "- '\ 86-CC-25 - Spalding, Mrs. Donna - No Tag Mr. Turano asked if Mrs. Spalding was here. Mrs. Spalding introduced herself and . the secretary then swore in r-'rrs. Spalding. Mr. Turano then asked Mr. Di Leva to proceed with this case and Mr. Di Leva informed the Board Mrs. Spalding had no tag on her car, which was a violation. Mrs. Spalding stated she had a garage sale and had no place to put the car and that it was placed outside, but as of this day, it was back in the garage. Mr. Turano asked her to please not put the car back outside without a tag, which she promised she would not do. tJI.r. Biggerstaff then ITOved a letter be sent to Mrs. Spalding stating she.1.'I7as now in compliance, _seconded by Mrs. CUcanich. Motion CARRIED 6-0. MISCELLANEDUS Report by the Assistant Code Enforcement Officer, Pat Di Leva Mr. Di Leva stated this is a one-time repJrt on the work he does and that he repJrts to his supervisor, Mr. Dennis Fischer. He continued that through the ITOnth of June, there were fifty-five (55) nuisance complaints to this date, nuisance cases being trash, debris, weeds, and things of that nature; there were nineteen (19) letters sent in regard to the fifty-five (55) corrplaints, the reason for just nineteen letters being, some are dealt with orally, or by 'phone. Mr. Di Leva stated he had also investigated thirty-seven (37) discarded vehicle cases, in conjunction with the Police Department; there were also five (5) occupational licenses checked. Mr. Turano asked if this would be a ITOnthly report, and Iv'rr. Di Leva answered no, a ITOnthly report to his supervisor. He also stated he just wanted the Board to know that although only two subpoenas may appear on the agenda, that does not mean that only two cases were handled. I Q o APPROVAL OF MINUI'ES Mr. Turano then called for approval of the minutes of May 21, 1986, a special meeting, and May 29, 1986, a regular meeting. Mrs. Kane then rroved the Board accept the minutes, seconded by Mr. Biggerstaff. Motion CARRIED 5-1 on the minutes of May 21st, as Mrs. Ciccarello had not been present at that meeting; rrotion CARRIED 6-0 on the minutes of May 29th. OW BUSINESS 86-CC-7A - Bernard Perzan-Fire and Electrical Violations Mr. Turano then asked Mr. Perzan and Mr. David Jones, Assistant Code Enforce- ment Officer, to step forward and be sworn in. The secretary then swore in Mr. Perzan and Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones then stated that Mr. Perzan has made many corrections, that alrrost all the electrical has been completed. He also stated the only problem he will have is every occupational license that will be given by the City to that place, every business, will have to have a means of egress. Mr. Jones then requested that Mr. Perzan not be tabled but be taken off the Code Board up to this point as being in compliance; but that every time there is an occupational license, he will have to confonn to the fire code requirements. Mr. Turano asked if that meant when anyone new comes in there, and Mr. Jones answered yes, any renter going in there will have to take down that garage door, put up a rneans of egress, a 32" wide door minimum, with an exit light, and will also have to have a window for ventilation. Mr. Jones then stated Mr. Perzan is in compliance as the building exists right now, but any business going in there will have to confonn to the fire codes. Mrs. Kane asked if this couldn't be rrade a stipulation before an occupational license is granted, and Mr. Jones answered the City has been giving occupational licenses, putting down they have to confonn to the fire codes. So Mr. Perzan will have to do that in order to keep in business there. Mr. Jones also said Mr. Perzan has been rrade aware of the situation as to what has to be done. Mr. Jones added all the businesses there that he knows about have a means of egress. Mrs. Ciccarello then rroved Mr. Perzan be sent an "In Compliance II letter, seconded by Mrs. Kane. Motion CARRIED 6-0. 86-CC-18 - Kopec, Joseph (Pappy's Place) Fire and Electrical Violations t- Mr. Turano asked Mr. Jones to speak on this case, and Mr. Jones stated he and Mr. Fischer went down just today to do reinspections. He then passed around pictures that were taken, and his rrain concern was the way the sign was wired. He also stated a picture of the lighting of the eaves in the exterior of the building will show the wires all spliced, which is forbidden. Mr. Turano interrupted to ask if Mr. Kopec was here and the secretary stated she had called r-tr. KoPec and he said he had never been notified, but she stated he had been notified. Mr. Turano then said this is the second time he has not appeared. A discussion then followed as to all the electrical violations that still exist and Mr. Jones surrmarized the number of letters, etc. which had been sent to Mr. Kopec. Mr. Jones infonned the Board the business is closing down, and Mr. KoPec may have someone else interested in going in there, but Mr. Jones strongly urges we do not issue an occupational license to that building until it is in confonnance with the Fire and Building Codes. He also reconmended the Board send a letter to Mr. Kopec that some violations still exist; that there will not be an issue of an occupational license for that builidng until it is in corrpleance with the Codes; he added he is not trying to tell the Board what to do but he would like to see the power off in that building. Mr. Turano stated that even if the business is closed down, the sign is still in violation, and since there is no business there and it is no longer oPerating, he suggests Mr. KoPec rerrove the sign so it will not corne down and hit someone in case of a high wind or hurricane. Mrs. Ciccarello then rroved a letter be sent to Mr. KoPec advising him we will not issue another license in that building until the violations are corrected; that the sign be raroved by July 7th, 1986; that the building be secured and the rrain disconnect be in a locked position by the same date, at which time there will be another inspection. Motion seconded by Mrs. Moses. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Citizen Code Enforcement Board Minutes of June 26, 1986 Meeting -2- I o o 86-CC-17 - Conley, James. - Failure to file Site Plan Mr. Turano announced the Board of Adjustment has granted a Variance to Mr. Conley and he will not have to appear before this Board. 86-CC-23 and 86-CC-24; Brannan, Tom and Grange, Lewis Mr. Turano announced these two cases are in Compliance, and letters have been sent notifying the respondents. 86-CC-15 - Ross Kotakes (Prestige Car Care Center) Failure to file site plan and notify Building Official Mr. Turano acknowledged the presence of Attorney Judson Woods, City Attorney Jose' Alvarez, Mr. and lvlrs. Kotakes. Attorney Woods addressed the Board and stated he had conferred with Mr. Fischer and City Attorney Alvarez and it was agreed that Hr. Kotakes will bring his building into compliance within ninety (90) days from today and asked Mr. Fischer if that is correct. Mr. Fischer stated the only thing he can see wrong with that is that he would like to see that the application for the revised site plan be suhnitted within thirty (30) days, which would mean he would reappear before the Planning and Zoning Board for any additional structures that have been installed or any additional changes to the site plan. From th~ review of the Planning and Zoning Board, compliance !I1Ust be met as to what the Board would recommend because of the revised site plan. He stated this is all he had wanted all along, an application for site plan revision. Mrs. Kane rroved that an application for a revised site plan be submitted within thirty (30) days or by Monday, July 28th, 1986, and be in compliance within ninety (90) days. Mr. Turano asked City Attorney Alvarez if he had any statements and City Attorney Alvarez stated -,he has no objection to the recomnendation of the Building Official that the respondent agrees to submit a new site plan within thirty (30) days and be in compliance within ninety (90) days. The rrotion was seconded by Mrs. Ciccarello and CARRIED 6-0. A discussion ensued by Mrs. Moses and ~~he Board as to the requirements for having a business or a home condemned. City Attorney Alvarez requested a merro from the Board to his office to render an opinion on this subject. There being no flirtner business, Mrs. Kane rroved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mrs. Ciccarello. The meeting then adjourned at 7:33 p.m. rv'rinutes submitted by Dorothy C. Garrity Citizen Code Enforcement Board Minutes of June 26, 1986 Meeting -3-