03-27-1986 . ; ... o o 01' ~ CITY OF EDGEWATER CITIZEN CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD March 27, 198p 7:00 p.m. Community' Center MINUI'ES The Vice Chainnan, Mr. Turano, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Conmunty Center of Edgewater. ROLL CAIL Members present were: Lois Kane, Mary Ciccarello, Delores CUcanich, Vince Turano, Paul Biggerstaff. Roberta Moses and Phillip Williams were excused. Also present were: Pat DiLeva, Assistant Code Enforcement Officer; Dennis Fischer, Building Inspector; J.1r. Bernard Perzan and t-tr. James Malone. APPROVAL OF Iv".1lNUI'ES r-tr. Turano asked for approval of minutes of the March 27, 1986 meeting. r-trs. Ciccarello rroved they be accepted as read, seconded by Delores CUcanich. Motion PASSED 5-0. OID BUSINESS Volusia Truss - 85-CC-19 r-tr. Turano then asked ~trs. Ciccarello to read the last correspondence to r-tr. Grabowski, after which he called upon r-tr. Fischer to explain what has been done, and Mr. Fischer asked r-tr. DiLeva to give a run down. r-tr. DiLeva stated all buildings are down, everything is down; it is pretty well levelled, but what they still have are a few 2 x 4's and one rain cover lying on its side. r-"u. Turano asked "mat percentage of work has been done and r-tr. Fischer anSwered about,eighty percent is cleaned up. rtrs. Ciccarello then stated that the fence is not secure, it is wide open; anyone can go in there at anytime and that there are a lot of kids in the neighborhood. r-tr. Turano asked if anyone else on the Board had anything to say, and Mrs. Kane said she had gone by there yesterday and it is still a mess. Quite a discussion followed as to the arrount of letters sent to Mr. Grabowski and that we had said we would fine him. The secretary explained the last correspondence stated that a date of reinspection of t-1arch 27th was given to him, with the results to be given to the Code Board meeting on that date, which is this evening. r-tr. James Malone was then sworn in by the secretary and stated that to the best of his knowledge, Volusia Truss has not done anything over there since the last rreeting; that a salvage person came in and rerroved the building; he also rerroved Florida Power and Light's light and took it with him; the material that has been rroved fram there has been moved by people who have come in to take the lumber. Mr. ~1alone then stated he relieves Volusia Truss has not made one effort to clean up the property. The secretary then notified the Board that Vol usia had been re-subpoened and after further discussion and statements by Mr. Fischer, Mrs. Cucanich moved that we go back to our original motion as stated at the last meeting, viz., failure to comply by March 25, 1986, will result in a $250.00 per day fine until in compliance, seconded by Mrs. Kane. Motion CARRIED 5-0. The Board then asked the secretary to prepare a "Not in Compliance" form and to attach a letter, the correct wording of said letter to be secured fram Attorney Alvarez . NEw BUSINESS The secretary informed the Board that Karen Slagter, Case #86-CC-6 is now in compliance, along with Clyde Hart, Case #86-CC-7. i" Q Q Bernard Perzan - 86-CC-7A Mr. Turano asked the Board to turn to this next case involving electrical violations and asked Mr. Fischer to explain the case to the Board. Mr. Fischer stated the whole thing in a nutsell is that IvIr. Jones had sent a letter on Nover 8th, 1985, infoming Mr. Perzan of the several violations, Mr. Jones also asked Mr. Perzan to bring this into compliance to meet current code requirements for industrial businesses, electrical service, etc., and that this building was designed for storage and is not adequate for apparent use of the building, and to return the building to its original intent, and to please contact the Building Department. Mr. Fischer stated Mr. Perzan was also given ten days to respond. Mr. Fischer also continued that appearance wise, it looks as though- the end buildings have officess and bathrooms in that area; the ones in the middle, 10 x 20 spaces with an overhead door, appear to be storage facilities, and that in the interim they had renters in there perfoming different types of businesses, or whatever, and they were rented out. Mr. Fischer continued that there are about three or four different meters on the back of the building servicing different units, and the problem existing here now, which is the age of the building, ten years, is that the tenants have destroyed some of the walls; that one tenant took out one of the walls to make rrore space; the surflx>ard business has flamnable material; that these kind of businesses need fire separations. Mr. Fischer also stated he and Mr. Jones inspected the buildings several times and talked with Mr. Perzan, trying to get this building into compliance so it can be used as rental to people, because it is an industrial zone area and if the business is brought up to minimal requirements it can be used in the proper manner. He stated he left a list of corrections and numerous things to be done in February and Mr. Fischer then read them to the Board. Mrs. Ciccarello asked if this property had recently changed hands, and Mr. Fischer stated they don It keep track of the sale of property but to his knowledge it belongs to Mr. Perzan or his dad; he really doesn I t know. The secretary then swore in Nr. Perzan who stated he had the business for seven years, turned it over to another party who had it two years, and that he didn I t know anything about what was going on inside; these people turned it over to his son, who had it nine rronths, and it is in the process now, to turn it over to him again. Mr. Perzan stated he will do everything that needs to be done but needs a little time. The Board discussed this property in depth and Mrs. Ciccarello then rroved that Mr. Jones,' within the next week, reinspect this property and report his findings back to the Board by their next meeting. The rrotion was seconded by Mrs. Cucanich. Motion CARRIED 5-0. Paul W. Rosmussen -' 86-CC-9 Mr. Turano asked if Mr. Rosmussen had appeared and Mr. DiLeva said he had been here; his driver had started to carry him into the meeting as he is in a wheel chair, and that he became very ill. I>tr. DiLeva stated Mr. Rossmussen told him he would have everything cleared in ten days, and I>tr. DiLeva asked for a ten day extension for him, and Mrs. Kane rroved we give him a ten day extension, seconded by Ivtrs. Cucanich. Motion CARRIED 5-0. The secretary was asked to send a letter to Mr. Rasmussen with the above information that Mr. DuLeva had asked for the extension. Harry Johnson - 86-CC-10 Mr. Turano announced Mr. Johnson was now in compliance. There being no further business, Mrs. Kane rroved the meeting be adjourned, seconded by Mrs. Ciccarello. Motion CARRIED 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m. Minutes sutrnitted by Dorothy C. Garrity Citizen Code Enforcement Board March 27th, 1986 Minutes