October 30, 1985 7:00 p.m.
The Citizen Code Enforcement Board was called to order at 7:00
p.m. in the City Hall by Mr. Phillip Williams, Chairman.
Members present were: Messrs. Turano and Biggerstaff, Mrs.
Cucanich and Mr. Williams. Mrs. Moses, Mrs. Ciccarello and
Mrs. Kane were excused.
Also present were Mr. Dennis Fischer, Building Inspector;
Mr. David Jones, Assistant Code Enforcement Officer; Mr.
Robert E. Johnson, Mr. Curtis Thomas, Mr. William Spano, all
three appearing before the Board for Hearings.
The secretary then swore in the witnesses and the Chairman
asked them to be seated.
The Chairman announced he could not participate in approval
of the minutes of the September 26th meeting as he had been
absent. This left the Board without a quorum and the Chairman
announced the minutes would be voted on at the next meeting.
85-CC-IO, Steve Campbell, 206 South Ridgewood, no one appearing.
Mr. Jones announced Mr. Campbell had made no headway on the weeds
and Mrs. Cucanich stated she had driven past there and nothing
seemed to be done. Mr. Jones also stated the one roof had been re-
moved, but no weeds cut qbwn, and the other buildings have not
been tightly secured. Mr. Turano told Mr. Williams there has
not been much progress at all, Mr. Williams having been away
at the last meeting. Mr. Williams asked if anyone has been in
touch with Mr. Campbell and Mr. Jones says he can never reach
him, that this has been going on since last April. Mr. Jones also
explained that Mr. Campbell is not the owner, his uncle, who lives
in Kentucky is the real owner. Mr. Jones also stated Mr. Campbell
is one of the habitual offenders, that the neighbors have complained
people were going-ip all hours including-:: t;railsients. Mr. J.ones
said he and Mr. Fischer had walked into what was formerly the bar
section and it was pretty secure, and that Mr. Campbell did remove
the roof and eliminated a lot of appliances that had been outside.
Mr. Biggerstaff stated he believed there had been a for sale sign
there and perhaps the real owner doesn't intend to put any more
money into it. After a discussion as to the owner communicating
wi th the Board, Mr. Turano made a mot ion"the Board get in touch
with the owner telling him it must be corrected; and if Mr. Campbell
is to be in charge, to please notify the Board;then if the Board does
not hear from the owner, they will understand the Board is to take
care of the problem. Motion seconded by Mr. Biggerstaff. CARRIED 4-0.
85-CC-7, Corbett Smith, 4100 Pinewood. Mr. Williams asked Mr. Jones
to give a little background, and Mr. Jones stated thinas are still
goi~g down; they are making progress slowly but surely7 and he does
belleve they should be granted an extension. Mr. Johnson stated Mr.
Smith is now out of the picture, and when tte Bo~rd sent a notice to
Mr. Johnson to meet with the Boa~d!.it ~~s igi~ed'among~themtthat '~r.
Johnson could take car~'.6f the d~moliti6n, etc~, in a raptd Qrder,
Mr. Johnson then stated the difficulty he had in securing good
workmen and about one month after the notice from the Board,
he and Mr. Thomas got together another crew and really got started
on it. He continued if they could control the wind, the rain,
in other words, the weather, they could get this job done. Mr.
Johnson also stated they would like to clean up the property, as
they were talking with some people who want to do some building
there. Mr. Curtis explained they are making progress and
admitted the forty five days are just not enough' time~ Mr.
Williams asked how many days they would like and Mr. ~homas suggested
the first of the year. Mrs. Cucanich then moved we give an extension
until the first of the year, seconded by Mr. Biggerstaff. CARRIED 4-0.
85-CC-ll, Lamanec, Emil and Agnes, 2401 Queen Palm Drive, weeds on
property. A lengthy discussion followed concerning the Lamanec
property and Mr. Jones stated the house is boarded up but the
weeds are over three feet high. He explained the City charges
fifty ($50.00) dollars but could not be done due to the location
of the house. Mr. Turano made a motion the Board write to the
Lamanecs again, stating we must have an answer within fifteen days;'
and non receipt ofa reply will be construed by the City as a
\ request they handle this in the usual manner, which is to clear
the premises and lien the property.
Mr. Williams then called upon Mr. William Spano and asked why he
was at the meeting, as he. wasc.::found to be in Compliance., and Mr.
Spano said he did not know this. Mr. Williams then excused Mr. Spano.
85-CC-15, Rowe, Alfred, Jr., 200 & 300 Block Marion Avenue, weed
accumulation. Mr. Jones stated Mr. Doug Cole, a reputable lawn
care man, is going to take care of this matter for Mr. Rowe.
The Chairman then announced our next meeting, scheduled for
Thanksgiving Day, has been changed to Thursday, November 21,
at the Shuffleboard Building.
There being no further business, Mrs. Cucanich made a motion to
adjQurn, seconded by Mr. Biggerstaff. The meeting then adjourned
at 8:05.
Minutes submitted by
Dorothy C. Garrity
Citizen Code Enforcement Board
Minutes of October 30, 1985
* - Due to malfunction of recording equ~pment, these sections were
typed from shorthand notes of the secretary.