AUGUST 29, 1985 7:00 p.m.
Chairman Williams called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the
Community Center.
Members present: Messrs. Williams, Turano, Biggerstaff; Mrs. Moses, Mrs.
Ciccarello and Mrs. Cucanich. Mrs. Kane was excused.
Also present: David Jones, Code Enforcerrent Officer, Curtis Thomas, representing
Mr. Corbett Smith, and Ralph Racca representing Eastern Shores Association, along
wi th other residents, and Mr. Frank Opal.
Mr. Williams then welcorred Mrs. Delores Cucanich as a new rrember of the Board.
Mr. Williams then stated that under Old Business, he would skip 85-CC-7, Corbett
Smith, first on the Agenda, and would deal with 85-CC-8, A-I Truss Company,
second on the Agenda, because of the interest of the guests this evening in the
Truss Company matter.
85-CC-8, A-I Truss Company
Mr. Williams asked Mr. Jones to give his findings at this tinE in regard to the
noise level of A-I Truss Company. Mr. Jones stated he had talked with a gentleman
from Dickens & Associates, Inc., a Mr. Habelka, who . advised Mr. Jones there are
no violations. There were violations prior to this, but Yrr. Hawkins has made ." ~
corrections, putting sand underneath the boards to absorb sound and putting skirts
around the decking, the platforms they work on. He stated Mr. Hawkins could not
be' here because of a death. Due to the infonnation Mr. Jones had received in a
letter from Dickens & Associates, Mr. Jones believed ~Ir. Hawkins' presence would
not be required. Mr. Jones explained that ~iIr. IIabelka had instructed and taught
rAr. Gately and two enforcement PeOple from New Smyrna Beach on the subject of
Sound. Mr. Habelka found the complex is in compliance with the Code, the reading
being 52.1 decibels. Wll'. Jones thus finds ~IIr. Hawkins in compliance with the Code.
Mr. Jones then stated that Mr. Hawkins spent $200. for this survey, not counting the
work that was done at the premises, which was witnessed by Mr. Jones. Mr. Jones
also pointed out the City of E<ic,o-ewater does not have anyone to do decibel readings.
He believes it is not advantageous for the City to invest its rroney, as it costs
$740. for classes from l\Ir. Habelka, who is also an instructor. Anything to be learned
would be learned from ~,Ir. Habelka. Mr. Jones would talce this with a lot of weight,
as his credentials and expertise cannot be ignored. ~iIr. Jones believes it would not
benefit the City to spend several thousand dollars for noise readings when noise
complaints are very seldom received. IIr. Jones then stated the Board should go
along with Mr. Habelka's findings because he is a certified noise man, has taught
in New Smyrna, our local City right next to us. Since Mr. Gately went into another
field, he could not corre down for a regular noise test. He could do it if it was
a County noise, but not City. Mr. Jones then revealed Mr. Hawkins is phasing out
his business. It will be bought by someone else, although there will still be a
Truss Company there 1 but Mr. Hawkins is phasing out. because of financial problerrs.
l\Irs. Ciccarello asked if the work had already been done on the table, and l\Ir. Jones
replied it had been completed.
Mr. Williams then asked if Mr. Jones believes Mr. Hawkins has complied with the
Code'and Mr. Jones answered that since he now has a noise test J he has to say
Mr. Hawkins is in compliance with the Code.
Mr. Williams then asked to have a letter sent to Mr. Hawkins advising hirr. he is
in compliance with the Code.
Mr. Racca then asked to be shown where Mr. Hawkins is in compliance, and suggested
the Eoard is evading its responsibilities. Mr. Williams then asked Mr. Hacca to
leave the rreeting and suggested if he has any questions he should go to court. Mr.
Racca said he would do just that.
Mr. Williams asked if there were any rrore questions, and M.rs. Cucanich asked if,
when this canpany was put in , it was o. k. for that company to go in there. Mr.
Jones explained this used to be a roller rink, was then rezoned to 1-2, light
industrial. When they rezoned, it was put in the paper, and posters were placed
announcing that it would be rezoned. He stated that is when the neighborhood should
have objected. They did not use their rights at that titre. 'There was only one instance
of noise objection received by Sgt. l.€nz that there had been previous noise before
rezoning. It was passed by Council and it is now rezoned. They can rmke that noise
from 7 in the rrnrning until 10 at night , although they don I t stay open at night.
Mr. Turano then asked if the surveyor was licensed and holding certification. Mr.
Jones answered that Mr. Halbeka was recornrended to him by the County. Mr. Jones
also stated Mr. Habelka teaches, and that he had taught Mr. Gately, who is considered
to be one of the best.
Mr. Williams then stated this Board strictly goes by the Code; we have two Code
Inspectors, and if Mr. Habelka says he is in compliance, we go with that. Mrs.
Ciccarello pointed out Mr. Habelka did sign as Accoustical Consultant, and Mr.
Jones stated if he is teaching local municipalities, he is certified.
Mr. Williams stated that since Mr. Hawkins is in compliance, no one has a right to
speak; if anyone would be allowed to speak, then Mr. Hawkins should be allowed to
speak, because we are an unbiased Board. As long as the inspector says he is in
compliance, we consider he is in compliance.
Mr. Williams asked for a rrotion, and tv'lr. Turano made a rrotion that Mr. Hawkins is
in compliance, seconded by Mrs. Moses. CARRIED 6-0.
Corbett Smith, North side of Marion Avenue, 85-CC-7,Se5(. .10-43, 44, 45 & 46 and
State Law 633.081 violations.
Mr. Williams asked that the Board now concentrate on the Corbett Smith matter.
Mr. Curtis Thomas introduced himself and said he would be representing Mr. Emi th
as Mr. Smith could not attend the rreeting. Mr. Jones then swore in Mr. Thomas.
Mr. Williams asked Mr. Jones to tell his findings of this matter. Mr. Jones said
he had discussed this matter with a man from Discount Lumber, who had been hired by
the owners of the old Truss Plant to rerrove and salvage lurrber. ~Ir. Jones said
the man did corre to the building departrrent and obtained a derrolition pennit and
also a burn permit, which was granted. 1i.r. Jones said the process has been very
slow, and that they had started on it perhaps two or three weeks ago. tvIr. Thomas
explained that part of the reason for the slow rroverrent on this matter is that
Discount Salvage works part days only, and due to the rain alrrost every day, work
was very slow. Mr. Thomas also said the building on the other side will be taken
down by tvIr. Thomas him3elf, al though he has just been released from the hospital.
t,Ir. Thomas did point out that the sheet rretal on the top that had been hanging
in the air has been pulled down. Mr. Thomas also said they would probably need
at least another thirty days. Mr. Jones stated that in view of the work that has
been done, forty five days should be enough to complete the job. !vIr. Jones also
said the right of way owned by the City has been kept rrnwed, and he would expect
1Ir. Smith to do the sarre.
Mr. Turano then made a rrotion that t,Ir. Corbett Smith be given an extension of 45 days
until October 11, 1985, to be in compliance. M.rs. Ciccarello seconded the rrotion.
Citizen Code Enforcement Board 1linutes
August 29, 1985
:Mr. Williams then asked that letters be sent to Mr. Smith and Mr. Johnson,
Certified Mail, that they have been given a 45 day extension, and the Board
expects them to be in compliance by that tinE. Mrs. Ciccarello suggested we
state in the letter also that beginning on the 46th day, a fine can be levied
by the Board, and Mr. Williams agreed this should be included.
1trs. 1bses then asked if Mr. Smith had facilities there for burning, and if water
is available. Mr. Jones answered yes, that Mr. Smith was asked to make sure he
douses any fires and that the Police Departrrent is aware of it and will keep an
eye on it. 1tr. Jones stated the facility is more than fifty' feet from any
structure and is in an open field.
Mr. Williams explained the City is paying for anyone wishing to go to the Better
Boards Course being offered at the Daytona Beach Corrmmi ty College. The course
is to be held every Tuesday for six weeks from 7: 00 to 9: 00 p. m. Mrs. Cucanich,
Ivtrs. Moses, 1tr. Biggerstaff and ~i1r. Williams signed up for the course.
r,trs. CiccarelJo made a mot ion to adj ourn the meeting, seconded by Mr. Turano. Mr.
Williams then adjourned the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
1linutes submitted by
Dorothy C. Garrity.
Citizen Code Enforcement Board Minutes
August 29, 1985