01-29-1985 - Special
Citizen Code Enforcement Board
January 29, 1985
Special Meeting Minutes
Chairman Williams called the special meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. in
the Council Chambers at City Hall.
Present: Messrs. Williams, Rosa, Turano, Richardson and Mrs. Kane.
Also present: Mrs. Taylor, Secretary.
Mr. Williams pointed out that this special meeting was called so that
the members could review applications for Board appointment and to make
their recommendation to Council. There have been seven applications
received. The Chairman suggested that each application be discussed
and the members could give their views pro and con. He said that he
felt if there is a conflict of interest it should be mentioned.
Those applications received and discussed were: William F. Muller,
Mary L. Ciccarello, Ray L. Delawelle, Sr., Ryta Webber, Mercedes
Hoffman, PaulO. Biggerstaff and Gigi Bennington.
There was a question raised as to whether two members of the s,~e family
can serve on separate boards at the same time. It was not knd~what
the Code or the attitude of this administration are on this question.
Each member voted for two of the applicants. Ray Delawelle received
one vote, Gigi Bennington received three votes, Mary Ciccarello received
three votes and Mercedes Hoffman received three votes. To break the tie
the members voted again for the three who tied. Upon a second vote
Gigi Bennington received three votes, Mary Ciccarello received four
votes and Mercedes Hoffman received three votes.
The members debated whether to have another vote to break the tie between
Gigi Bennington and Mercedes Hoffman. It was agreed that all three names
should be submitted to Council and it should make the choice. Mr. Rosa
recommended that the Council be informed that the Board appreciates the
confidence they have shown in asking the members to recommend appointees
and to give them the names of the three people they have chosen as being
people the members feel they can work with compatibly. He felt the
Council should be advised that it is the Board's hope and intention that
they select two of the three people recommended.
In other matters, Mr. Williams reminded the members that all the members
are needed for the meeting scheduled for Thursday, January 31.
Mrs. Kane moved for adjournment, seconded by Mr. Turano. The meeting
was adjourned at 8 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joan Taylor