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Citizen Code Enforcement Board
October 25, 1984
Mr. Prater, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the
Community Center.
Members present: Messrs. Rotundo, Prater, Williams, Richardson, Turano
and Rosa. Members absent: Mrs. Kane. Also present: David Jones, Assis-
tant Code Enforcement Officer, Mrs. Taylor, Secretary and a member of the
Present in the audience were Mr. J. C. Carder and Mrs. Susan Dobson.
Mr. Williams moved to approve the September 27, 1984 minutes. The motion
was seconded by Mr. Rosa and CARRIED 6-0.
84-CC-8 - David W. McCallister, 2020 S. Ridgewood Avenue - storage of pipe -
continued from September 27 meeting.
Mr. David Jones, Assistant Code Enforcement Officer, was present and advised
that he had taken pictures of the site this date. The photographs indicate
that Mr. McCallister has moved the pipe approximately 60 feet from the pro-
perty line. He advised that the photographs were taken from the property of
the complainant.
Mr. Turano asked if the people who filed the original complaint are happy
with the site now that the pipe has been relocated. Mr. Jones said that
they are not happy with it. Mr. Jones commented that the pipe has been
on the property since 1942. He had suggested to the complainant that a
stockade fence could be erected. Mr. Richardson said that from the photo-
graphs it does not look like much of an eyesore and the use was grandfathered
in. Mr. Rotundo pointed out that Mr. McCallister has made an effort to
cooperate by moving the pipe. Mr. Rosa agreed that Mr. McCallister has
complied with the Board's request. Mr. Richardson moved to remove this
case from the Board. Mr. Rosa asked if there would be an In-Compliance
form filed on this. Mr. Prater inquired of Mr. Jones if he would be
willing to file a Now-In-Compliance form. Mr. Jones said that he would
do that the next day. Mr. Turano said that at the last meeting Mr. McCallis-
ter was asked to move the pipe to a location where .it would not be seen. He
asked Mr. Jones if he felt that Mr. McCallister really made a true effort to
do this. Mr. Jones responded that, in his opinion, the gentleman could have
fought the complaint and may have won it in court. The man did move the
pipe, and he plans to sell the pipe, and he is not going to store ~flY
more. Mr. Rosa seconded the motion to remove the case from the Board.
The motion CARRIED 6-0.
84-CC-ll - J. C. Carder, 2305 S. Ridgewood - boat shed not completed in
accordance with the approved site plans.
Mr. Jones produced photographs which he had taken of the site this date.
One shows two signs. He stated that this is where the culvert going into
the drive would be. Another photograph shows the wall which was encroaching
on the setback. A portion of the wall was removed, and is now as is shown
in the photograph. Mr. Jones produced a photograph of the parking area.
He stated that it is not exactly as is shown on the plans. He has provided
11 parking spaces. Mr. Richardson said it looks like he's in compliance
now. Mr. Jones said that that decision is up to the Board. Mr. williams
asked if everything has been taken care of that is complained about. Mr.
Jones said he had to leave it in the hands of the Board as far as setback.
He said that he didn't know Jf the Board wnllld accept an opening like that.
Mr. Richardson commented that he thinks the opening part is alright if
the setback is satisfactory with the Building Inspector. Mr. Jones
responded that Dennis Fischer says that it is in compliance.
Mr. Rosa reminded the members that at the last meeting they had suggested
that the Planning and Zoning Board look at this and make a final inspec-
tion. He asked if anything has been brought to them and Mr. Rotundo
pointed out that Mr. Carder's letter advised that the project is not
completed. Mr. Turano said that the building is completely different
from what he was told that it was. He said that it is a real cement
block building. Mr. Carder said that it has cement block at two ends.
Mr. Richardson noted that he has moved the addition off the back, so
he made a motion that this case be removed from the Board.
Mr. Prater asked Mr. Jones if he would provide a Now-In-Compliance form
on this case as to the way it is at present.
Mrs. Susan Dobson was present and said that she was just here to listen.
She lives next door, and has to look at it every day. It is not a pretty
sight, she stated. She told the Board that when it was first put up it
was not in compliance with Code. The Planning Board let him move it
around and call the side the front and the front the side. She asked if
there is any way of determining what is the front of the building. Mr.
Richardson said that it is up to the Building Inspector to tell them
how they are going to build it and see that it is built according to
plans. Mrs. Dobson said that the building was put up without Planning
Board approval. She said the way it was originally put up it had no
door to the south and the front of the building would have been where
the openings are; that way he is 10 feet too close to her property, she
stated.. Mr. Jones noted that that is why the building was changed around
so that it would not cause undue hardship to Mr. Carder. He said that
the one wall was not in compliance and explained that Mr. Carder has
knocked down a portion of the wall. If Mr. Carder plans to put the build-
ing to another use he can have the wall recessed in so that it will not
corne into the setback. Mr. Turano asked if Mr.. Carder does this struc-
turally what will Mr. Fischer say to this. Mr. Jones responded that
he (Mr. Fischer) would say that it is in compliance. Mr. Carder said
that as long as it is kept as a shed he is not going to do anything
further. He told the members that as he sees it he has two ways to go.
If they enclose the building, which he intends to do eventually, then he
will have to go and get a variance for about two and a half feet in order
to hold the 20 foot setback at the rear of the building. In order to con-
tinue to be legal he will have to continue to use the door that has been
erected. He noted that this is the only shed house he has seen with a
door in the front.
Mr. Carder reviewed the background of the case: He had gotten a permit
to build the shed house for the purpose of storing the boats there, so he
got the permit and constructed the building. He pointed out that Mrs.
Dobson could have stopped construction immediately had she corne out and
said to them that they were out ten feet too far on this side of the
building but she did not do that, she waited until the building was
sheeted. He informed the Board that they had a meeting to talk about it.
She said at the meeting that what she wanted to do was to sell her property.
Mr. Carder had offered her $40,000 for it but she wanted $80,000. (Mrs.
Dobson corrected this and said she wanted $75,000 for it.) He stated that
he had also offered to give her a house in Florida Shores, but she said no.
They changed the front of the building around so that the side setback
would be in compliance. He also offered to buy five to ten feet of her
property to give him a 20 foot setback. She was not interested in this
offer. He could have also given her a piece of property 20 x 100 feet
behind her house which is of no value to him but would be good for her.
So they have turned the building around. He stated that he would be
more than happy to put up a spite fence between the two properties so
that she would not see the boat shed. Mrs. Dobson said that would be
fine. But, he said, when he makes an offer he meant it at the time - the
offer is withdrawn as of the last conversation he had with her when he offered
to buy the property. He stated that he feels Mrs. Dobson feels she would
be a lot happier if she had $75,000 for her house. He said that he wishes
Mrs. Dobson had called their hand at the time they were putting the foot-
ings in; he has plenty of property so that is not the question. Mr. Carder
said that he sincerely felt he was in compliance and held the building at
10'1" from the line because that is what he thought he had to have in a
commercial area.
Citizen Code Enforcement Board
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Mrs. Dobson responded that she did not know until she called the building
inspector and asked him that the setback should be 20 feet.
Mr. Richardson asked again if he would put a fence across there and Mr.
Carder said he would be glad to. He asked if Mrs. Dobson would accept
that and she replied that she guessed she would have to, and asked if
she had a choice. The Planning Board approved it, she stated. Mr.
Richardson said that he can have the front door any where he wants, as
long as he complies with the building code. Mrs. Dobson said that she
wants a fence or hedge up so that she doesn't have to see it. Mr.
Turano said that is up to Mrs. Dobson and Mr. Carder. The Board is
not discussing that. That is a personal thing. The Board's problem
is to determine if he does what is shown in the photos if he is in
compliance. Mr. Jones said that he asked Dennis Fischer that and he
said yes, he was.
Mr. Richardson said that his motion still stands to remove it from the
Board. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. Mr. Prater asked for questions
on the motion. Mr. Rotundo said he had one question. He said that we are
still human beings and he would like to have them bury the hatchet right
here.: If you are satisfied with the fence will he erect it. That's what
we want. Mrs. Dobson said she would like to have it cleaned up to make
it look decent. It would devalue my property the way it looks right now.
She stated there are trusses stored within three feet of her property -
Mr. Carder said they are within eight feet. Mr. Turano pointed out that
this Board cannot take responsibility for the fence that he's going to
build. Mrs. Dobson said that she understands that. Mr. Rotundo said that
he would like to get some harmony. Mr. Richardson said the Board is
faced with a roll call now. Mr. Rotundo responded that he was asked
for a question and he stated his question. He said that the Board doesn't
need to be in that big of a hurry. Upon a roll call vote the motion to
remove the case from the Board CARRIED 6-0.
There was no other business before the board.
Mr. Richardson moved to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
The meeting was immediately reopened to discuss a case brought up by Mr.
Mr. Prater asked for a roll call. Members present were: Messrs. Prater,
Williams, Richardson, Rotundo, Rosa and Turano.
Mr. Jones explained that his office has received a complaint concerning
heavy equipment breaking up the streets in Wildwood Subdivision. The
complaint was s~red by three people on wildwood Drive. He felt that perhaps
the Building Official could withhold the COs until repairs are made to the roed
Mr. Rosa enlightened the Board members about the situation, saying that
he lived in Wildwood and knew the people who signed the complaint. He
said that new houses are being buil,t on the easternmost street. It is
a concrete road, which looks like just a poured road. Heavy equipment
is being driven over the roads and there are chunks missing from the
street as a result. The people living there are afraid of the cost to
them to replace the streets and it will also cost the City money. Mr.
Rosa said that they have done major damage to the roads already. Mr.
Rotundo said he felt this should go to Council and Mr. Prater agreed.
Mr. Rosa asked if there isn't a common weight limit for trucks in the
residential district. This question could not be answered. Mr. Prater
said he feels signs should be posted with the weight limit. Mr. Rosa
pointed out that the roads are in need of repair right now and no one
has even moved into that block. Mr. Turano felt that those people who
have done the damage should do the repairs. Mr. Rosa said he was asked
by the complainants what to do and he had recommended going to the Police
Department or the Building Department. Mr. Richardson said he did not
feel this should be talked about at the Code Enforcement Board.
Mr. Rosa restated that if those contractors leave the road in its present
condition it will not only cause personal hardship but it will cost the
City a lot of money to repair. He said that as the roads are today, they
are not in the same condition as when the construction started. Mr.
Turano motioned that the City Council look into the destruction of roads
by bulldozers and heavy equipment on wildwood Drive in the Wildwood
Subdivision. He stated that this has to be looked into quickly because
Code Enforcement Board, 10-25-84
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roads are deteriorating. Mr. Williams seconded the motion. Mr. Rosa
asked if he should refrain from voting because his father had signed
the complaint. Mr. Prater advised him that he could vote. The motion
Mr. Rosa asked if this would go on the Council agenda. Mrs. Taylor
advised that she would send the letter to them as requested. Mr. Rosa
also asked that the complainants be advised that this would be on the
Council agenda. Mr. Richardson felt that someone from the Board should
be at the meeting. Mr. Williams suggested that pictures be taken of
the heavy equipment using the streets.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joan Taylor
Citizen Code Enforcement Board
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