Citizen Code Enforcement
.November 17, 1983 Regular
Chairman Prater called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. in the Community
Members present:
Turano. Excused:
Mrs. Kane, Messrs. Prater, Richardson, Rotundo, Rosa and
Mr. Williams. Also present: Mrs. Taylor, Secretary.
A motion was made by Mr. Richardson and seconded by Mr. Rosa to approve the
minutes of the October 27, 1983 meeting. The motion CARRIED 6-0.
83-CC-7 - Phoebe and Zora Pyevac, 206 S. Ridgewood Avenue, violation of
Sec. 717.03 - rubbish on property- Review
Mr. Prater asked if any of the board members had looked at the property
recently. Mr. Rotundo said that he had looked at it on the previous day
and that someone was there cleaning it up. Mr. Richardson said that he
had looked at the site twice and it looks a lot better, but there is still
a lot of work to be done. Mr. Turano asked if anyone knew who was doing
the work; if this could be determined then the board could contact them if
the site was not properly cleaned. Mr. Richardson suggested that the police
chief could find out. Mr. Prater said that about a hundred per cent of the
loose rubbish is gone and about a quarter of the flooring section is gone.
He suggested tabling the case until the next meeting. Mr. Richardson made
a motion to table the case. The secretary asked that the Board members be
brought up to date on what had taken place since the last meeting regarding
their motion at that time. She explained that the order was never sent to
the pyevac's which gave them 20 days to clean it up or the City would go
in and clean it up and bill them. The City Attorney was asked to review
the Findings of Fact and the order. He advised that the City could not
go onto the property and clean it up. The Board should just impose a fine
for every day the lot was not cleaned up. Mrs. Taylor read her memo to
the City Clerk on the case. Mr. Prater said that he has talked to the
City Attorney and pointed out to him Ordinance 567, which spells out the
authority of the Board. This is Sec. 10-44 and Sec. 10-46 of the Code.
Mr. Rosa suggested adding to the motion on the floor that a letter be sent
to the pyevacs that the City notices an improvement and if they continue
to improve it, the Board will give them until the next meeting to see if
the problem is alleviated. Mr. Turano argued that no letter should be sent;
the Board should wait and see how far they are going to go with the clean-up.
Mr. Rosa felt the pye.vacs should be advised of what was decided at' the last
meeting. He said that these people don't know that the Board has given them
20 days to clean it up. Mrs. Kane pointed out that they were subpoenaed to
be at the meeting and they ignored it. Mr. Turano asked what would satisfy
the Board and Mrs. Kane responded that that was the job of the inspector.
Mr. Richardson repeated his motion to table the case, and added that if the
work of cleaning up has stopped in fifteen days and not continued then we
should send out the order which hadnbeen recommended at the last meeting.
Mrs. Kane seconded the motion, which CARRIED 5-1. Mr. Rosa voted No.
83-CC-15 - S. L. & Jimmie V. DeLoach, c/o Boyd DeLoach, 119 Dixwood Avenue,
Violation of Sec. 717.03
This violation is a dying tree in the back yard of the residence at 119 Dixwood
Avenue, causing dead branches to fall on the adjacent property. Mr. Prater
said he had looked at this site with the Chief a few days prior to the hearing.
Mr. Rotundo, who lives across the street, reported that the tree has been cut
down. This was done around 4 p.m. this date. The Police Chief has stated
that he will sign the In-Compliance form for this case. Mrs. Kane made a
motion that this case be removed from the Board. Mr. Richardson seconded
the motion, which CARRIED 6-0.
Mr. Opal, in the audience, asked if the Board had received a case pertaining
to Tiffany Terrace. This was a complaint filed in September. The secretary
advised that this case was in the Building Official's office.
Councilman Jack Spencer was present and complimented the Board on the good
work that they do.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joan Taylor.
Citizen Code Enforcement Board
Regular Meeting, Nov. 17, 1983
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