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AUGUST 25, 1983
The regular meeting was called to order by secretary, Susan Mista, at
7:02 P.M., in the conference room at City Hall.
Members present: Messrs. Prater, Richardson, Rotundo, Rosa and Williams.
Mr. Turano arrived late. Excused: Lois Kane. Also present: Mr. Kroman,
secretary, Susan Mista, and a member of the press.
Mr. Prater moved to table this matter until after the nomination of Chair-
man and Vice-Chairman. Mr. Rosa seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Organizational Meeting
Susan Mista opened the floor for nominations for Chairman. Mr. Williams
nominated Russ Prater for Chairman, seconded by Mr. Richardson. There
being no other nominations, the nominations were closed. Upon roll call,
motion CARRIED 6-0. Russell Prater was nominated as Chairman.
Susan Mista then opened the floor for nominations for Vice-Chairman. Mr.
Richardson nominated Phil Williams for Vice-Chairman, seconded by Mr.
Prater. There being no other nominations, the nominations were closed.
Upon roll call, motion CARRIED 6-0. Phillip Williams was nominated as
Susan Mista then turned the meeting over to Mr. Prater.
Ohairman Prater asked that the minutes of the
be brought back from the table for approval.
to approve the minutes of the April 28, 1983,
Williams. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
April 28, 1983, meeting
Mr. Rotundo made a motion
meeting, seconded by Mr.
Review Rules and Regulations
Chairman Prater advised the members that if there are any changes, he
will have to consult the City Attorney to have the changes added to the
present rules and regulations.
Chairman Prater suggested that the availability of the agenda and packet
for each meeting be changed from the present time period of 24 hours. He
stated he felt that 24 hours was not enough time to review the agenda
thoroughly. It was his suggestion that three days time be given for
receiving the agenda, prior to the meeting date.
Mr. Williams made a motion that the rules and regulations be changed to
read that the members be given the agenda and packet three days prior to
each regular meeting.
Chairman Prater stated that if a special meeting had to be called where
the Board members were familiar with the agenda of a special meeting,
24 hours would be allt~gfut.
Mr. Richardson seconded Mr. Williams' moti~n. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Chairman Prater stated that the present rules state the Board have an
alternate, however, it was his understanding an alternate was going to
be eliminated from the rules. He further stated that this Board takes
4 yes votes to pass anything. A discussion then ensued regarding the
need for an alternate on the Board.
Chairman Prater advised the Board that the State Legislature recently
passed a law requiring 7 members be appointed to the Board. He did not
know whether or not an alternate could be eliminated, according to the
newly passed law.
Mr. Williams made a motion that Chairman Prater consult with the City
Attorney to find out if this Board needs an alternate or can remain with
a 7 member Board. Mr. Richardson seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED
Mr. Williams asked the members if the 7:00 P.M. time for the meetings was
all right with them. Everyone agreed that 7:00 P.M. was a good time.
Chairman Prater referred the members to Section 3 of the last page
regarding a letter of notification of lien to be mailed to the violator
every 45 days until the condition is corrected or the maximum fine has
been imposed. He stated the regular Ordinance states not to exceed $250
each day of violation continuous. He felt that that statement should be
included in the rules and regulations. He referred the Board members to
page 214 of the Code book, Section 2-56, Fines and Liens - the 4th line -
$250 maximun daily fine for each day if the violation continues past
the date set for the compliance.
Mr. Rotundo made a motion that it be added to the rules and regulations
that a $250 maximum daily fine be imposed for each day a violation continues
past the date set for the compliance. Mr. Rosa seconded the motion.
Motion CARRIED 6-0.
Concerning the letter from Mr. Nolan and Mr. Vanzin, Chairman Prater
referred to the letter from City Clerk, Connie Kinsey, stating that this
matter had been taken off the agenda due to the confusion of the issue.
Susan Mista stated that Ms. Kinsey asked the Board to set a special meeting
within the next two weeks to hear this issue. Chairman Prater stated
he feels this is a civil matter and this Board is to hear things after
a violation has been committed and as of now, this is a boundary line
dispute. Mr. Rosa asked if the City Attorney was checking on this, to
which Chairman Prater said he thought he had checked on it.
A discussion then ensued concerning whether or not this Board should hold
a special meeting regarding the letter from Mr. Nolan and Mr. Vanzin.
Mr. Kroman read a section from the Code book wherein it states that each
case before the enforcement board shall be presented by a member of the
administrative staff of the City designated by City Council. Mr. Williams
agreed that this letter should never have come before this Board in this
manne r .
Mr. Williams made a motion that this matter should be given to the Chief
of Police and the Building Inspector, that an affidavit needs to be
signed and the proper procedures followed before the Board can take any
action. Mr. Richardson seconded the motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0.
At this time, all members of the Board introduced themselves to each
There being no further business to come before the Board, upon motion
made by Mr. Rotundo and seconded by Mr. Williams, the meeting was adjourned
at 7:33 P.M.
Minutes submitted by:
Susan Mista
-2- Code Enforcement Board Meeting
August 25, 1983
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