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Citizen Code Enforcement Board
March 31, 1983 Regular Meeting
Chairman Mason called the meeting to order at 7:08 p.m. In the conference
area of the Community Center.
Members present: Mrs. Mason, Mrs. Kane, Mrs. Hoffman, Mr. Prater, Mr. Wargo
Mr. Whittet and Mr. Williams. Excused: Mr. Hamel. Also present: Nancy
Blazi, City Clerk and Mrs. Taylor, Secretary, and a member of the press.
Public Hearing
Case 83-CC-l - Thomas King - 2614 Pine Tree Drive - Violations of Section
717 and 717.02 of the Code.
Mrs. Blazi, City Clerk, was present to swear In the witnesses. The following
people swore to tell the truth: Chief Earl Baugh, Thomas King, Jimmy King,
Tom King, Sheila King, Rosella King and Andy King.
Mrs. Blazi was excused from the meeting.
Mrs. Mason called the hearing to order. She introduced the Board members
to the Respondent, Mr. King, and advised that the hearing was called because
of the alleged violations of permitting litter on his property and failing
to maintain the litter collection and storage area in a clean condition.
Mr. King testified that he had received a copy of the Notification of
Ordinance Violation Warning, and that he had read and understood the
papers he had received.
Chief Earl Baugh testified that the problem has existed at this residence
for the past couple years. He said that the property had been cleaned up
some, but the violation is a recurring one. He submitted two photographs
taken on the day of the hearing as evidence. He said that this home is
an unsightly one in comparison with the surrounding homes. He has had
several complaints from citizens asking that action be taken to get it
cleaned up.
Mrs. King said she has been working in the yard ever since she got the last
notice to clean it up. Mr. King said the garbage shown in the photograph
has been there for a week and they have asked the City to pick it up, but
"Marty" will not pick it up. They both stated that they have called the
City numerous times and they will not pick it up. Mrs. King said that if
she can carry it out to the street, they should pick it up, but he refuses
to pick it up. The Chief said that they have made a lot of efforts to clean
it up, but the situation still exists. One of the King children stated that
she has put trash in boxes and called the City to pick it up, but by the time
they came to get it it was scattered all around, because of rain and wind.
Mrs. King said that they had a shed which had fallen down and they were
waiting for the insurance company to come and look at it. They did not
know how to get rid of the old shed, as they were not allowed to burn it.
They asked if the City was supposed to pick up old furniture for them. The
Chief explained that if you call the City Barn and ask them to come out, they
will give you a price of what it will cost for the extra pick up. The Kings
said that they did not know this.
The Board members said that they had viewed the property and found it to be
in deplorable condition each time they saw it.
There was no ,further testimony. The hearing was adjourned. The Board
reviewed the evidence and began their deliberations.
Mr. Wargo said he had seen the property two months ago and it was in terrible
condition, but he has not looked at it since then. Mrs. Hoffman said that
two people were working in the yard when she saw it over a month ago, and
she could not understand why the situation could not be alleviated. Mr.
Whittet said the property was improved over what it had been earlier, but
they had a long way to go to get it cleaned up. He felt that with com-
passion on the part of the Board and harder work on the part of the Kings
they could get the job done. He mentioned that he was not aware of the
problem the Kings had in getting the trash picked up until tonights meeting.
Because of the fact that they were not aware of the special pick-up he felt
that should be taken into consideration. Mr. Prater agreed that the situation
was as explained by the Chief.
Chief Baugh estimated it would take about 30 days for the property to be
brought up to the standards of the surrounding properties.
Mr. Wargo moved to give the Kings 30 days to clean the property up so that
it comes up to the standards of the neighborhood, and that a penalty of
$10.00 a day be imposed for every day after the 30 days that it is not
cleaned up. The motion was seconded by Mr. Prater and CARRIED 7-0.
Mrs. Mason advised the respondent that they would receive a notice of the
Findings of the Board in writing within ten days. The fine will start
30 days from this date if the Code Enforcement Officer finds it to be
in Non-compliance.
Mr. Alvarez spoke to the respondents, emphasizing that he advises the City
Board and the City Council, and did not present the case against them. The
case was presented by the Chief of Police. He advised the Kings that the
Board has the power to levy up to $250 a day in fines. That fine will con-
stitute a lien against their property, and it will be enforced in the same
manner as a judgment from a court. That is, the sheriff will levy against
the personal property. It is a serious pro~lem.
Mrs. Hoffman was excused from the meeting at 7:30 p.m.
82-CC-22 - Hermosa Palms Condominiums
Mrs. Mason noted that at her last inspection of this property it was not
cleaned up. She said that the paper on the property has reverted back to
Mr. Hamel, a member of the Code Enforcement Board. She was advised by
Mr. Hamel that he would take care of the property this week, through Willy
Woods. Mr. Prater said he had talked with Mr. Hamel and that Mr. Hamel
was in the process of hiring someone with a truck to go in and clean it up.
Mr. Prater moved to table this matter until the next meeting. The motion
was seconded by Mrs. Kane and CARRIED 6-0.
Ponderosa Homes, Inc. - buffer at 1834 Evergreen
Mrs. Mason said they have received a letter from Mr. Barrett stating that
he is going to take care of planting the buffer. She read the letter, which
was addressed to Charles Murphy, Building Official. In the letter he states
that he will take care of the planting within the next ten days, and this
has been done.
Mr. Wargo motioned that this item be cleared from the Board, seconded by
Mr. Whittet, and CARRIED 6-0.
Mrs. Mason referred to a matter sent to the Code Board by City Council
concerning privacy fences constructed around Lots 22 and 24 in Highland
Shores. ~he Chairman said that because it came to the Board incorrectly
(not through an Enforcement Officer) she did not believe the Board could
take any action on it. Chief Earl Baugh said that he could see no violation
regarding blocking of the intersection. He said that he and Sgt. Lenz
measured from the point of intersection south and east 50,lfeet - each stood
at a point SO feet from the intersection and they could still see each other.
He also pulled into the driveway at Lot 23 and found no hazard to traffic
backing out of the driveway. He could not comment on Sec. 706.00 of the
Code as that pertained to the Building Official.
Mr. Wargo presented photographs which he had taken of the fence. It was
his opinion that it was a violation of Sec. 706.00. He questioned whether
the fence would obstruct a fire department and keep them from getting in
and fighting a fire.
Citizen Code Enforcement Board
March 31, 1983
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Mr. Whittet suggested that the Building Official be contacted to institute
the proper forms. Mr. Wargo thought he should come to the next meeting
and explain the matter to the Board.
Mr. Alvarez reviewed the case - noting that the petltlon was filed with
the City Council. They in turn said it was outside of their jurisdiction
and forwarded it to the Code Board. The Chief says there is no violation
at the corner and the view of oncoming traffic is not prohibited. The
question remains whether or not there is a violation as to the Building
Inspector, whether or not he issued the permits. This matter should never
enter deliberation until it has been determined that there is a violation.
That question can only be answered by receiving communication from the
Building Official. He suggested sending Mr. Murphy the form and have him
fill it out - is there a violation or not? He suggested that he be specific
when he states there is a violation or there is not a violation.
Chief Baugh said he would fill out the form also as it pertains to his
area. The City Attorney said that the matter is not now before the Board
as an alleged violation.
There was discussion as to whether the City Attorney should be at the
Code Enforcement Board meetings. All members felt he should, and Mr.
Alvarez agreed that if there was one board where he should be present it
is the Code Board. Mr. Alvarez explained how the Code Enforcement Board
came about.
Mr. Prater asked agaln about a member missing two consecutive meetings
without cause. Mr. Alvarez said that was in the State Statute. Mrs.
Taylor asked whose job it was to report two absences to Council, and
Mr. Alvarez said as record keeper it was up to the secretary. He read
from the Code - noting that it says that the Board shall declare the
members office vacant, if any member fails to attend two out of three
successive meetings without cause. He noted that the cause for removal
shall be as provided in the ordinance, not the State Statute. He recommend-
ed that the Council be advised to amend the ordinance to establish what
will constitute cause.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Minutes submitted by Joan Taylor
Citizen Code Enforcement Board
March 31, 1983
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