03-31-1983 - Joint w/Council ;;:. o Q CITY CITY OF EVGEWATER COUNCIL/COVE ENFORCEMENT BOARV . MaJz.c.h 31, 1983 M-<. 11. uA: e..6 JOINT WORKSHOP MayoJz. R-<.c.haJz.d Mc.K-<.llop c.alle.d the. jo-<.nt wOJz.k.6hop to oJz.de.Jz. at 6:f6 p.m. ~n the. c.on6e.Jz.e.nc.e. aJz.e.a 06 the. Commun-<.ty Ce.nte.Jz.. ROLL CALL MayoJz. R-<.c.haJz.d Mc.K-<.llop PJz.e..6e.nt Counc.-<.lman Vav-<.d Le.dbe.tte.Jz. PJz.e..6e.nt Counc.-<.lwoman G-<.g-<. Be.nn-<.ngton PJz.e..6e.nt Counc.-<.lman Ne.-<.l A.6t-<.ng PJz.e..6e.nt Counc.-<.lman Jac.k Spe.nc.e.Jz. PJz.e..6e.nt Code. En60Jz.c.e.me.nt BoaJz.d me.mbe.Jz..6 pJz.e..6e.nt: Cha-<.Jz.man Sh-<.Jz.le.y Ma.6on, RU.6.6e.ll PJz.ate.Jz., Ph-<.ll-<.p W-<.ll-<.am.6, Lo-<..6 Kane., Jame..6 Wh-<.tte.t, Me.Jz.c.e.de..6 H066man, Me.lbouJz.ne. WaJz.go. Exc.u.6e.d: ChaJz.le..6 Hame.l. Al.6o pJz.e..6e.nt, Joan TayloJz., Se.c.Jz.e.taJz.Y C-<.ty AttoJz.ne.y JO.6e.' AlvaJz.e.z C-<.ty Cle.Jz.k Nanc.y Blaz-<. Pol-<.c.e. Ch-<.e.6 EaJz.l Bauth P Jz. e..6 e.nt P Jz. e..6 e. nt P Jz. e..6 e.nt MayoJz. Mc.K-<.llop note.d that the. wOJz.k.6hop wa.6 c.alle.d to bJz.-<.ng the. Counc.-<.l up to date. on the. pJz.oc.e.duJz.e..6 06 the. BoaJz.d due. to the. ne.w oJz.d-<.nanc.e.. MJz..6. Ma.6on Jz.e..6ponde.d that the. pJz.oc.e.duJz.e. -<..6 outl-<.ne.d -<.11. the. Code.; the. 60Jz.m.6 u.6e.d by the. BoaJz.d 60Jz. a he.aJz.-<.ng have. be.e.n bJz.ought up to date. to e.xpe.d-<.te. handl-<.ng 06 c.a.6e..6 c.om-<.ng be.60Jz.e. the. BoaJz.d. By the. t-<.me. a c.a.6e. ge.t.6 to the. BoaJz.d -<.t ha.6 be.e.n de.te.Jz.m-<.ne.d to be. a v-<.olat-<.on by the. Code. In.6pe.c.toJz.. In add-<.t-<.on to the. 60Jz.m.6 alJz.e.ady pJz.e.paJz.e.d, MJz..6. Ma.6on .6ugge..6te.d that the. attoJz.ne.y pJz.e.paJz.e. one. 60Jz. c.-<.t-<.ze.n.6 to U.6e. whe.n 6-<.l-<.ng a c.ompla-<.nt w-<.th the. Code. En60Jz.c.e.me.nt 066-<'c.e.Jz.. Counc.-<.lman A.6t-<.ng Jz.a-<..6e.d the. que..6t-<.on 06 the. pJz.oc.e.duJz.e. 60llowe.d whe.n the. c.uJz.Jz.e.nt c.ha-<.Jz.man wa.6 .6e.le.c.te.d,-<.n Augu.6t 06 '82. MJz..6. Ma.6on note.d that the. oJz.gan-<.zat-<.onal me.e.t-<.ng -<..6 .6uppo.6e.d to be. he.ld -<.11. June.; the. e.le.c.t-<.on wa.6 two month.6 late.. MJz.. PJz.ate.Jz. .6a-<.d he. wa.6 not pJz.e..6e.nt -<.11. Augu.6t, and that the. me.e.t-<.ng wa.6 he.ld up unt-<.l the. ne.w oJz.d-<.nanc.e. c.ame. out. MJz..6. Ma.6on e.xpla-<.ne.d that MJz.. Holahan made. the. nom-<.nat-<.on, .6e.c.onde.d by MJz.. Hame.l and e.ve.Jz.yone. vote.d ye..6 e.xc.e.pt he.Jz..6e.l6. The.y vote.d to make. -<.t UNANIMOUS ove.Jz. he.Jz. he.ad. Oounc.-<.lman A.6t-<.ng a.6ke.d -<'6 the. me.mbe.Jz..6 06 the. BoaJz.d had Jz.e.ad the. ne.w FloJz.-<.da Statute. 162.04 pe.Jz.ta-<.n-<.ng to the. Code. En60Jz.c.e.me.nt BoaJz.d. He. Jz.e.v-<.e.we.d the. -<.nte.nt 06 the. BoaJz.d a.6 pJz.ov-<.de.d 60Jz. by the. Statute.. He. be.l-<.e.ve.d that the. C-<.ty OJz.d-<.nanc.e. e.nc.ompa.6.6e.d moJz.e. than wa.6 -<.nte.nde.d by the. State. Statute., and c.aut-<.one.d the. BoaJz.d to be. c.aJz.e.6ul and not ge.t the. C-<.ty -<.nto tJz.ouble.. BoaJz.d me.mbe.Jz. W-<.ll-<.am.6 e.mpha.6-<.ze.d that the.-<.Jz..6 wa.6 a non-b-<.a.6e.d BoaJz.d, that the.y c.an be. .6ue.d a.6 -<.nd-<.v-<.dual.6, and Jz.e.que..6te.d that the. C-<.ty AttoJz.ne.y be. at the. me.e.t-<.ng.6 to pJz.ov-<.de. gU-<.danc.e.. Counc.-<.lman A.6t-<.ng a.6ke.d -<'6 MJz..6. Ma.6on c.ould be. unb-<.a.6e.d -<'6 a c.a.6e. -<.nvolv-<.ng Counc.-<.lman Le.dbe.tte.Jz. o~ MJz.. FJz.ank Opal c.ame. be.60Jz.e. he.Jz., -<.11. v-<.e.w 06 he.Jz. pol-<.t-<.c.al v-<.e.W.6 and the. -<.n60Jz.mat-<.on pJz.ov-<.de.d by MJz.. PJz.ate.Jz. alle.g-<.ng that .6he. wante.d an -<.nve..6t-<.gat-<.on 06 MJz.. Opal. MJz..6. Ma.6on Jz.e..6ponde.d that .6he. would ab.6ta-<.n 6Jz.om vot-<.ng -<'6 the.y obje.c.te.d to he.Jz. vot-<.ng on an -<..6.6ue. -<.nvolv-<.ng the.m. It wa.6 the. op-<.n-<.on 06 the. AttoJz.ne.y Ge.ne.Jz.al on Aug. 29, 1975 that you may ab.6ta-<.n 6Jz.om vot-<.ng. Re.6e.Jz.Jz.-<.ng aga-<.n to the. e.le.c.t-<.on 06 a c.ha-<.Jz.man -<.11. Augu.6t 06 '82, MJz.. PJz.ate.Jz. .6a-<.d that the. m-<.nute..6 and the. tape. d-<.d not .6ay that MJz..6. Ma.6on vote.d no to he.Jz..6e.l6 be.-<.ng e.le.c.te.d. He. a.6ke.d -<'6 -<.t wa.6 a le.gal e.le.c.t-<.on, and a.6ke.d who .6woJz.a -<.11. MJz.. Wh-<.tte.t, the. ne.w me.mbe.Jz.. MJz..6. TayloJz. .6a-<.d that .6he. d-<.d, unde.Jz. duJz.e..6.6, and that .6he. -<..6 not a notaJz.Y. The.Jz.e. we.Jz.e. .6-<.x me.mbe.Jz..6 pJz.e..6e.nt; MJz..6. Ma.6on vote.d aga-<.n.6t he.Jz..6e.l6. Eve.n -<'6 one. me.mbe.Jz. we.Jz.e. d-<..6qual-<'6-<.e.d -<.t would .6t-<.ll le.ave. 60uJz. vote..6 60Jz. he.Jz. appo-<.ntme.nt, e.xpla-<.ne.d the. MayoJz.. It Jz.e.qu-<.Jz.e..6 60uJz. a66-<.Jz.mat-<.ve. vote..6 60Jz. ac.t-<.on. MJz.. PJz.ate.Jz. .6a-<.d that the.Jz.e. wa.6 one. othe.Jz. me.mbe.Jz. who vote.d that n-<.ght who wa.6 not le.gally on the. BoaJz.d be.c.au.6e. he. had a.6ke.d that he. be. take.n 066 be.c.au.6e. he. had not atte.nde.d 60Jz. 60uJz. month.6 me.e.t-<.ng.6, and that wa.6 Ed Hall, but he. had not be.e.n take.n 066. AttoJz.ne.y AlvaJz.e.z .6a-<.d that -<.t appe.aJz.e.d to h-<.m that -<.t wa.6 le.gal -<'6 the.Jz.e. wa.6 a majoJz.-<.ty vote. 06 60uJz.. MJz..6. Kane. a.6ke.d -<'6 the. oJz.gan-<.zat-<.onal me.e.t-<.ng and e.le.c.t-<.on c.an take. plac.e. at # ~ - o u any time without the memben~ being noti6ied. Couneilman Ledbetten ~aid that i6 he neealled pnopenly, the 60nmen City Attonney had advi~ed Mn. Holahan that he wa~ holding 066iee on the Cude En60neement Boand illegally. He ~aid that thene wa~ matenial to baeR it up at City Hall. When a~Red by Mn~. Ma~on i6 he had been nemoved, Couneilman Ledbetten ne~ponded that he had been noti6ied by the 60nmen City Attonney that he wa~ illegal. Mayan MeKillop a~Red why no que~tion~ had been naiied on thi~ matten until now. Couneilman A~ting ~aid he had wanted to bning it up eanlien but no wonR~hop had been ~eheduled. Mn. Pnaten noted that the By-Law~ ~tate that i6 a memben mi~~e~ two out 06 thnee eon~eeutive meeting~ without eau~e and without pnion appnoval 06 the Chainman he ~hall 60n6eit hi~ appointment. Mayan MeKillop a~Red that the memben~ wnite out thein opinion~ eoneenning the eleetion be60ne they di~mi~~ thein meeting tonight - the 6aet that Mn. Hall had mi~~ed meeting~ oven a 60un month peniod, who ~wone in the memben~ on the night they voted, what the voting neeond i~, what the by-Iaw~ ~ay, how Mn. Holahan annanged to have the eleetion that night. Reeall it the be~t they ean 60n the City Attonney. The City Attonney a~Red i6 thi~ wa~ the 6in~t time the que~tion 06 the eleetion wa~ bnought to City Couneil. Couneilman A~ting ~aid that Mn. Pnaten had eontaeted him.be60ne the eleetion and a6ten he wa~ eleeted. Couneilman Ledbetten ~aid that he and the 60nmen Mayon wene awane 06 it but unden the eineum~tanee~ thene wa~ nothing they eould do. Couneilman A~ting a~Red 60n a 60nmal neply 6nom the City Attonney on the i~~ue nai~ed tonight. The City Attonney ~aid that he would liRe a neque~t 6nom the ~eenetany 06 the Boand a~ to the appnopniatene~~ 06 the eleetion held baeR in Augu~t, and to aeeompany the neque~t with a ne~ume 06 what tnan~pined; wa~ thene a quonum, wa~ the new memben duly eleeted, wa~ thene pnopen noti6ieation, ete. Couneilman Speneen a~Red 60n a eopy 06 the new 60nm~ being u~ed by the Boand 60n violation~ and heaning~, and a~Red 60n an explanation 06 the majon di66enenee~. Chainman Ma~on explained that the 60nm~ expedite ea~e~, that the Boand i~ not to get involved with ~ending out letten~ and that the ea~e~ eome to the Boand 6nom Code In~peeton~ only, that being the Poliee Chie6 and the Building 066ieial. The Chie6 explained that he would liRe a eomplaint 60nm 60n the eitizen~ to ~ign, he would go out and eheeR to ~ee i6 it wa~ a violation and then he, a~ Code En60neen, would bning the matt en to the Boand. He eomplimented Mn. Alvanez on the new ~tneamlined 60nm~. The City Attonney ~aid that the a66idavit violation 60nm eould be u~ed by a eitizen. Mn~. Ma~on a~Red how they ~hould handle nepeat o66enden~; Mn. Alvanez ~ugge~ted that with eaeh additional violation they.eould be 6ined an inenea~ed amount. The Chie6 a~Red i6 hi~ 066ieen~ eould be eode in~peeton~; Mn. Alvanez ~aid that they ane en60neen~ 06 eniminal law; the~e an~ Code viala~kon~. Mn~. Ma~on a~Red i6 the City Couneil i~ able to ~end matten~ dineetly to the Code Boand on i6 they ~hould go thnough the Code In~peeton~. The City Attonney ~a~d that when the not~ee 06 ~he v~ola~~on eome~ ~o ~he Boand ~ee~e~a~y, ~he ~hould ne6en the matten to the Code In~peeton. 16 the in~peeton 6~nd~ a v~olation then it eome~ be60ne the Code En60neement Boand. The Mayan a~Red i6 a pen~on wan~ing to nepont a eode violation mu~t eome to City Hall and ~~gn thein name to a nepont. The City Atto~ney ~aid he 6elt the eitize~ ~hould eome 60nwand, but it would not be a nequinement. Couneilman A~ting motioned to adjounn the wonR~hop, ~eeonded by Couneilwoman Bennington. The wonR~hop wa~ adjounned at 7:04 p.m. Minute~ ~ubmitted by Joan Taylon ~City Couneil/Code En60ndement Boand WonR~hop Meeting, 3/3f/83 - 2 -