11-10-1948 - Regular G - Lt ..J I U lit '-' v RB G JL .tL.t ..,r....:....:'r IlJG 0 P '1'11..: '110 dLJ CO J lJ C IL 0 t' 1'.P....... r.-:O,IN 0} ~G3d.t~~.~":\, FL 0.1.\ ILJi. .ti~LL 11, 1'H~ i'O.IN lL1LL lWV~MB~R ;to, 1948. ~A:eeting cnlled to ordor nt 7:30 2. l.l. by .:.:hyor-00uncilmnn ~. P. }"'ullcr. ROLL C....LL. Mayor-Coune ilmnn Counei Im'1n Councilman Clerk Attorney Ivhrsh'11 btreet ~uu~rvisor ~. P. Fullor .i. Hussey H. 0. Luhlhoff ,G. C. bpa~cgo 'J. Comuton }'rench D. ~.\..' ~homns L. H. Ballnntyne 2r'Jsen t . .P-.cesent. Prosent. P~cesent . P-ce s-;n t . Prosen t . .?resent. R~.d; IN G OF I\IHl J~ J;) . The minutes of tho &iq~ 'od moeting held" l~ovombe~c 3.1!di "nd tho orgrmizntion moeting hold Hovcmbor .ard, 1'048 wore rend. Connci Im'ln ~uhlhoff moved they be nuproved ns rond, seconded by Counc ilm.'ll1 hussoy nnd b~' vote declnred C.t1RHI...ili BILLS ..:.\.In) .ilCC0LJll'.l1~. The following bills wero rend; bouthern Boll Telophonc & Tolegraph Co. Irone B. Garmnn Florenoe B. ~wincy Jessie C. Thomns .hnnio L. vH!mormnn tlnrriott M. rlolls Connc ilmnn Auhlhoff moved those bills be approv(}d ns ua"ct OD those minutes, seconded by Councl1r:l.'ln Hussey C.l..R.lU..ID . 8.03 3 . 00 /~ 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 rend, pnid nnd be m'1do nnd by voto deolnred R&P0rlTb GF OFFIC....:~~. Clerk road his budget report nnd cnsh stntement for the poriod October"lst, to October 31st, 1948. Councilman moved these reports be nceeptcd,soeonded by Counc ilman Hussey nnd by voto d eelared c.t~Rrn~. ..:U~OL lIT lOll. jl RESOLU1'IO:N DESIGllAl1IlJG TIll.; OJtb'IC Il!.L BliNK DEPOSITORY O:B' l'H~ TOWN OF EDG~vVl~T.;:~R, l!'LORIDA. The above and foregoing Resolution was introduced by Councilman Kuhlhoff who moved its adopt ion, which said Mot 1.on was sl)conded by Coune ilman Hussey and upon a roll' oall voto the same was duly adpptod, said ~coll call vote bcdmg as follows, nt a moeting of said Council held the 10th day of Novombor, A. D. 1948 E. P. Fuller Yes M'lyo~-Couneilm'ln A. Hussey Yos Councilman H. O. Kuhlhoff Yos Councilmnn --' .. I V v - u " v ~ v Mr. ~. ~. Bane reported the neod of a battery charger to keep tho batteries of the fire truck at full charge, claiming tho cost of the charging of these Batteries would soon pay for the charger, Councilman moved that the Clerk purchase purchase a battery ?harger for this purpose, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote declared CARRIED. 1. R. Ballantyne asked the Council to have a light placed midway botweonlthe Highway and tho River ronde lIo action Ylas taken. Nilliam ~llen reported that the rebuilding of the truck body would cost apuroximntely $140.00. Councilman Kuhlhoff moved mr Allen be authority to do this work, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by voto declared CARrtI.LID. Councilman Kuh1boff moved we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Hussey and b~ vote declared CARRIED. TIl~ 8:15 ~. M. ~~Yor_COUncilmnn~~ Councilman Q- 1/t:..44/ counCilmnn~c7f ~ 1V4d/~ .ATTEST: ~ /j- ~ ~~ 11wn C~