06-22-1949 - Regular .. . v 'v -.) R o " :.J c, REGULAR ]!E1HI:~J O:;? THE TO',.N cqmifcIL OJ!' TF.E TOI'IN OF ~:JGE\IATj;R, ]'LOKIDA lULD I:~ THE To..ir HALL, JUlfli: 22, 1949. ~.reeting c:':.lled t.o order n.t 7 :30 P. l... by Mnyor-Councilmnn ~. ~. ]'uller. ROLL CALL. l\:ny 0 r -C 0 un c i Imrm C oun c i LlTh':tn Councilmr..n Clerk Attorney IIn.rshrtl ~trect Supervisor E. ? J!'uller A. Hussey H. C. KuhDlOff G. C. Spargo J. Compton ]'rench D. J... Tho111:1.S J. l~ . " 0 od Present. Present. I'resent. ]: resent. Prefient. Present. Absent. lillADL,G OF MIN'UTE~. The minutes of the regulc:.r meeting held June .J, 1949 were re:.:.cl. Councilmtm Hussey moved they be approved ns rend, seconded by Councilman Kuhlhoff nnd oy vote dcclnred CARRIED. BILLS M.ill ACCOill~TS. The following bills were rend; Bnne's Auto Service G. C. Spnrgo Christy's Service Stntion Whitney Hnedwnre Co. COllilcil~~n Kuhlhoff mo~ed these pnrt of these minutes, seconded C4.'ffiRIED . 7.45 1.35 8.99 4.03 bills be approved ns read, paid r..nd be ~~de by CounciD~~ Hussey and by vote declnred NE\. BUISNESS. CounciLrnrm Kuhlhoff moved that rt ref.lolution be drc;>.wn up obj ecting to the nbmlishment of the Edgewnter Post Office rtnd the instituting of a Rurnl Free delivery out of the New ~ny~~ Bench Post office for the Town of Edge- wnter, nnd thnt a certified copy of t.his resolution be sent to the Post- ~~ster Genernl of the United States :.:.nd Congressmnn Jidney Herlong, seconded oy COllilci~~n Hussey nnd upon roll cull vote declnred CAflilIED, the result of the vote being ns follows: E. P. Fuller Yes if.c.-:.yor-Counc ilmnn A. Hussey Yes Councilmnn H. O. Kuhlhoff Yes Councilman This resolution is n.tt<.'.checd: and mnde pnrt of these minutes. There being no further business Councilman. Kuhlhoff moved v.e do now adjounn seconded by COllilcilmnn Hussey and by vote declnred C.UU~IED. TI1lli 7:45 P. 'M. l~yor-COuncilman ATTEST: Councilman Town Clerk cOUllcllmnn