11-05-1947 - Organization Meeting '-.. I . '--' ~ v \.,) I V " Ml~UTEo OF ~HE ORG~rZAYI0N MEETING OF 1~ TOWN COU~~IL OF tHE TOW~ OF lillGEWA'l'ER, l!'LORIDA, HELD IoN V.1.A. HALL OoN oNOVE.Ml:5ER 5, 1947. Meeting was called to order at 8.05 ~.M. HOLL ~ALL. -rhe "Oath of Office" was subscribed to by .J!'elbert J!' Barker to serve ns l.iouncil- man for the term of three years. ~ominntions were in order for n l.iounci~~ to serve as Mayor for the next year. ~Allots were v9ted ,collected nnd counted by the l.ilerk with results as follows; uouncilmnn~. H..Loman 2 l.iouncilmnn A.liusBey 1 l.iouncilman Lehmnn was declared electea Mayor l.iouncilmnn, and took the chair. ~eminations were in order for vice Mhyor Councilman. ~nllots were cast aollest- ed and counted by the \.ilerk . '.l.he result, three votes for \.iouncilmnn nussey. Councilm.."\n 11.U3sey was declared electedvice Mayor. A Resolution entitled "A .H.ll:SOLUTION D.l!:~LAR1.NG '.i:RE 'J:OWoN 1.i0 UNI.iIL OF 1'HE 'rOV/oN OF .1D EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, DULY Am> LEGALLY ORG~IZED UlmER THE PROVISIONS OF LAW APPLI~A.JjLE l'HERETO. It was moved that the above and foregoing hesolution introducea.by l.iouncilnk~n 11.ussey and moved by him accordingly be ndopted, which motion was duly seconded by l.iouncilmnn ~arker and upon n roll call vote being taken the snid Hesolution was duly declared adopted at the offfcial organization meeting of said ~ouncil held the 5th dny of November, 1947, the vote of said Councilman on snid rell cnll being as follows: """ ....l!.:. H 0., Lohman-i) .x.l!:l::) Mayor eouncilm..~n A. liussey fes C:)Wlcilmnn ..lfClbert ..ll. Darker ies Councilman A copy of the Hesolutian is attached nnd forms 0. part of these minutes. Appointment for Town l.ilerk being in order Mayor Lohman rend a letter of appli- cation from W. 11.. Sciscoe. ~ouncilmnn nussey moved that the ~resent \.ilerk ~uy I.io. ~pargo be nppointed to fill the office, seconded by Mator Lohman and by roll cnll vote declared appointed ;vote being ns follows; lllln.yor 60uncilmnn 00uncilmnn COWlcilm::l.n .lli.li.Lohman A. .tiussey .Jf.J!' ..tlnrkcr Yes Yes no Councilman Hussey moved that the nnd Dollnrsl'lOOOO.OO), seconded \.iarried. Vote being as follows Clerk~s ~ond be set in the sum of ~en by ~ouncilmnn Lohman and by roll call Mayor Counamlm..~n l!:..ti.Lohman Councilman A~Hussey l.iouncilman .If.F. Barker 'l"hous- declnred Xes Yes Yes A Msolution entitled 'tA R1!;SOLU'"fIOoN DESllH'lATI.NG Tlill OFFl~IAL BAliK DEPOSITOR:! OJ!' THE TOWN OF EDGEWA1'ER, FLORIDA. n was rend in full. The above and foregoing Heaolution was intreduced by l.iouncilnlnn A. Hussey whQ moved its adoption, which said motion wns seconded by \.iouncilmnn ~'.F.~arker nnd upon roll cnll the srume waa duly adppted, said roll call vote being ns follQws, at n meeting of snid l.iouncil held this 5thday' of ~ovember,A.~. 1947. Mayor \.iouncilnmn ~.11..Lo~~n lea vouncilman A,Husaey les Gcnmcilnm.n Jt .l!' .~nrker les A copy of this rteaolution is attached nnd forms a pnrt of these minutes. ~ ---- ~ I \....; v- ~ I V .v Urgnnizntion Meeting. Minutes of meeting of ~ovember 5,19 1947. .tinge 2. Mayor Lohnk~ appointed vnvid A. Thomas to serve as Town Marshall for the ensuing year, whereupon Councilman Hussey moved the appointment of vavid iho~~s be confirmnd, seconded by vounci~~n ~arker nnd by roll cnll vote vnrried · Holl cnll vote being ns follows l~yor vouncilmnn ~.tl.Lohman leB liouncilnmn A .Hussey Yes liouncilman ~.F.Barker Yes The appointment of ~treet ~upervisor was laid on the table until the next regular meeting. ~ouncilmnn Hussey moved that at~omp~pn$rench be retained as Attoeney year, seconded .by Zouncilmnn ~arker, roll cnll vote being as follows ; Mayor 00uncilmnn ~.ti.LQ~~n Councilman A.Hussey Councilman $.~Arker for next ies Yes Yes Councilman Hussey moved that Pentland nnd Robertson be retained as Auditors, seconded by 00uncilman Barker roll call vote being as follows: Mayor 00uncilman ~.h.Lohman Councilman A. Hussey Councilman $.~arker ies Yes Yes Cuuncilman Hussey moved we do now adjourn, seconded by vounci1man ~arker nod by vote declared 0AHHI~D. ~ime 9.00 P.M. l\tlD.yo r (; 0 unc i l.mn.n ~~~ R.i::'il!if:)'.fJ_ ~ ~ A _ _~ ~wn~ Councilmnn 0 I~ Oouncilmnn VPI.f' ~ v v 'V v STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF VOL USIA ) TOWN OF EDGEWATER ) CERTIFICATE OF JUDGES .AND CLERK OF ELECTION. We, the undersigned Inspectors and Clerk of Election, do hereby certify that at the Annual Town Election held in the Tovm of Edgewater, Florida, on the 4th day of November, A. D. 1947, pursuant to law, for the purpose of electing one (1) -Tovm Councilman to serve for the period of three years, we did count the ballots cast at said election and that the ballots cast at said election were as follows: The total number of votes cast for the office of Town Councilman was 3/1/' · ~f~~~~ ~r::v.,/2.-0 /' t~W/---:l, C H - . / fla/L~ J/~ . received ~/7 votes. received 9:~ votes. ~ CJf- v:o:t.es.. received vot e s. received vot e s. Dated this 4th day of November, A. D. 1947. ~ :re.U~ . Inspector -#R~A<l'H O/l~ W//Jh/. Insnector or . ~~~L f? ~/Z~~ (Inspector 2-~ 4, J~ Clerk # '-' "wi \.,I u STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF VOLUSIA TOWN OF EDGEWATER I do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and government of the United States and of the State of Florida and the charter and ordinances of the ToVl'Il of Edgewater; that I am duly quallfied to hold office under the constitution of the State and charter and ordinances of the Town of Edgewater; and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties of a member of the Tovffi Council to serve for three (3) years, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. ~1f'~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of November, A. D. 1947. Jf~tl~~ Notary Public, State of Florida. My commission expires: ~:7~.y};;'~'-f r..1~::~. ~'~::{~"'. ~.~ ~.:~'~_;~~~. j:~:: ..~'''JO, ~'..~' ,. ~.., .";;" .....4iZ... ".; ...... I. . ,- " '. '., ( ~ \..I - ~ ---- -- ~ ~. i:.J "-' CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION OFFICE OF TOWN COUNCILMAN, EDG~VATER, FLORIDA, NOVEMBER 5TH, 1947. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF VOLUSIA TOWN OF EDGEWATER THIS IS TO CERTIFY that Fe1bert F. Barker was elected To~~ Councilman in and for the Town of Edgewater, Florida, to serve for the term of three (3) years from his election and qualification, at the Annual Town Election held on the 4th day of November, A. D. 1947, he having received the highest number of votes for said office of Town Councilman at said election, as shown by the Election Returns on file in my office. c~d'af:~~. lorida v \",.i '...J '-' I, ~,~~ Florida, 0. hereby c rtify , Town Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, that the above.and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the Town Council of the Tovm of Edgew~ter, Florida at a meeting thereof held on the 0- d day of November, A. D. 1947. 4~~4~-4 Town k /