11-12-1947 - Regular c . l." u ~ v It '\wi '~ rlEGULAR MmETING OI!' TIm TOWN COUNCIL OF TIm TOWN OF EDGEWA'fEft, lfIJJRIDA HELD IN V. I. A. OR TOWN HALL NOVEMBER ~2th. ~947 Meeting called to order by Jihyor-Ceuncilman E. H. Lohman. ROLL CALL. Mayo r-Ceunc ilman i"euncilnmn CGuncilman C~erk Attorney Jliarshall ~treet ~upervisor :is. li. Loh.mnn p'resent. A. Hussey Present. F. F. .Barker 2resent. G. C. Spargo Present. J'-. Compton .irench Present. IJ. &. i'homns Present. R. ~, SChmidt Present. rlEAD DiG OF' :MINUTES . The minutes or the regular meeting and the organization meeting held on November ,th. 1947 were read. Councilman Hussey moved they be approved ns read, seconded by Councilman Barker and by vete declared CAftHI~. BILLS AND ACCO~TS. The rollowing bills were rend, Ka therine A. Leddin ;;>> 4.,0 G, C. Spargo 1.00 Counci~~n Hussey moved these bills be approved as read, paid, and be made part or these minutes, seconded by Councilman Barker and by vate declared C.A.l:UUED . HEPORTS OF OFFICERS. MiJ.rshall '.L'homns reported that the posts far one of the trafic~,signs needed replacing. ~ouncil instructed the Marshall to purchase new posts. rt.~~. Schmidtwas appointed street supervismr for the present. rt.o. Bchmidt reported the need of shell for the streets and tools,~uch as rork, hoc, lazy-boy and files . ~ouncilman ~arker mived that these tools be purclli~sed, seconded by ~ounci~ man tlussey and by vote declared ~ARR1~il. vouncilmnn tlussey to purChase the tools and ~ouncilman ~arker to find out if shell can be purchased and 'where. l~EW .I::S US.l.NESS. ~.~. Gooch requested that the ~own write the ~elephone vo. asking that a telephone be installed at ~dgewatcr Inn for emergency pmrposos. tle assured the vouncilthat it would be placed so as to be available at nll times to all persons. , Mr. ~eeves ~~de a similar request for a telephone to be placed at his home at ~oston rtond and rtiverside ~rive, ~hese telephones to be installed at no cost to the.L"own. ~ouncilmnn tlussey moved that the ~lerk write to the ~el. vo. seconded by ~ouncilman nnrker and by vote declared carried. ~omplaint was made to the ~ouncil the trees overhanging the nighway,betwecn nrumilton ~rivc nnd lelkca ~errnce. Large trucks nnd autocarriers drive on the wrong side of the road to avoid these branches,causing a number of near nccidents. ~ouncilman tlussey moved ~the ~lerk write the ~tnte ~ond ilept. and have these trees trimed, oecondcd by vouncilman ~nrkcr nnd by , vote declared vAHH1~il. uoancilman tlussey moved we do now adjourn, and by vote declared ~~~. .Mayor ~o unc i 1m...'1.n seconded by 00nncil~~n .l::Snrker ~ ~, ~ ?(. IJ~ ~~ vouncilmnn A',r'l;ES'f . 'f6wn vlerk. vouncil~').n l.,