12-20-1947 - Special h I V v I ~ .. .... LJ .\..1 .) SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THR TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD IN TOWN OR V. I. A. HALL DECEMBEn 20th, 1947 Mooting called to order by Mayor-Councilman Lohman at 10:45 A. M. ROLL CALL. Mayor- Counc ilman E H. Lohman Present. , Councilman A. Hussey Present. Counci~mnn ]j' . ]j-' . BQ.rker Present. Clerk G. C. Spargo Present. M..~r sha 11 D. .8.. Thomas Present. This moet ing. called for the purpose of purchasoing II. fire engine. After due consideration by the Council of the fire engine offered the Town of Edgewator, Councilman Barker moved that the Town of Edgewator, purchase this engine and that the Clerk issue a warrant for $.1000.00 to Frank Mize as payment in full for 1 American LaFrance fire engino Model & Reg. No.984, secondod by Councilman Hussey and by roll call vote declared CARRIED. The result of the roll call vote being as follows; Mayro-Counoilman Councilman Counoilman Lohman Hussey BtJ.rker Yes Yes Yes Councilman Hussey movod that 500ftof 2t in hese 700ft. l~ in hoso 200ft. 1 in. hoso 2 nozzles and one Siameso be ordored, seoonded by Counoilman Barker and by roll call voto declared CARRIED. ~he rosult of the roll call voto boing as follows; 1futor-Councilman Councilmun Councilman Lohman Hussoy Barker Yes Yes Yes Councmlman Hussey moved we adjourn, seconded by Counoilman Barker and by voto declared CARRIED TIME 11:15 ~. M. M~7or-Councilman ~~~ Councilman Cr.~~ rr~ Councilman ...... ~ : ATTEST: -'- 4~ffi~~C! t/ -own flierV .....