02-25-1948 - Regular II r" I V ~ A U '"' . \...I . ~ ~ REGUL.AR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGE WATER , iLORIDA HELD IN V! L. A. OR TOWN HALL FEBRUARY 25, 1948 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Mayor-Councilman E. H. Lohman. ROLL CfU,L. ~~yor-Councilman E. H. Loh~~n Councilman A. Hussey Councilman F. F. Barker Clerk G. C. Spargo Attorney J. Compton French Marshall D. A. Themas Street Supervisor R. f. Schmidt Presont. Present. Present. "Present. Present. Present. Present. READING OF MINUT~S. The minutes of the regular meeting held February 11, 1948 were read, Ceuncilman Barker moved the be approved n.s read, soconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote doclared CARRI~. BILLS M~D ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read; Beauty Rest Crrbins ~ 2.80 Clinton's Grocdry 3.20 Hull ,Landis, Graham and Freuch 62.50 Harry B. Garman 63.00 O. C. Wip~er 53.90 Hall M~chine Shep 345.45 Councilman Barker moved these bills be approve as read, paid and b~ made part of these minutos, seconded by Councilman Hussey nnd by vete declared CARRIED. ' At this ~Qint business was suspended to allow Mr. Prescott of the County Health Department to talk to the Ceuncil and the citizens preBenton the subject of garbage disposal. He outlined plans used by different Tewns and, at the reQuest of the Beuncil ~romised to send the plan usod by the City of DeLand for the Council to examine. Council thanked Mr. Prescott for his time and kindly interest in this subject and said they would take the matter under consideration after stutied the plan of the City of DeLand. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Mayor-Councilman Lohman reported the resignation of Street SuperVisor Schmidt to tahe effect February 29, 1948, and with the approval of the Council appointed Ray Ballantyne as Streot SuperVisor effective March 1, 1948 NEW BUSn~~Ss. The plat of the McGinnis Subdivision was presented for the approval ef the Council. The maintenanco of streots of this Subdivieien was discussed. Councilman Barker moved that the plat ef the subdivision be approved as pre- sented except that no obligation be placed upen the Town fo'r the building or mnntoning of such streets or roads as designated therein, seconded by" Councilman Hussey and by vote declared CARRI~D. .I'll.. a v v I V .. ~ v v ~ UNFINISHED BUSINESS. The ~~tter of the back yard trailer park was again discussed. I~. Knapp who was present, declared that he was not operating a business as he accepted no renumeration from the trailers parked on his property. As the result of much discussion Councilman Barker moved that, an ordinance ammending ordinance No. 164 as ammcnded by ordinance No. 132 to prohibit the parking of trailers on private property in the restricted areas to not more than 7 days in any six month months p~riod, except the trailer belonging to the owner of the property, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote declared CARRIED. MISCELLM~E0US BUSINESS. Councilman Hussey moved that any purchase made in the future, must be submitted for bids and placed be fore the Council for th~re approval. The Council to instruct the Town Clurk to make the purchase, seconded by Councilman Bark0r and by vote declared CARRIEv. Councilman Barker moved thnt salaries of The Councilman be paid to the Councilmen retroactive to October 1st, 1947 for Mayor-Councilman Lohman and Councilman Hussey and to November 1st, 1947 for Councilman Barker, Ilnd that these salaries be paid each month hereafter, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote declared CARRIED. Councilman Barker moved that compensation insuranco to cover town omployees and v volunteer fireman, seconded by Counoilman Hussey and by vote doclared CARRIED. Council~~n Hussey moved we do now adjourn, seconded;by Council~~n Barker and by vote declared CARRIED. TIME 10:00 P. M. Mayor~Councilman Z/~~ Counoilman {A. ~~ tyC\' ~ Councilman ATTEST: 47o!~~