03-24-1948 - Regular ~ R V v . J III ~ J REGULAR 1lliETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD III V. I. A. OR TOWN HAL~ MARCH 24, 1948. MOeting called te erder at 7:30 P. M. by Mayer-Councilm~n E. H. Lohmnn. ROLL C.ALL. lhyor-Councilmnn Councilman Counc ilman Clerk Attorney Marshal Street Supervisor E. H. Lohman A. Hussey F. ]'. Barker Guy C. Spargo J. Compton French D. A. Thomas L. R. Ballantyne Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the regular meeting held March 24, 1948 were read. After nn omission was noted and entered in minutes, Councilman Hnssey movad they be apnroved as read, seconded by Councilman Barker and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS ~~D ACCOUNTS. The following bills were rend; C. Pacalli 1.80 Beauty Rast Cabins 4.95 aHx ie Supply M.'lrt Inc. 15.00 ~. C. Spargo 1.35 nouncilman Hussey moved that thesa bills be approvad as read, paid and be made part of thesa minutas, soconded by Councilm'ln Barker and by vote declared aARRI~. The bills of ~dgewater Motors and O. C. Wipper were held for further consideration. REPORTS OF OFFIC~RS. M.'lyor-Councilmam. Lohman inquired as to what had been done. about sign posts. Street Supervisor Ballantyne reported being unable to find any material that could be used for forms or concreto. Council instructed ~treet Supervisor Ballantyne to procure the necossary m'lterials and make these posts as soon as possible. ~ \ Attorney French reported on the bill authorizing the Town Council to assess costE costs of lot cleaning and trash removable, against the lands from which such trash shall be cleaned or removed, and explained the method by which the~ ) Town could coll~ct such costs. Attorney French also reported that testimony would be taken in the con- damnation pDocoedings of the electrical distribution system at the Court Room at Seabreeze, Daytona Beach on Monday M'lrch ~9, 1948 at 1:30 p~ M. ORDIlUNCES. Conncilman Barker moved that the hearing on Ordinance No. 158 be posponed until April 14, 1948 due to the fact that only three noticos had been posted when there should have been four notices posted, seconded by Councilman HusseY' and by vote declared CARRI1!lD. R I V v J \.-t v . v .. NEW BUSINESS. Councilman Hussey introduced the subject of a building code and suggested. that the Southeastern Building Code be adopted. After some discussion it was moved by Councilman Barker that this matter be given further considera- tion before any action is taken, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote doolared CARRI~. MlSC~LLAl~~OUS BUSIN~SS. Mr Fred Brown of Park Place presented a letter of complaint on hhe condition of the ~roperty on the cornar of Park ave and Park Place claming it to be a fire hazzaed and a refuge for snakes and animals, and requested the Council insist that the owner have these lots cleaned and trash removed. Council- man Barker moved that the Clerk write the owner to this efect, seconded by Councilman Hussoy and by vote declared C.ARR.Ib.:D. Mrs. R. Morgan anpeared ~efore the Council and complained that the assessed value of her property was excessive and in error. After oonsideration the Conncil admitted the error, and Conncilman Bark!l1r moved that the assess- ment be reduced to $2000.00 wi th $1500.00 exemption leaving tl total assess- ment of $500.00, seoonded by Councilman Hussey and by vote Deolared CARRIED. Councilman Barker moved that the sum of ~.OO be donated to the American Red Cross, seconded by Councilman Hussoy and by vote declared CAHRIED. Councilman Hussey moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Barker and by vote declared CARRIMD. TIME 9:30 P. M. Ma;,or-Councilnmn ~~----., \ Councilman a~ ( Gf'lt ~ Councilmnn ATTEST: - /I -~~ :kd?! '-', r Cl?r~ I ~ '---' ~ \.J ~ v It , .. ~ NOTICE TO CITIZENS OF EDGEWATER. You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held pursuant to the provisiens of Florida Statures, 1941, Seotion 176.05 on a proposed Ordinanoe to amend Ordinanoe No. 140, as amended so as to restriot tho parking ef trailers in the residential distriots. Waid publio hearing will be held at the V. L. A. or Tewn Hall, Edgewater, Florida. on(}ff~-tAd7' the I'/-.:Jkday Of~, A. D. 1948 at tho hour of 7:30 P. 111:. at whioh time parties in interest and oitizens will have the opportunity to be heard by the Town Counoil of the Town of Edgewater'. Dated this..2 $'~of Maroh, A. D. 1948 ~-~ E. H. ohman, Mayor Town of Edgewater. ~~/4~& y .. pargo,,{ To Clerk Town Edgewa te r t/ ~ - .. '::! ____ ~_ ~_ J