06-23-1948 - Regular ... I V u L,. v I ~ 1'.1 '~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWAT~R, FLORIDA H~LD IN THE TOWN HALL o.N JUNE 23rd, 1948. Meeting called to order at 7:45 P. M. by n~yor-Councilman E. H. Lohman. ROLL CALL. !In.:ror-Counc ilm.~n Councilman Clerk Attorney Marshal Street Supervisor E. H. Lohman A. Hussey G. C. Spargo J. Compton French D. A. Thomas L. R. Ballantyne Presont. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. The Clerk reported that the ~lection Board had d~livered to him Ballot No.5, the Official Rogistration book and an envelope containing the C~rtificate of the Ins~ectors and Clerk of ~lectioni. The Envelope was opened ana tho Clerk read this certificate which is attached and nnde part of these minutes. RESOLUTION A R~SOLUTION D~CLARING THE RESULTS OF THg SPECIAL ELECTION HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGgWATER, FLORIDA, ON THE 22ND DAY OF JUNE, A. D. 1948, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION TO THE OFFICER CHOSEN AT SAID ELECTION. The above and foregoing Resolution was introducod by Councilm~ A. Hussey which motion was duly seconded by Councilm.~n ~. H. Loh~nn and upon a Roll, Call vote being taken the same was declared adopted this 23rd day of June, A. D. 1948, the vote of said Council on roll call beihg sa follwws: E. H. Lohman Ibyor-Councilman Yes A. Hussey Yos Councilman Councilman elect E. P. Fuller presented his Certificate of election and the oath of office was administered by the Clerk, after which Councilm.~n toof his seat on the Counc il. A RESOLUTION A RESOLUT ION DECLAHING THE TOWN COUlW IL OF 'rHE TOWN Q]' EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, DULY AIJD LEGALLY ORGANIZED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF LAW APPLICABLE TID.:RETO. It was moved th~t the above and forogoing Resolution introducod by Council- man A. Hussey and moved by him accordingly be adopted, which motion was duly secondod by Councilman E. P. Fuller and upon 0. Roll Call vote being taken tho said Resolution was duly declared adopted at the official organization meeting of said Council hold the 23rd day of Juno, 1948, the vote of said Councilman on said roll call being as follows; E. H. Lohmrm Yes MOyor-Councilman A. Hussey Yes Councilman E. P. Fuller Yes Councilman Theso Resolutions are attached and made part of theso minutes. PI . v ~ v R V v l., R~ADING OF MINUTES. The minutes of tho regular meeting and the special meeting held June 14th and Jun~ 21st, 1948 were read. Councilman Hussey moved thet be approved as read, secondodby Counc ilmnn Fuller and by vote d.ec~ared CARRIt.:D. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The fellowing bills wero read; Mrs Swiney $ 4.00 Mrs. Thomas 4.00 Mrs. Wipperman 4.00 Mrs Wells 4.00 Violet Eckhardt 10.00 Edgewater MOtors 1.80 Clinton Grocery 4.26 G. C. Spargo 3.95 Councilman Fuller Moved these bills be approved as read, paid and be made part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote declared CARRIED. R~PORTS OF OFFICt.:RS. 1~~shal Thomas reported that Mr. White of Mosquito Control and hie man were cleunmng the drainag~ ditch. Mayor Lohman read the Deed from the Village Improvement Association convoying the V. I. A. Hall to the Town of Edgewater. He reported that this Deod had been accepted by the Council, and was filed for record at DeLand Juno 15,1948. The question arose as to the legality of this Doed since all the property of the Village Improvement Association was not included. The Council decided that since they had accepted this Deed, to hold it until such time as tho legality is settled. MISCELLM{EOUS BUSINESS. <II Mr. Khul~off invited the Council to ride in on the morning of June 5th 1948 Council accepted the invitation. Mr ID1Ulthoff requosted that Marshal Thomas deputize the fireman ss specila police officers for that day. Councilman }'uller moved that the Equnlization Bnard meeting be posponed UID.til Tuesday July 6th, as Monday July 5th is a holiday, seconded by/Councilm~n Hussey und by vote declared CARRIJill. , I Councilman Hussey moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Fuller und by vote declared CARRI~. TIMB 9:15 P. M. M:'lyor-Counc ilmnn &' V~OL-.. . Councilman C. ~f{~~ ~ AT~EST: A fi 9 cIJ7