09-23-1948 - Regular ... J- \..., v I U ill L ~ / V R~JULA.l.t l,r.:.:"":J! rrw O:b-' rl'~ 1,'0 dN C JJNC IL OF T~ ~IOjW 01!~ ~LG"":d.t1T"'::n, :b'10~\ILA ~LD IlJ T1L ~'Ovll'~ H.aLL OI~ 11lW 231'd DaY o:B' S~.2T "';lvm~l{, 1948. Mooting culled to ordor by MU~lO-c-CouncilrlO.n L. H. Lohman nt 7:30 P. 1,t. HOLL CALL. 1L~yor-Councilmmn Councilman Counc ilman Clerk .t~ttornoy llfurshal Stroet Supervisor ~. H. Lohm:m .h Hussoy B. P. J!'ullcr G. C. Spargo J. Compton French D. .I~. 1,'ho mas L. R. Ballantyne Pr.Jsont. :?:-co sent. Pres:mt. Presont. Present. Prosont. P-c.;) s:m t . M"JJIlW Ol!' MIHJT.uS. The minut0s of tho r~gular hold Septombe ~c 8, 1948 wore rcad. Counc ilman Hu SSQY movQd -thQY bo approved ~s roa.o,socondod by Conncilman Fullor and by vote doclnred CARRI~D. BILL~ AND ACCOaN~S. Tho following bills woro road: Wilbur Minton 48.00 dillinm Allgn 3.50 Bano's duto Servico 3.50 C. M. Ferguson 2.80 G. o. Sp~~go 1.00 Clinton Grocory 9.50 C. H. Sams 4.50 Councilman Fullvr moved thoso bills bo approvod as road, p~id ,and bo made p'lrt of thoso minutvs, socondod b~7 Councilman HUSSQY :and by voto doclarod CARRI~D. REPORTS Q:b' o}'iIC.c;B.S. Mr lJ. .~. ihoms htld bOiln instructod to moaSUTa tho signs on tho highway and ropor~ed finding only throQ signs oval' tho 31ft.,thoso ownod by P. N. Lovolano, Goorga D. Groono and F. J. MoMurray. Mr. R. C. Roberts ~skod pormission to prQsQnt a notitlon as hQ had to lonvo to kOQP ~n a~pointmont. A potition signed by the businoss pooplo of Edgowator roquasting tho Town Council to amond Ordin:ance NQ.158 to rGad 27 foot inst.~d of 31 foot. Conncilmml Huss(jJY movod thus petition btl tab19d until the next regular m~H)ting, sQcondQd by Counci Im:m ]'ullar and by vote aecl:trQd CARRIED. R~S OL UT ION b. R:SSOLUTI01J .tillOPTIlSG THE BUDGET FOR ALL NECESSARY AND ORDINARY ~XPEllS~S AND SPECIAL AND ZXTRAORDINfutY ~~P~NSES FOR THE TO~N O~ EDGEWA~ER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, ]~ORIDa FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1st, A. D. 1948 lJ~D ELIDING SEPTE~rnER 30tb 1~. D. 1949. ThQ ~boVQ ~nd forogoing Rosolution was introducQd by Councilman E. P. Fullar who moved its ~doption, whioh Motion was sQcondod by Counoilman A. Hussey ~nd upon a roll call vota tha sarno w~s docl~rgd adpptgd unanimously. tho vote of the Council b~ing as follows, A cony of this rGsolution is attachod and mada part of thgsQ minutes. ~ ,. I V \..j I V Ii \..t ~ , J at a regular mg.ting of said Town Council, held at tho Town Hall this 23rd day of SilDtQmbor, A. D. 1948, . ~yor-Councilm:J.n Cou nc ilman E. H. Lohman Yes ih Hussoy YgS Councilman E. P. Fullwr Yes rteplying to a question by G. A. Gonyga~ Attornwy FrQnch rQPortwd that the hQarings in tha condwrnnation suit had bwen huld and all testimony had bewn takon and would bo pr@sgntgd to Judga Frgdwricks for his dgcision. Councilman Hussey movQd we do now adjourn, sQcondQd by Councilman FullQr and by vote declargd CARHIED TD.m 8:45 P. M. Mnyor-Councilrpan . '- AT1'EST: A-:fffi A~:f?' t70wn CJZk ?7