10-27-1948 - Regular \...., . ~ '-' v ft o REGULAR 1ffi~TING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN 0]' lIDGEWA1'3R, ]~ORIBil. HJ!lLD IN THE TOdN HALL OC1'OBER 27, 1948' " J Meoting callei to order at 7:30 P. M. by Vice M~yor-Councilmnn A. Hussey ROLL C11.LL. M~yor-Councilmnn Counciihman Councilman Clerk Attorney 1hr shal Street Supervisor .J. H. Lohman A. Hussey ~. 1'. l!'ullor G. C. bpargo J. Compton French D. A. Thomas L. R. Ballantyne H~ADING 0]' MINUT~S. 'l~bsentJ Present. Present. Present. l'resent. Pro sont . Pre s.:m t . The minutes of the regular meeting held October 13, 1948 were road. Counciln~n ]'uller mov.:ud they be approved as read,. seconded b;y Councilnnn Hussey and by vote declared CA~tI~. BILLS 1dm ACC()JIJTl:>. The following bi~~s were read; Dwi~ht's Office Supplies .;{iep Bro s . John ToMkins Hodge Grocery Coune ilmnn 11'u 11 er T;10ved these of thes,o minntes, soeondod by 5.50 Now Smyrna Buildors 2.95 G. C. bpargo 2.81 Bnne's Auto Servico 9.81 Gnil S. Lynch bills bo approved ns read, pnid and bo Couneil~nn Hussoy and by voto declarod R~POHJ.'S m' O:b']' ICt.:rlb. ~upply Co. 5.5e 1.00 2.00 182.50 n1~d 0 pa~ct CARRIED. Oouncilman Hussey reported that he had been unable to contact Mr. Beck in regards to repairs to Rivorside Drive, but would continue his efforts in this matter. RESOLUT ION . . A RESOLUTION ADOPfING THE Tia ~SSESSM~NT BOLL FOn THE ~EAR OF 1948. Upon moti on by C ounc ilman ~. E. 1!'u ller soc ondod by Conne ilmnn A. Hussey the above and foregoing Rosolution wns passed with tho unanimous vote of the Town Council of tho Tuwn of Edgowator, Florida at its moeting hold this 26th day of Octobor, ~. D. 1948, voto of said Council baing as follows: A. Hussey Coune ilm'l n Yes E. P Fuller Yes Councilman Councilman Fullor movod that the 1'own Council moet on ;,Ionday LJovombor 1st, 1948 For the purpJse of preparing the Ballot Box for the annual olection to be held IJovember 2nd, 1948 ,S'?9 on;~ by Co nnc iln~1l1 Hu SElOY C)nCl by vote d oclarecl C.t~RllI~]j. l' . u w v . v J v Thero boing no furthor butsnoss, Councilm::m :B'uller movod we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote doclarod 6b.RL\ill~. T 1MB 8: 15 P. M. l,hyor Councilman Counc ilm'JI!J ~ Councilnnn ATTEST: 1:l1~~ / r