11-06-1946 - Organization 1 ' \..." v u /'...... \J~ \ ./ \ , ... ORGANIZATION MEETING OF THE TOVrn COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. HELD IN V. I. A. HALL ON NOVEMBER 6, 1946. ~. OJ Meeting called to order by Clerk Godwnrd at 8 P.M. He then surrendered the Office of Town Clerk to the newly elected Clerk, Spargo and Council- man elect Hussey took his place on the Council. Councilman Nominations were decL~red in order by Ma~ep-Baumgartner,for Council~~n to serve as Mayor for the ensuing year. Councilman LohnJ..'1n moved that Councilman Baumgartner be nominated for Mayor seconded by Councilman Hussey · By vote Council~~ Baumgartner was declared elected the roll call vote being as fallows; Councilman Councilman Councilman Baumgartner Lohman Hussey Yes, Yes. Yes. Mayor Baumgartner moved that Councilmk'ln Lohmk~ be nominated for ViceMayor seconded by Councilmnn Hussey. By vote Councilman Loman was declared elected. ROll call being as follows ; L: Mayor Co'upoi:lman Councilman Councilmn.n Baumgartner Lohman Hussey Yes. Yes. Yes. A Resolution entitled "A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGE WATER , FLORIDA, DULY AND LEGALLY ORGANIZED UNDER THE PROVISt- IONS OF LAW APPLICABLE THERETO. ~was read in full. It was moved that the above and foregoing Resolution introduced by Council- man E.H.Lohmanand moved by him accordingly be adopteq, which motion was seconded by Councilman Hussey and upon a roll call vote being taken the Resolution was duly declared adopted at the official organization meeting of said Council held 6th day of November, 1946, the vote of said Council- men on said ROll Call being as follows: A copy of the resolution is Mnyor Councilman Councilmc~n Council1tlc:'ln attached and forms Baumgartner Lohnmn Hussey a part of these Yes. Yes. Yes. minutes. Councilman Lohman moved that the Clerk~s Bond be set in the sum of Ten Thousand DOllars (10000.66) ,secodded by Councilman Hussey and by vote declared CARRIED. Mayor CounCilman Councilman Councilm.'ln Baumgartner Lohman Hussey Yes. Yes. Yes. Mayor Baumgartner appointed David A. Thomas as Town Marshall for the en- suing year,whereupon Councilman Lohman moved this appointment be confirm- ed, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote declared CARRIED. Vote as Follows Mayor Councia'ln Councilman Counc ilmc'ln Baumgartner Lohman Hussey Yes. Yes. Yes. The Mayor then appointed Harry Moore as street supervisor for the ensuing yenr, this appointment was likewise confirmed by the Council. Vote being as follows Mn.yor Counc ilmll.n CounCilman Councilman Baumgartner Lohmn.n Hussey Yes. Yes. Yes. -- - --- -~ ~ u u J Organization Meeting. Minutes meeting of November 6,1946. COlIDcil Lohman moved that Mr. J. Compton French be appointed Attorney for the Town of Edgewater for the year ,seconded by60uncilman Husseyr'and by vote declared CARRIED. Vote being Mayor Councilman Councilmnn a 0 un c i lIlk"'l.n Baumgartner Lohman Hussey Yes. Yes. Yes. Councilman Lohman moved that Mr. Ginter be named Auditor for the coming year seconded by Councilman'Hussey and by vote declared CARRIED. Vote being. Mayor Councilman Councilman Councilmn.n Baumgartner Lohman Hussey Yes. Yes. Yes. Appointment of members of the Board of Adjustment was discussed and laid on the table until the next regular meeting. There being on further business Councilmn.n Lohmn.n moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 8: 5'5' P.M. " Mayor Councilman. 8Jf~A- Councilman. ~~~ ..... Councilmn.n. , " ~~'" ATTEST A;;:to!-:!r ~ ".. ... - .. . .. . ... .. STATE OF FLOEIDA COUNTY OF VOLUSIA TOVdll OF EDGEWATE1\ ~ ) CERTIFICNl'i: OF JUOOES J:JJD CLERK OF ELECTION. we, the undersigned Inspectors und Clerk at' Election, do hereby certify that Lt the Annual Town Election held in the Tm.n of Edgewater, Florida, on the 5th day of November, A.D. 1946, pursuant to law, for the )urpose of electing one (I} Town Counc1lruan to serve for the period of three years, and for the further )urpose of electing & Town Clerk to serve for the term of one year, we did count the ballots cast at said electi~n and th~t the ballots cast at saiQ election were as follows: The total nUlliber of votes cast for the office of To\vu Council""an wes :2c}7 . I? ~f-0 I 07d~)~ /' a, )~~~ tA .'a I pa,: received V> ~ votes. received /!)-d votes. received If ( votes. received votes. received votes. -'" .. . , - .... ~ ,._ . s .. The total number of votes cast for the office of rece1 \~ed } c( g votes. recei yed / votes. received I votes. Dates this 5th ddY of November, A. D. 1945. ~-J.~ Inspector Town Clerk was ; :~ . 1~ C, ~a f:: y 1!cVV);,dj; k, 9dI-d~. Inspector ~/~ r? ~~~tZ<J f/ lJ.lspector Y{ft~ /2.1~ lark {I ~ '-' u ~ l1li"" _.." ... .. .." 7 CERTI]'ICATE OF ELECTION OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK, EDGE'WATER, FLORIDA, NOVEMBER 6TH, 1946. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF VOLUSIA ) TO~m OF EDG~WATER ) THIS IS ~'O CERTIFY that ~ C S~ was elected Tovm Clerk in and for the To of Edge- water, Florida, to serve for the term of one (1) year from the date of his election and qualifica- tion, at the Annual Election held on the 5th day of November, A.D. 1946, he having recei~ed the high- est number of votes for said office at said elec- tion, as shovm by the Election Returns on file in my office. :7~. Town of Edgewater, Flor~da ~ '..I ~' L C CERTIFICATION OF ELECTION OFFICE 0]' Tovm CLERK, EDGEVvATER, FLORIDA, NOVEMBER 6TH, 1946. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COlJNTY OF VOLUSIA ) TmVN OF EDGEWATER ) THIS IS TO CERTIFY that a. ~ was elected Tmvn Councilrnen in and for the Town of Edgewater, Florida, to serve for the term of three (3) years from his election and Qualification, at the Annual Town Election held on the 5th day , of November, A. D. 1946, he having received the highest number of votes for said office of Tovm Councilma.n at said election, as shown by the Election Returns on file in my office. ~~ ~7 #,-~/ I Clerk, Tovm of Edgewater, Florida ~ " 1 ., . \ \ "-' J ~t.-t.v___ f' CA i/;, N/I~ , " I c;- ,..; ~ -. "'" .;:. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COw~TY OF VOLUSIA ) SS TOWN OF EDGEWAT.@ ) I do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and govern- ment of the United States and of the State of Flo- rida and the charter and ordinances of the Town of Edgewater; that I am duly qualified to hold office under the constitution of the State and the charter and ordinances of the Town of Edgewater; and that I will well and faithfully perform the duties of town clerk to se,rve for one (1) year, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. A~~~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this t~- day of November, A.D.1946. jf~a.~ Notary Public, State of Florida. My c~maission expires: R's'~,i'. r~. :,;k,~' iil ~"'!~ . ... '';v c.mtlllt,.ion ,.,..,i,I'>' <""n:h '1. ..,... ....~ ~ /Y."~';'.," S.., .;.ll' ~~ ~J ~ 'i. '\..J \..J . ') ~t~~~ ,,( 'l . . t;' -."- - - ~ STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF VOLUSIA ) ss TOWN OF EDGffiVATER ) I do solemnly swear that I will support, protect and defend the constitution and govern- ment of the United States and or the State or Flo- rida and the charter and ordinances of the Town of Edgewater; that I am duly qualified to hold ofrice under the constitution of the State and the charter and ordinances of the To~~ of Edgewater; and that I will ,well and faithfully perform the duties of a mem- ber of the To~m Council to serve for three (3) years, upon which I am about to enter, so help me God. (), ftA~ Sworn to and subscribed before me this ___day of November, A. D. 1946. N~~~a~ida. My commission expires:' .... f ..... ...., S~l:I\'e i# A.a. . ... M... c....iMi~~ "'r>ir... MI!ln:h . -.... "'_~ ,., Asn!,.,;",,~ S"Nll' C. iii &...,. /' V .:~_..... '"