01-15-1947 - Special T- I . V , w \e,/ u ~ -- - -. ...' SPECIAL ME:ETING OF THE TOViN COUNCIL OF THR TOViN OF EDGEWATER,FWRIDA HELD IN V.I .A.HALL ON THE 15th, 6F ~ANUARY 1947 ROLL CALL. Vice-Mayor Councilmn.n Lohmnn ~resent Co unc ilIl1.'1.Il Hussey Present ClerIc Spargo Present Attorney French Present Mrl.rshn.ll ThoIIln.s Present Street Supervisor Ciscoe Present Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. by Vice-Mayor Counci~~n Lohman. Call f~r the meeting was read in full. This is attached and II1.~de part of these minutes. Clerk reported that petitions had been filed to place the following names upon the ballot of the special Town election to be held February 4th 1947 for the unexpired term of ~.~.Baumgarther resignedj Olen a.Matthews'and Henry Stalnaker. It was found upon examinationthat the' ;etition of Olen O.Matthews was signed. by 25 or more qualified electors and was otherwise in proper legal form. Councilman Hussey moved that the petition he accepted and the name of Olen O.~~tthews bo placed on the Official ballot,seconded by Vice-~~yor Lo~~n and by vote declared CARRIED. Also found upon ClIxn.mination that the pClti tion of Henry Stalnaker was signed by twenty five or morc qualified electors and was otherwise in proper legal form. Council~~n Hussoymoved that the petition be accepted and that the name of Harry Stalnaker be placed on the Official Ballot, seconded by Vice-~~yor LohmrLn and by vote declared Carried. RESOLUTION RESOLUTION DECLARING THE NOMINEES FOR THE OFFICE OF TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA YO BE ELECTED AT THE SPECIAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 4,1947 ,AND PROVIDING FOR THE PREPARATION AND PRINTING OF BALLOTS FOR SAID ELECTION. This Resolution was read in fulllland passed by the unanimous vote of the Town Council of yhc Town of Edgewater, Florida at its meeting held on the 15th day of ~anuary, A. D. 1947, the vote of the Council was as follows: E. H. Lohmn.n Vice-Mayor Councilm~n YES A. Hussey YES Councilmn,n A copy of this Resolution is attached and m~do a part of these minutes. RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A CLERK AND THREE INSPECTORS OF ELECTION FOR THE SPECIAL TOWN ELECTION TO BE HELD IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA ON TUESDAY, THE. 4TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1947 It was properly moved by Council~~n Hussey and seconded by Councilman Lohman that tho above and foregoing Resolution 00 adopted by tho Town Council of the Town of Edgewatar, Florida,nnd be spreadupponnand ronde n part of these; Minutes of this mcoting,held the 15th day of ~nnun.ry, A. D. 1947. The motion carried, the reault of the vote of the Council being as follows: E. H. Lohman Vicc-~~yor CouncilIl1.~n YES A. Hussey Councilman YES .. " ~ (.; u ( t~ ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO .146. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING DUMPING ON PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PROPERTY IN THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA The above Ordinance was read in fill and passed by tho unanimous vote IDf of the Town Council o~ the Town of Edgewater, Florida ay a Special Meeting held on the 15th day of January A.D. 1947. The second reading of thas Ordinance was postponed until the next regular meeting of the Town Council. Marshall Thomas reported that the health officer and he investigated the condition of the citizen on Park Ave, and decided that his case required further attention. The Clerk was instructgd to get in touch with the health Officer of Volusia County and seo what could be done. Marshall Thomas reported that they also investigated the sanitary condition of the dwelling on Hubbell Streetand unless a septic tank is installed at once the Health Officer will condol1Lthe dwelling. On invcf t.;_;~.l,ting the septic tank on the highway the owner claimed that he has a septic tank, the Health Officer ordered it uncovered and operted that he might see the condition also the method of drinage. Councilman Hussey reported signs obstructing the view of the highway from either direction when entering the highway from Louisa Drive. Councilman Hussey and ~~rshall were instructed to investigate. The question of revising the Budget was brought to the attention of the Council and after some discussion it was decided to leave it as it is. There being no further business Vice-~~yor Lohmanmoved that we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote CARRIED. Time 9:15P. M. Councilmn.n ~~ a.#~ ~Mayor Councilman CouncilmrlD -.....~ '-... -' ~ :::. ATTEST ~....... --- --- J{;;-i:#/ o u u NOTICE OF SPal:CIAL MEETING NOTIC~ is hereby given that the Tcnvn Councilor the TVM~ of iB:dgewater, Florida, will meet at the V.I.A. or Town Hall on Wedne~day the 15th day of January, A. D. 1947, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said day, for the purpose of accepting nominations for town councilmen to be elected at the Special Town iUection to be held on February 4th, 1941 l'or t.he pur- pose of appointing inspectors and clerk of said election, and for the conduct of such other business as may be pre- sented at said meeting. TOWN OF EDGJEWATER, FLORIDA ~~- ~~ ~- Vice-Mayor Councilman ATT1!ST: ~-- -' ~ ~+ "~Town C- er . -- - 7-4 '"" f; ~ ~