02-12-1947 - Regular n c u v :frn:GULAR MRRTIl\fG OF THE TOWN counCIL OF THE I Town OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V. I. A. HALL ON FEBRUARY 12, 1947. rI J Meeting called to orde~ by ~~yor Councilman E.H.Lohnk~n at 7:30 P.M. ROLL CALL :Mayor-Councilman Councilman COW1cilmnn Clerk Attorney Ivt."lrshall E.H.Lohman A.Hussey o len Matthews Guy Spargo .J.e.French D .A. Thom....l.s READING OF MINUTES. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. Present. lfinutes of the meetings of .January 22, 1947, Special meeting held .January 31, 1947, Special meeting held February 3, 1947 and of the Organization meeting held Feburary 5, 1947 were read. After a correction in the minutes of the organization meeting COW1cilman Husse~ moved they be approved as read, seconded by COW1cilman ~~tthews and by vote declared CARRIED. BLLLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read: Bond Howell Lumber Co Harry Craffmiler Katherine Leddin City of New Smyrna Beach .J. S. Bates ,.J. O. Birch A. Hussey ~trs. Florance B. Swiney Mrs. Harrirt M. Wells Mrs. Annie L. Wipper~"ln Mrs. .Jessie C. Thomas David A. Tho~"ls D. Stangell Caddell & .Jackson Wiggert Dean Engineering Co. Southern Bell Telephone Co. E.H.Lohman A.Hussey Olen O. Matthews G.C.Spargo D.Thomn.s W.H.Sciscoe Council~"ln Hussey moved these bills be approved as read ,paid part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman Matthews and by CARRIED. OFFICERS REPORTS. $ 16.00 10.00 3.00 75. 99 3.03 13.00 22.05 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 6.00 212.00 352.00 150 .00 12.98 26.25 4.16 4.16 95. 00 105.00 77.60 and made a vote declared Clerk ~ead his cash statement for the period from .January 1st. to .January 31, 1947. Also budget report for the period from October 1st. 1946 to to .January 31, 1947. RESOLUTION. RESOLUTION GRANTING PERMIT TO FLORIDA PO'vVER AND LIGHT COMPANY TO ERECT ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES AND ELECTRIC TRANSMISSION WIRES ON CERTAIN STREETS IN THE TOWN O? EDGEWATER, FLORIDA. The above and foregoing Resolution was introduced by Councilman Olen O. ~"ltthews who moved its adoption, which motion was duly seconded by I , v u v It "~ Councilman A.Hussey, and upon a roll call vote the same was declared unanimously carried and said resolution adopted at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida held at V.I.A. Hall in said Town on the 12th day of February, A.D. 1947, the vote of said Council on said roll call baing as follows: E.H.Lohmnn Mn.yor Councilman Yes A.Hussey Councilman Yes Olcn O. ~~tthews Yes Councilmnn This Resolution is attached ahd ~~de a part of thcse minutes. Council instructed the Clerk to' ,notify IItt. Senders and Mr. Mcguirk by letter of this action. A letter With Certified Copy of Resolution was sent to Florida Power and Light Co. NEW BUSINESS . Mn.yor Councilmn.n opened the bids for the electeic distribution system and read the namesudf the bidders and amount of the bids. Horton Pattillo Co. of Jacksonville, Florida $ 38764.46 . This bid was accompanied by a bond for $2000.00, and the Moses,,;Construction Co ,0cala,Florida whose bid was $42227.50this was accompanied by bond of $200.00. Councilman Hussey moved the bids be turned over to Mr. Michaels for checking and verification, seconded by Councilman X~tthews and roll call vote being as follows: E.H.Lohman Mnyor counc ilmn.n :A .Hussey Councilman Yes Yes Olen O. Mn. t thews Councilman Yes MISCELLANEOUS BUSI}lliSS. Councilman 1~tthews reported that Mr. T.C.Brown had built a fence across Highland Ave which obstructed the right of way to property west of the fence. Council instructed the Clerk to write Mr Brown and ask him to remove the fence :Mr. Roth stated that he had been nuthorized by Mr. Diclc to have the drag line fmll in the river front of his property, and that there arc two trees on the property that should be removed,and requested permission to do so. Council granted this pernussiom. Mr. Mills complained of the condition of Park Place, where he lives,nnd asked the Council to repair the street. Due to the fact that the Town has no Street Supervisor,Mr. Mills offered to do the work himself if the To,vn would give him permiSSion to use the Town truck to haul II1.'1.terials. Council granted this permission and instructed ~~rshall to supervise the work. Building permits were granted to Frances L. Cole, Samuel B. Hildreth E.R.Turner and E.G.Chase . also a business license to Richard Archam~ault. There being no further business CouncilIl1.~n Hussey moved to adjourn, seconded by Councilman 1ifn.tthews and by vote declared CARRIED. Mayor " - ...... ATTEST: _ ~~~7 JO .~ G 'V TOWN OF EDGE'NATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. CLERKS CASH STATEMENTFOR THE PERIOD JANUARY 1st to JAlfUARY 31st. 1947 Cash on Hand and in Bank. COLLECTIONS. Tax sale certificates. Interest Delinquent Taxes. Taxes not on Roll. Licenses & Permits-; Fines & Forfietures Fees. Property Sale,County Truct hire Toll calls Donated by Council Current Taxes 41.9.66 Less discmunt allowed 4II.06 Total Collections Total to be accounted for DI SB URSEMillNT S . Streets Street Lighting Salries Legal & Elections Office Expense Emergency 1L."lyors Court. Collector Internal Revenue Permanent Improvement Fund Motor Vehicle Commissioner Total Disbursemnnts Balance ,Gash on hand Del. Tax Fund Per. Imp. Fund General Fund in Bank Total Cash on hand and in Bank TOTAL 5.86 4.79 I] .44 41.50 1.40.75 1,;50 3I 5.13 I.50 11.00 88 .57 4II.06 I035.IO 4I.6:U 73.95 164.51 ]65.55 48.02 43.74 263.70 2.70 365.75 .: 2.2~ 1171.7 7.51: 2.76 254.66 'g,8.20 5 23.I 3 Of the General Fund in the Bank there {U"lS been set aside fort a Special Foreclosed Property Fund the sum of $LoI7.01 ATTEST: Ar4#4?A? 11 o 5959 .81 1035.10 6994.9I II71..78 5823.13 6994.91 ~ '1 v G v u BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS BUDGET REPORT FOR THE PERIOD OCTOBER Ist. I9~6 TO J'.ANU.ARY,..~ Jrst. 1947 OVER ACCOUNTS. APPROPRIATION. EXPENDED. UNEXPENDED EXPENDED. STREETS. 500.00 309 . 59 190.4I STREET LIGHTIliG. 950.00 313.85 636. 15 SALARIES. 3000.00 958 .28 2041.72 LEGAL & ELECTIONS. 500.00 570.05 . 70.05 OFFICE EXPENSE. 200.00 434.44 234.44 limcrgency. 850 .00 1]8.39 7II.6I FIRE DEPARTMENT. 200.00 I2.27 187.73 PERMA.lmNT IMPROVEMENTS. roo.oo - IIO.OO 10.00 6300.00 2846.87 3767.62 314 .49 ~I 4 ,4.9 3453.13 TOT AL EXPENDED 2846.87 3453.13 TOTAL UNEXPENDED ATTESTA;;t!~~