02-26-1947 - Regular n n v . v \",,) J REGULAR MEETIl~G OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA HELD IN V.I .A. HALL ON FEBRUARY 2~,1~47. Meeting called to order at 7:30 by Mayor Councilrrk~ Loh~~n. ROLL CALL Mayor Councilman Co unc i Imn.n Councilman Clerk Attorney Marshall E .H . Lohma.n A. Hussey Olen O. Matthews G. C. Spargo J.C.French D. A. Thomas Present Prescnt Present Present Present Present READING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the meeting held Februa~y 12, 1947 were rend and,iufter an addition, Council~~n ~~tthews moved they be approved , seconded by Couneil- ~~n Hussey and by vote declared CARRIED. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. The following bills were read: David A. Tho~~s David A Smith James F. Owens $3.00 8.00 l15.00 Council~~n Hussey moved the bills be approved as read, paid and ~~de a part of these minutes, seconded by Councilman ~~tthews and by vote declared CARRIED. COMMUNI CATIONS Clerk read llr. Lapp's application for the position of street superviso~ This application was held for consideration until after the close of the meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Attorney French brought to the attention of the Council the report of the Planning and Budget Committee and expressed the opinion thnt some action shmuld be taken. After some discussion it was decided that the last item in the report should be the first to be acted upon. Mayor Lohman appointed the following persons, Mr. Robert Fec,Chair~~n, Mr J. Wipper~~n, Mr. Frank Smith, Mr. Wilbur Hanson and Mr. David McGinnis to act as a ~lnnning nnd Budget Comrrdttee. Mr Wipper~~n recommended the revision of the license tax, to cover all forms of business, amusements etc. Clerk was requestsd to compile a list of the present license tax as a basis for formulating the new license ta~ Inquiry was ~~de of the Council regarding the nluubering of the homes in the Town. Mr. Fuller reported this work completed 'on the North side of Park Ave. and were now working on the South side of Park Ave.and hoped to be finished sh shortly,~lso because of considerable detail this work has taken longer thnn was expected. The Council questioned Mr. Roth on the condition of the work on the River front: Mr. Roth reported the work progress;img satisfactorily, in fact mostn6f t.l\e w:w'hs ready for the Ouldozer. lJIr Roth suggested thnt while the bulldozer was 'available the road, from Park Ave. to the dtunp, be widened, leveled anel ~~de more accessible. This was taken under advisment. ORDINANCES Mr. French was requested, by the Council, to draw up nn ordinance converting the Certificates of Deposit to the general fund. '" ., c '-' u o MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. llr French reported having contacted the State Highway Department regarding the condition of the State Highway No.1 in Edgewaterand also the side roads over which the traffic has been routed while work was being done on the Highway. The Division Engineer said that the side streets were in "not too good condition" when the work wns started, but that he would look into the matter and see what could be done. Also he axpected the work of cleaning up the m...'1.inc Highway to start at once. ~uestions were asked regarding the new electric system and if bids hnd been let. l'Er French stated that, nothing further could be done until the B vmd'iA~t6rneysl' completed the necessary papers. There being no further business Councilmnn Matthews movecl we do now adjourn, seconded by Councilman Hussey and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 8.30 Mayor CounciL~~n ~--- Councilman /:24 I:/~ ~k/ cf? ~ Councilmn.n " ATTEST. Attff~