03-10-1947 - Special n n v v w v SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER FLORIDA, HELD IN V. I. A. HALL ON l!ARCH 10,1947 at 2:00 P.M. Meeting called to order by ~~yor Council~~n Lohnk~n at 2:15 This meeting was called for the purpose hearing cause ,y.B,;ta why the license issued to Mr and Mrs. Meyer to sell beer and wine,in the town of Edgewater, should not be revoked . ROLL CALL Mayor Councilman Councilman Clerk Attorney Marshall E.H .Lohmn.l1. A.Hussey G.C.Spargo J.C.French D.A.Thomas Present Present Present Present Present Also present was Deputy Sherriff Galbreath, Chief White of New Smyrna Beach and PPatrol~~n Brezilof the State Highway Patrol and Mr. and bITS. Meyers. Evidence was presented by Sherriff Galbreath, Chief White, Pntrolman Brazil and Marshall Thomas to show that Mr. and Mrs. Meyerwere not competent to operate a business of this kind and requested that the beer and wine license be revoked. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer had no statement to malcc other than that they had leased the place to tnke effect April 1st. 1947, and requested time to dispose of their stock before the license was revoked. . After consideration of the evidence by the CounCil, Council~~n Hussey moved that the license be revoked d:.mmediately, seconded by Mayor Councilman Lohmnn and by vote declared CARRIED. M'1.yor Councilman Lohm'l,n instructed tha Marshnlltto proceed to Edgewater Inn and remove the license to sell beer and wine and return it to the Clerk to be stamped, revoked and filed. 1~'l,yor Council~'l,n moved a pro rata refund be ~'l,de of the fee , seconded By Councilman Hussey and by vote declared CAJ3.RIED. Councilman Hussey moved to adjourn, seconded by M:n.yor Lohman and by vote declared CARRIED. Time 3:00 P.M. Mayor Councilman ---- - -- Councilman r;::f, ~ counci~liVYiJ (). lJ(~ --.~ -..... -- ~ .... .. ~ , AtnEST: 4~~~ ., l; . v v \..J TOViN OF EDGEWATER VOLUSAl COill\fTY, FLOR.lIlA. February 27,1947 To Alma D.. Meyer Complaint Th~ving been made to the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater that you arc ~~intaining a nuisance at the Edgcwatcr Inn and violnting Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater, Flori~~. Now Therefore, you are hereby notified to be and appear before the Town Council of the Town of Edgewater, Florida at 2' o;tclock P.M. March lath, 1947 at the v.r.AJffa~l and then and there show cause, if any cause you have, why your TO\m of Edgewater License to sell beer and wine should not be revoked. -- &Kl;( ~--- ~ " '-- Mayor Councilmn.n ... ~ " - 4rwf~7~