03-12-1947 - Regular n V v u ~ .~ HEGULAR MEE'l'DrG 0]' THE 'l'O'llN IJO UHGIL OF THE TO~~ OF EDGEWA'1'ER, FLORIDA, HELD I~ V.I. A. HALL ON MAlWH 1.2, 1947 ..M:gctingcallo9; to order at 7:30.P. M. by l,11n.yor uouncilIlk'1.n l!;. lie ]"ohrn..'l.n. HOLL GALL. Mayor-lJouncilIlk'l.n IJouncilman 00uncilman IJlerk Attorney .Marshall Street-Supervisor l!;.H.Lohman A.Hussey Olen O. .MD.tthews U.IJ.Spargo J . G ..B'rench lJ.A.'1'homas Lapp Present. Present. Prescm t. Present. Present. Present. Absent. READING OF MINUTES: the minutes of the regular meeting held ~'ebrllilry 26, 1947 and ::Jpecial meet- ing held ~'l.rch 10, 1947, were read,by the vlerlc, whereupon IJouncilmnn tlussey moved that they be approved as reng,seconded by vquncilm'l.n Matthews and by vote declared GARRIElJ. ~ILLS AND ACGOUNTS: Lhe following bills were rend: J.S.Hates $ .45 Hobertson l!;lectric IJo. 4.00 Southern bell Telephone 10.88 Hamc of New Smyrna beach 3.60 vity .of New Smyrna beach 75.99 Olen O. lmtthews 4.16 A. Hussey 2.38 A. tlussey 4.16 l!;.h.Lohrn..'1.n 6.25 ~.H.Loh~~n 1.59 David A. Thomas 75.00 Uuy IJ. Spargo 7?00 Sylvester & Alrnn. Meyer 8.30 vouncilIlk'1.n Hussey moved that the bills be approved as rcad,pnid and ~'1.de a part of these minutes, seconded by IJouncil~'1.n ~'l.tthews and by vote declared IJ.ARlUED. HEPORTS OF O]'.B'IIJ~HS; IJlcrlc reported a telephone conversation with Atr. f.v.~rown in reply to a tetter regarding removing the fence across Highland Ave. ttt. brown said that he would remove the fence as soon as the ground is dry enough for himn to, get to it. ~his was not satisfactory to the vouncil who instructed the IJ1erk to get in touch with Mr. ~rown and demand that this Ilk'l.tter be attend- edto at once, as, in their opinion the ground is as dryas it is ever likely to be . ~he vlerk read the Cash nncl Hudget Report for the period from b'ebrunry 1st to ~'ebruary 28th, 1947. vouncilman Mt1.tthews movcd th:lt thc;se reports be accepted, seconded by IJouncilIlk'l.n Hussey and by vote declared cARRIED. HEPOR'1'S 01!' STMrDING COl,Urr'l"l'EES: Mr V-rirJP9rmrtn, being the only representnti ve of the Plnnning nnd Hudget COIll1lli t tee present, was asked if he had anything to report. Mr Wippern1'1.n replied, that owing to dilatory methods of tho Tom1 Glorlc, tho copy of the present license tax hnd not been received to date. Lherefore nothing could be done. However, Mr. ~ce was in receipt of n copy of the present license tax. /' c' (..., u II o vo~nroNI CATIO.NS . ~he Clerk read a letter addressed to the vouncil, from !~. Harry b.Garman tendering ilis r~signation from the ~onrcl of Adjustment to take effect on or bef"re April 1, 1947. t.;ouncilIlk"1.n .M.n.tthews moved .Mr. Garn::1.n' s re- signution be accepted, seconded by t.;ounci1.IT1"l.n tiussey nnd by vote declnred t.;ARRIED . The t.;lerk read a 1e t ter from /PU If Y s PAA c r regnrding the disposition of refuse, claiming no collections of refuse had been made this month. 1.'1"1.rsha11 ThoIlk"1.s stated tha.t trucks stnrted at that point to mnJec the regular collections and, in his opinion, anything that was not collected wns put there after the regu1nr collection had been marte. ,M.n.rsha11 Thomus was d~rected to investigate. The t.;lerk ron.c, a letter from .f..Il.rs.Dorn t.;hristianson requesting a "Widow's Inx Exemption ~lnnk". The opinion of the v Hlnci1 was, that VJidow's l!:xemption is not available to non-residents. This was taken under ndvisoment by Attorney J!'rench, who wou1e. wri to MrS. t.;hristianson in regnrcl to this matter. The deed .No. 2881 to 1n.ncl described ~. Wes t -} of .N. w. t of S. VI. t nnd S.w. t of S.W.t Section 33, ~ownship,j.H.ange 34 W:iS received from Mr . J"ess M..'1thas, .Clerk of the t.;ircuit vourt. . A Custodian receipt .No. 894 S.R. covering u. S. Treasury bond of '1,000 wns received from the Atlnntic .l'lntionnl bnnk of Jacksonville, .Jj'lorida, as security for the Town of Edgewatcr fl~ds. .H.ESOLUTIO.NS. A RESOLUTIO.N PROVIDI.NG l!0R THE CONV~RSION OF ALL ASSETS IN ~H~ POST-WAR PUBLIC WORKS RESERV1!l FU.ND 1.N'l'0 CASH. '1'ho above nnd foregoing Heso1ution ,;vas introduced by t.;ouncilmnn JI.<latthews, who moved its adoption which motion was duly seconded by t.;ouncilmrl.l1 Husuey, nnd upon roll call vote thc; samc; wns dec1ar(;cl unnnimous1y carried. Said Heso1ution ndopted at n r.,'gulnr meet .ng of the ~oY,n vounci1 of the To\:n of Edgewater, Florida held at the V.I.A. Hall in said 'Fown on the; 12th day of March, A.D. 1947, the vo~e of said t.;ouncil on said roll call being as follows: Acopy of this .H.esolution is attached and is ~"1.de n part of these minutes. l!:. H. Lohman ~"1.yor 0ounci1man :tE::i A. tiussey C ounc i lmn.n yES 01enO. .M:a.tthews t.;ouncilman :tES Ul~FI.NISHED bUSLNESS. Mr. ~~tthews reported that , in his op1n1on, the ground around the fence that Mr. Brown was requested to remove is as dryas 1ike1) to be. '1'he t.;lcrk was instructed to get in touch with Mr. brown and demand that this matter be attended to at once. ~ BUSINESS. The condition of .H.iverside Drive was brought to the nttention of the t.;ounci1, and question raise4,'if something could not be done to improve the condition of this road.' Mayor vouncilnmn Lohman explnincd that the lJounty claimed rliverside Drive an(l that it was hnrd to get them to do any work on it. .Mr. t.;ole volunteered to have Hiverside Drive scraped at his own expense, if the vounci1 would approve. vounci1 granted their approval and thanlced Mr. vole for this generous offer. Mr. Senders was asked if he had anything ho wnpted to say. tic replied that he had several things on his miLd, first, after listening to the ap~ointed repartee between the t.;lerk and the Gentleman of the Plnnnlng and budget t.;ommittee, he recommended that the town supply the vlerk with a stenogapher for at least two hours each weele. .tie next referre.:d to vO!llIni ttee for the boosting and Advertising of the "J.'own of l!:dgewater, and said that he under- stood that the ~own of ~dgewatcr did not wish to be directly connected with the committee. After n 1engthly discussion on IT1'ltters such as organi za tion, name, clues, and etcereta. t.;oul1cilrnan M.a tthcws moved that ~ ~ I V u I U .. ~ u Attorney J!'rench be instructed to draw up a set of by-laws for an organizat- ion to be nnmed, ".1!:dgewnter lmprovemnnt lilub'; A copy to be sent to Mr. ~anders, and the bill for stenographic service, to be sent to the ~own of .1!;dgewater. , Mr. Senders then took up the electric light situation and asked the liouncil I if s\l)mo means could not be devised by which electricity could be furnished to the South end of the ~own. Mr. Sanders claimed,thnt the liity of ~ew I, Smyrna ~each had guarenteed to have electrici ty in that pert of the ~own J within three days, while ~lorida Power &. Light liO claimed that it would~be fall before they could furnish light. Mr. ~enders was anxious to know if there was not some means by which ~ew ~myrna ~each could be allowed to I service that part of the ~own without infringing on the permit issued to the J!'lorida Power &. Light liO. liouncilmnn Nk'1. tthcws was of the opinion that, since a permit had been issued to one pn~~y<they could not issue a permi t to another party for the same: work, liowever since the J!'lorida Power &. Light liO. ~~d not advised the liouncil that it would be fall before their lines could be laid to the south end of the ~own, the ~ouncil asked time to again contact the J!'lorida Power &. light liO. --- MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. ~'1.rshall ~homas asked again that a valuation be put upon the steel rack in the play ground as he had a purchaser for it. liouncil took this under ad- visement and promised to set a price later. ~uilding permits were approved for ~errance and Loretta liannon, Lillie ~nllantyne, Ueorge lie ~'1.son and tlarold ~. Mck'1.ne. ~wo business licenses were issued to rtnndolph and vharlotte ~aylor. One to operate a grocery store and one to sell wine and beer to take out. A real estate license was issued to !tts. M..1!:.Hichmond. liouncil~'1.n tlussey moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by ~ouncil~'1.n Matthews and by vote declared liJ~nl.1!:D. ~ime 10:15 P. M. lV.C1yor liouncilman. ~~ ... .' vouncilmnn a ft/f~ {f)~?J. ~~ liouncilmnn ATTEST: A7rf4y~ ~ v u n ~ TOVIN OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUNTY, FLORIDA. CLERKJ-S CASH STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD, '.FEBRUARY IST TO 28TH ~947. CASH ON HAND AND IN BANK $608~.79 COLLECTIONS Current taxes Tax sale certificates Interest on delinquent taxes Taxes not on roll Fines- and Forfeitures. Fees Donations by Counci~ Building Permits $299-34 7.4~ 3.96 ~3_44 10.00 ~-50 34.57 14.00 384.22 384.22. 6466.01 Tota~ Collections Tota~ ~o be accounted for DISBURSEMENTS. To.ta~ Disbursements. 45 _~8 73.95 242.1-7 70.00 42.00 ~3_22. 5'Z~.85 3.62 ~06~.99 ~06~.99 Streets Street lighting Salaries Mayors Court Legal & Elections Office expense Emergency Discount on taxes Cash on hand Delinquent tax fund Per imp fund General fund 1.05.85 -'2.79 76.98 ~ lJ2~S.40 5404.02 5404.02 Of ::the General Fund in Bank ther€t has been set aside for a Special Foreclosed Property Fund: $101.7.01 ATTEST: ~~~7d! L 11 '-' u u "BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS. . Report for period~.Fcbruary ~st to 28th, ~947 OVER ACCOUNT. APPROPRIATED._ EXPENDED. tJNEXPENDED EXPENDED STREETS $,00.00 $354.7'h $~45.23 $ STREET LIGHTING 950.00 387.80 562..20 SALARIES 3000.00 UOO.45 ~t99.55 LEGAY & ELECTIONS 500.00 6~2.05 ~~2..0 5 OFFICE EXPENSE 266.00 447.66 247.66 EMERGENCY 850.00. 678.39 ~7~.61 FIRE DEP ARTMillNT 200.00 ~8.27 ~8~.73 PER IMPROVEMillNTS ~OO.OO ~10.00 ~O.OO TOTALS . 6-300.00 3809.39 2860.32 369.7~ -.- overexpended 169. ~1 Less overexpanded 2490. 1 , ," - 2496.61 Bug,get total. 6300.00 ATTEST: -#7fk