08-27-1947 - Regular " .. \...., u v u REGULAR 1ffiETING O? THE TOVlN COUNCIL OF 'fRE l'OWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V. I. A. HALL ON AUGUST 27th 1947. Meeting culled to order by ,M.':lyor liouncilman Lohm.."1.n nt 7;,35 P. M. ROLL CALL . Mayor l:ouncilmp.n .l!:.H.Lohman l'rescnt. liouncilmnn A. Hussey Present. li 0 un c i lm...'l.n o.a. M:..'1. t thews Present. lilerk G. (;. Spnrgo Present. Attorney J. u. French Present. .ll:r":1rshall D. A. 'l'homns Present. Supervisor A. W. LP.pp PiL"esent. otroet HEADING OF THE MINUTES. --.......". .- The minutes of the regular meeting held August 13th, 1947 were rond whereupon liouncilman .tius sey moved thn. t they be approved as read, seconded by liouncilmrm ~'1.tthews and by vote declared liARRI~D. BILLS AIll ACCOUNTS. The fOl10wfng bills were read; .lJwight~..s Office Gupplies J.!:dgewater M.otors ~ 4.80 2.00 Councilmo.n Matthews moved these bills be approved as read, paid and made a part of these minutes, seconded by Gouncilman Hussey and by vote declared \.iAREU.l!:D . REPORTS OF O!,_!.lQ.Ellli. lilerk reported having received the permit to install the traffic light and huving called Mr jj'erris, of l~ew ::::imyrna ..tSeach, who assured the lilerk that he would install the light for J.!:dgewuter as soon as he could get to it, lilerk also reported on the condition of the blinker light,now stored in the garage, Mr Robert jj'uller was asked to eXf1.mine the light and put it in condi tion. Clerk reported receiving the new Registration ..tSook from Attorney j!'rench, and that it is npw open for Hegistration. liOllMUNICATIONS . 1.L'1.yor Lohmn.n re['.d a letter from the State Road Department regarding signs @.:x.e=- tending over the State tlighways. After some discussion. Attorney j!'rench was requested to draw up an ordinance adjusting the signs in the Town of J.!:dgewator to comply with the regulations of. the ::::itate Hoad Dep['.rtment. Attorney French read a letter from timith And Gillespie of Jacksonville, reply~ ing to his inquiry regurding a water system for the ~ovm of J.!:dgewnter. They assured Attorney jj'rench that they would be glad to meet wi th the .l!:dgewnter lioWlcilat any time and advise them regarding the cost of a wnter system for the Town. Attorney j!'rench n1so read:'.. letter which he was fJending denator Pcpper':nskig~ Seruttor Pepper tG use his influence to have the new super hywuy follow the line of the present u. S. Highway ~Ql. ~EW BUSINESS. Clerk asked the opinion of Attorney l!'rench regn.rding the rights of the Town to cut or remove shrubs on Hio Vista Drive which nre on the right of way and ~'1.kc a blind corner and therefor c~eate a traffic hazJard. Omler had refused to prune or removc.the shrubs. Attornev French ndvised thut the Tom1 is wita- in :l ts rights when it removes such ob5ltr~ctions. tlowever Attorney jj'rel1ch sug- gested th:'..t 1mrshull ~hom~s investigate and ask the cooperation of the owner bcfo~e taking nction. !vir Hobeirt Fuller reported tha.t repairs nre being mrtde art Kest .tiavel1 liabins and inquirc:d if a permi t had been granted for this work. M..'1.rshn1l '1'hom~s was ins- tructed to invcstigate and report. L -- ;- rt l." u v v Lhe ITh~tter of mr Hurry ~ro'~, of vape Uhy , new jersey, neglecting to report to the Municiprtl Oourt in nnswer to a summons was then brought up. Attorney ]'rench advised to watch until the m~n cnille within the ~own limits and then urrost him . vouncilm....'1.n :rntthows mived th~1.t tho meeting od the 'L'ovm 1J0uncil,sitting ['.s an equalizntion board, and scheduled to meet .Monday night oeptember Ist,1947 be postponed lll1til ~uesduy cieptember 2nd, 1947 at 7;30 P.M. Monday being n legal holidny. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS. 0iuncilman Matthews moved that the ~troet oupervisor and ~~rshall report to the ~~yor every second day, and that they file n report of their activities with the ~ovm CLork twice each mmnth, on slips provided for that purpose, seconded by vounci~~n tlussey and by vote v~~IED. A building permit wns approved f~r lirs Davisworth . business licenses were not approved for ueorge ~mson. ~ouncil requesting that Mr ~~son present the applications in person. vounciLman Hussey moved that we do now ndjourn, seconded by ~ounciblli~h K'1.tthews and by vote declared vARRIED. Time 9;00 P. .M. vouncilmnn &C?<tj2~~ c- MA~ ~ ({) //?~ L1nyor voul1cilman - .... :: Gouncilrnnn '- " -. A'1':rEsT;t' ~~ t} fiWn y!c''o/ -'