10-08-1947 - Regular c) .- u (.J ~ v ~ REGULAR MEETING OF THE TOWN COIDrCIL OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA, HELD IN V. I. A. H.ALL ON Ot;'l'OBER 8, 1.94,7. ~eeting culled to 0 rder u t 7; 40 P.M. by 1.hyor Gounci lmn.n Lohrn.i:.n. rlOLL CALL .- Mn.yor Gouncilmnn vouncilmnn Gounc1lmnn Glerk AttornGY M.o.rshnll .l.!:. H. DO hrn.."1.n A. Hussey O. O. lilhtthews G. ,_,(.;. Spargo J. G. French D. A. 'l'homns Present. Present. Present. Present. Pr~6ont. Present. HEADING OF MINUTES. The minutes of the regular meeting held September 24th, 1947 were rend,nfter correction, vOlillcilmnn lVlntthews moved they be t:.pproved, seconded by Gouncilmnn tiussey and by vote declared CARRIED. HILLS Al~D AGCOUNTS. The following bills were rend; ~outhern Hell ~el.& Tell. Go. ~13.03 vity of .New ::>myrnu Hench 75.99 Goryys Gervice Station j7.11 Dwights Office 3upplies 4.00 hnll Lnndes Grnhrun &French 125.00 David ~"1.ttherson 4.00 Gouncilmn.n tiussey moved the bills be approved as reud, paid nncl Ilk"1.de a part of these mi.nutes, seconded by Gouncilmnn M.'1 tthews nncl by vote cleclnred GARtUED Gouncilrnnn >>~tthers moved thut snluries, heretofore paid onnthe fi~st regulnr ~~c~i~~g.~~~~~~~~~~~th,bc pnid, hcreafter,on the lnst duy of the month, second- ed by GouncilmD.n tiussey nnd by vo te c1eclnred GARRIED. l-lEPOR'1'S 0]' O.iffI CEltS.. t;lerk re:::.d h~ L,nsh ~t:::.tement nnd l.HlClget Keport for the period from ~eptember 1st, to 3eptember 31st 1947, vOlu1cilm:::.n ~tthews moved that the reports be accepted, s~condQd by vouncilm:::.n tlussey :::.nd by vote declnrcd liARRIED. Gouncilm::n tlussey rQPorted hnving cgntuctod Mr.beck who ussured him thnt he would seo thnt the roadsides on Hiverside Drive would be clcnred from the cunal to the crub factory. . 1mrshull ~hoI1k"1.s reported speaking to Mr. beck ubout the holes on Hidgowood AVQnue at Purk Avenue. Mr. Heck ndvised cnlling Mr. PQnton,of the ~tnte nond Departmont, who would see that this would be n.ttenc1ed to. The committe~ppointed by ~~'1yor Lohmun,to cunvass the ~own of ~dg~wutor for the purpose ascertaining the number of citizens who would or would not fuvor a water system in the ~own of .l.!:dgewutcr, hn.nded in thQir report. ~hc report showed thn.t the mnjority of the people of .l.!:dgewnter are not in favor of n. wntcr system for the ~own of .l.!:dgewnter. GO.,1:MtnUt;A'l'IONS. A letter from Mr. DeLuca,of l~cw Smyrnr1. bench, was read. .,tr DcLucu objected to the erection of n filling stn.tion bnip60pcrty adjoining his property on l{idgewood Avenue, in .l!:dgcwnter n.nd nslcing that be prohibi ted. Gow1cil ruled thnt nothing could be done since Hidgewood Avenue, .J.:clgewuter is unrestricted. OFFICEflS REPORTS. Attorney J!'rench reported thnt he h ad a letter from Scnn.tor Pepper, in answer to r.. letter which ...lr J!'rcnch hnd wri tten regn.rding the locntion of the new Bupcr-highway. A copy of this letter is nttnched and forms u pr..rt of the{;e minutes. c u u u u J Minutes of Octobcr 8th, 1947 Puga 2 RESOLUT\I!0NS. A resolutionc entitled; A RESOLUTION ORDERING AN AliNUAL ELECTIO~ TO BE HELD IN THE 'rOWIf OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA IN THE YEAR L947 , PRESCRIBING THE TIME AND THE PLACE FOR HOLDING SUCH ELECTIOlI; PRESCRIBI~G 'fHE RULES BY \^mICH SUCH ELECTION SHALL BE COVERED, AlID PRESCRIBING THE TIME THE POLLS SHALL BE OPE.NED AND CLOSED, AIID PROVIDING FOn NOTICES OF SUCH ELECTION . I t was moved by liouncilTIlQ.n hussey, secondcd by Olen 1.1.t1. t thews tho. t the i;1ibove and foragoing Hesolution be adopted by the 'l'own liOUl1Cil of the Town of l!:dgewuter, .l!'lorida, and be spre::ld upon the minutes of this meeting held ::It v. I. A. or Town H.nll, in s~,id Town, a.~ a regu1::lr meeting of suid liouncil, held this 8th duy of October, 1947, tho vote of sf.'.id liouncil upon said motion being us follows; ~yor liouncilm::ln ~. H. Lohm~n Yes Councilman A. Hussey Yes liouncilmun Olen O. lU1.tthews ~}_es HESOLUTION: ~esolution cnti tlod; A RE30.LUTION l\PPOINTIlTG A C.LERK A1-r:D THL'U~J; IN3P:;1:CTOR:> OF ELECTION FOR nill P':j.NUAL TOlar EwCTION '1'0 BE lIELD IS THE TOVIN OJ!' ED GE WATER , FLORIDA ON TUESDAY, THE I<'OURTH 'IJAY OF NOVEMBER, 1947. it was moved by liouncilmn.n Matthews and seconded by liounctlmnn hussey tho.j. the above and fo. regoing ncsp1utiol1 be ndoptcd by the l'own (JoUl1cil, of _ t.he Town of . f ' tv\, n!4i"""'tJ;, t. l!:dgcwater~ Jj'lorldn and be spread upon and mnde a pnrt 0 tne 01 u~s mee lng, held tue ~th day of Octobor, A. D. 1947. The motion curried~ the result of the liouncil being as follows: Mayor liouncilman l!:..ti. Lohmnn Yes. liouncilm~n A. Hussey leSe COlli1cilmnn Olen O. N~tthews Yes (;o1,)ies ofthcso .H.eso1utions a..r.e.a.:ttuched and form:' u pn.rt of these minutes. liounci~~n ~~tthcws moved th::lt Mrs. ti. L.Hnughton be appointed an n~tcrnnte ORDINANCEG . inspecto~, seconded by lioUl1cilmnn hUBSCY nnd by vote de- clnred carried. Ordinance l~o .155 entl tled. " AN OlIDINANGE PROVIDING .l!'OR TIlE RATE OF TAXATION FOR ALL PROPERTY IN THE 'l'mlN OF EDGEWATER, }.!'LORIDA, FOR THE YEAR A. D. 1947, rl.:tOVIDL:TG.,1illl\f .:3 UCH 'l'A..a3 SHALL BECO:Ml.G JJUl.!;, AND BlCliOME DELIlf'{,UENT qm BE SOLD FOR NON~PAYMENT: AlID PROVIDING .l!'O~ISCOUl.~'l'd IE PAID BEFOHE MAIWH .1st, 1948. l'ho above 0rdiIinncq )\~ag read in full nncl pa.Juecl by the un~nirnom.l v,)te of tLle 1'own vouncil of the TO\fl1 of ~clJew::lter, j!'lorid1. at n rc:gulnr meeting on tr.LC dth, day of October, A. D. 1947. upon motion <luly mnde, 6cconde9-"u1cl unnnimou~:ly c1'rried, tho requirement of I'c:::.d:i.l1C; 8::.ic1 orclinnnce upon second rending w::.s wOoi ved, and this ordim~nce WOoS o.rdeI'c:d put upon i tf.l finnl pn. :sne;o. Pa.ssed by the unrinimo1t3 vote of the Town Councl1 of the Town of l.!;dgewater, -J Ylorida, at a regular meeting of snid Gouncil held this 8th d~y 0f October, A. D. 1947, Oond approved ns provided by In.\'1, the vo te of said Uouncilcon roll call being ns follows ; M.."1.yor liouncilman ULU1,!;., h. Lohm::'..n (;ow1cilman A. Hussey liouncilnmn Olen O. l~~tthewB Yes. -- Yea . YClil. ORDINANCE IW.156 anti t1cd ,. AN ORDINAHCE APPROPRIATInG REVEIfUE~O BE COLLECTED BY THE TOWN 0]' EDGEWATER, .J!'LORIDA, .J!'OR THE 1!'ISliAL YEAR B'EGINNING OCTOBER 1st, 1947, AND E:NDING SEPTEMBER 30th, 1948, TO 'l'HE VARIOUS ITE~ OF THE TOW1\f BUDGET. The above Ordinnnce was read in full and pnssed by the unrmimous vote of the TOwn Gouncil of the Town of l.!;dgewnter, .J!'loridn. nt n. regulnr meeting on the 8th day of October, A. D. 1947. upon motion duly mnde, seconded und unanimously carried,the requirement of reading said ordinnnce upon second rending W::lS 'wnived, and this Ordinance was ordered put upon itiil finnl paf1snge. Passed by the un::.nimous vote of the Town liOlli1cil of the ~own of Edgewnter, .J!'loridu, n.t a regull1r meeting of s::lid lioUl1ci1 held on the 8th dny of October, A. D. 1947, and approved ns provided by law, tho vote of snid GOlli1Ctl on roll ~ call being ns follows; .rolayir liouncilmun liouncilmun liouncilman .u;. H. Lohman A .Hu;: ,:ey 01en G. lvhtthews Yes Yes Yes l~E\l BUSIN.l!;d:3. lItlr Hall nlillced permission of the liouncil to use the upper fln11 for the purpose JI' v 'U u u u v Minutes of October 8th, 1947 Pnge2 of holding ev~ngclisticserviccs. Wilkinuon\,of .New Smyrna He~ch. The question of the traffic light wns brought before liouncil, lilerk reported h~ving called Mr. J. U. jj'orris regnrding ihstalling of the light. hr j!'crris promised eta instull the light as soon o.s possible. Bome weeks huve pnssed mw nothing has beon done. ulerk suggested getting some other purty to do this \ work. Uouncil instructed the Ulerk to call J. U. ]'nrris before tnking fur- thar ~ction. Mr J. G. ~urrow adrcssed the uOlillcil. tic clnimed that he wns- uppointed by the ~usiness Mens Associ~tion to invcstig~te the license tax. he clnimod to hnve the opinion of two attorneys, the S tate Uomptroller, the \.io'un ty Attorney [md .H.opresentnti v~ I. \'Jul ter Hawkins, that the 'l'own of .l!:dgewn ter hud no nuthori ty to chnrgc more than 50ioof the amount chnrged by the Stnte for like business. This cranted consider~ble discusston which resul tod in j!, .j!'.Hnrkcr of the .!jus- iness Mens Associntian, nsking the liouncil if they would moet with u conmdttee of the Husiness Men immediutoly after the QOlli1cil meeting to continue the discussion..liouncil agreed. The question of fire protection for tho Town of Edgow~,ter was again discussed. Duvid McGinnis urged the liouncil to meet with the ~ew Bmyrnn Hench liommission and m~ke some nrrnngement wi th them to provide fire protection foe the 'l'own of .l!:clgewnter until such ~ time n.s .v.:dgewnter could hnve their own fire protee~., tion. The Uouncil felt, judging from previous experiences, th~t this would be wnstecl offort. M.r McGinnis then ['.s1<:ecl if the liouncil would object to n. com- mittee of citizens meeting with the ~ew Smyrnu Heuch City Uomndssion. uouncil did not object. Mayor liolli1ci1nlnn Lohnlnn nppointed Mr. McGinnis chairmnn , he to seloct tv!o other citizens.to uct with him. P.H.Loveln.nd nnd ~.F.Bnrkcr were chosen. Cow1cilnmn Hussoy moved we do now by vote declared liARBU~D. AT 'l'.i!: S T ~ 4?!uf:~e "" - " .... ~ :-- --- Ciuncil roferrod Mr. Hall to bIT. H. P. udjourn,~oconded by liow1cilmnn ~~tthews and 'l'ime 9; 50 P .lil. Mayor ~ouncilmnn.~~ UOlli1cilmnnV tf/.t~~ ~ouncilm"~ ({J ~ ,-- \....; v ~ \wJ \wi v CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF POSTING I, GUY C. SPARGO, Tovm Clerk of the Town of Edgewater, Florida, do hereby certify that I gave Public Notice of the Annual Tovm Election, as ordered by the Tovm Council of the Tovm of Edgewater, Florida by posting three (3) copies of the above and foregoing Notice on the 9~ay of October, A. D. 1947, said Notice being posted in three different and conspicuous public places in said To~~ of Edgewater, Florida, one of which said places was at the front door of the V.I.A., or Tovm Hall in said Town. Witness my hand and the seal of said To~m, at Edgewater, Florida~ this ~day of October, A.D. 1947. - T:f;:.r!!Y/ v; v - \J ~ ,. f.. u , .~ f' 'fOV/N OF EDGEWATER, VOLUSIA COUlITY, FLORIDA. CLERlPS 4ASH STATE1vrillNT --- - - - FOR THE PER:I;OD .SEPTEMBER lJJ t ,to SEPTE1\ffiER 30th, ~947,. --.~ ---:;::-~ . 6q..A-4..5.6.. _-; -- Total. c:!.sh on hand and in Bank. uOLLEC'rIONS. Buildlllg Permits. Business Licenses. t1~Glrk Oirclli t 6G)urt .!l'inos & F8rfeiturca. Donntions by (;Cl)unci~. 22.00 158.00 12.47 10.00 l4.57. TOTAL COLLECTIONS. 227..54 TOTAL TO BE ACCOUliTED FOR. 6972.10 DISBURSEME:NTS . Strqjets. street Lights SaL.'l.ri~a. Office Expenso. ..I!;m~rgency. Fir~ Department. Log~1 & ~l~ctions. 37.06 73.95 299 .57 ~6.~7 40 .lO ~6.50 7.50 .' 490.85 490.8 ? 6481.25 Calilh in B:mk Dalinqucnt tnxfund Porm....ment Improvement fund uash on hnnd. 6275.94 2.76 178.97 2 i. 58 Total cash on hand and in ~ank 6481.25 Of the ~cnQrn~ ~und in tho ~ank there has beon sct nsid~ for G. J!'0rcclQsod Property J!'und the sum of ~p ~o~7 .Ol ATTEST: A~ i.JX.~) 'P;twn Olerk / i7 " " . ~ \...;r r ~ u . ~ , .~ BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS. REPORT FOR THE OERIOD SEPTEMBER l13t to SEPTEMBER 30th 1947. OVER. ACCOUNT . APPROPRIATED. EXPENDED. tmEXPElIDED. EXPEIIDEJJ STREETS ~ 500.00 567.02 --- 67.02 8 ":''REET LIGHTS. 9 50 .00 905.45 44.55 SALARIES. 3000.00 3l92.44 ~92.44 LEGAL. & ELECTIONS. 500.00 619 .55 119.55 o FEr CE EXPENSE. 200.00 566.94 366.94 JJ:MI!:RGENCY. 2850.00 204l.30 80a.70 FIRE DEPARTMENT. 200.00 78.09 :L2l.91: PEIDfANENT IMPROVEMENTS. lOb.oO llO.OO lO .CW TOTALS . 6300.00 8080.79 975.l6 755.95 Total exp0ndod. 8080.79 LQSS over expenditures. . .7 ~~1:~1 Plum unexpcndad. 97r:J.l6 1ot~l appropriation tijOO.OO ATTESTt . .)(;.~ ~ ~df, ~;?C awn GlQrk. I ~