10-15-1947 - Special L, v \wi J SPECIAL. MlillTING OF THE 'fOWN COUNCIL OF 'mE TOWN OF EDGEY1A'mR, li'LORIDA, HELD In V. I. A. HALL ON. OCTOBER 15th,1947 TO RECEIVE PETITIONS OF CAJIDIDATES. Meeting culled to order by 1myor-~oilllciln~n Lohmnn nt 7:30 P. M. ROLL CALL. l\.4.'1.yor-Councilnk"1.n E. H. Lohman ~oilllcilmnn A. tlussey Councilmnn Olen O. 14'1.tthews Clerk G. ~. ~purgo Attorney J.~. French Present. Present. Present. Prenent. AbsenL . ~ALL FOR MEETING. The Gall for this meeting was rend in full by the ~lerk. The Clerk reported that Petitions hnd been filed to place the following nnmes on the ballot of the Town 1!:lection to be held l{ovember 4th, 1947 t jj'e~bert jj'. B[l.rker for Town liouncilmnn to serve three ye:::trs 01yde L. Cox for ~own ~ouncilmnn to serve three yenrs. the Clerk further reported that euch petition had been checked and found to be signed by Twenty-five or more q~'1.1ified ~lectors ns required by the Ordinunces of the Town . A ~ A RESOL~fION DECLARING 1~ N01ITNEES FOR 1~ OFFICE OF TOWN COUNCIil!AN OF THE TOWN OF EDGEWATER, FLORIDA '1'0 BE ELEC1'ED AT THE ANNUAL TOitlH ELECTION TO BE HELD NOVE1IDER 4th, 1947 AlID PROVIDING FOR THE PREPARATION AND PRINTING OF BALLOTS FOR SAID ELECTION. This Kesolution was read in full and passed by the unanimous vote of the Town COilllCil of the Town of Edgewnter, jj'loridn nt its meeting held on the 15 th dny of October, A. D. 19~7, the vote. of the oouncil being as follows: Mnyor-Coilllcilm....m E. H. Loh.mi:ln 1es Gouncilmnn A. lfusscy les COilllCi~"1.n Olen. 0 Mntthews "ieB Councilmnn 1mtthews move thnt 600 Six hundred Official Ballots and 300 ~nree hundred Speciman liallots be Printed seconded by COilllcilman .l:iusscy fl..ncl by vote declared CARRIED. GounciDfu"1.n Hussey that we adjourn, seconded by Councilnk"1.n ~'1.tthews and by vote declared CARRIED. ~imc 8:00 P. M. Mnyor_uounciblli~n~ -- councilmnnC v f1l-~.(~-l' counCiblli~({)~-t "' --... -- .. a ATTEST: // -:~ - /V~ ~~ ~ c~e~-r v '-' '-' ~ v ~ NOTICE OF ANNUjl~ TOWN ELECTION Notice is hereby given that the Town Council of the To~m of Edgewater, Vol usia County, Florida under and by virtue of the authority vested in it by the Laws of the State of Florida, and the Ordinances of said Town, has ordered an annual election tb be held on Tuesday, the fourth (4th) day of November, A.D. 1947 at the Town Hall (othervuse kno~m as the Community or V. I. A. Hall) for the purpose of electing ONE COUNCILMAN for the term of three (3) years, or until his successor is duly elected and qualified. The polls for said Election shall be open at the hours of Seven (7:00) o'clock A.M. Eastern Standard Time, and shall close at Seven (7:00) o'clock P.M. on the day of said Election. Said Election shall be in substantial: conformity with the Laws and Rules applicable to General Elections held under the Laws of the State of Florida, and subject to the Ordinances of the Town of Edgewater, Florida. Tovrn OF EDGEWATER VOLUSIA CO~A BY: y- fl ~___ Mayor-Councilman '. 'ATTEST: d~#xf~