10-22-1947 - Regular .. I \...I \,,) I V .. L u ~ " rtEGULAR ME..l!;TING OF 'tHE TOVl.N l;OlJ.NCiIL OF '1'HE TOVr.N OF EDGEi;;AT.KH" JrLORIDA HELD 11'4 V. I. A. HALL O.N OCTO~~R 22, 1947. Meeting called to orded at 7;30 P. M. by Mayor voun~il!~~n ~.tl.Lohmnn. rtO LL l;ALL Mayor v0uncilman vounciL~n vouncilmnn vlerk Attorney M;l,rshnll l!.i.tl.Lohm.o.n ,A..11US8QY O.O.Matthew8 17.v.l:ipargo J . t..: . ]'rench lJ. A.ThoIDn8 .k'resent. .k'reaent. .k'resent. .k'reaent. .k'reaent. .k'rcaent. rt..ll:ADI.NG OF M.I.NU'f~~. i'he minutes of the regular meeting held Uctober 8th 1947 and the apecial meeting held on October l5th,1947 were rend, ~ouncilman Hussey moved they be approMed as rend, seconded by ~ouncilman Matthews and by vote declared vARKU!aJ . BILLS A.ND Avl;OUHTo . The following billa were rend: Pentland & R~bert.on ~ew l:imyrna ~ench ~ew. ~BuncilIlan l1UB Bey moved these bills be approved 0.8 rend, paid part of these minutes, seconded by ~ouncilman Matthews nnd by ~ARl:U l!:D . ~200.00 ~. 50 and mnde n vote declnred LtEPORTS 0 F 0 FFI CERS . Olerk reported that the traffic light had been installed and that the holes at the side of tlidgewood Ave.at Park Ave. nad been erpaired. .Li.EPOR1'S 0 l!' l:iP .l!:(;IAL l;O.w.u'1'TE.l!:S The l;ommittee on fire protect~on for ~dgewnter rep&rted having met with the ~ity v.mmission of ~ew ~IIlyrna Beach and presented the vouncil of ~dgewater with n letter fr~m the vommission Of the vity of ~ew l:imyrna ~aach, setting forth Jhe conditio. under which they would answer lire calls from l!.idgewnter. This letter is attnched and forme a pnrt of these minutes. ~0uncilmnn Matthews maved that the Qffer be accepted and the vlerk be in- tructed to depoait a check for ~50.00 with the e.mmission of ~ew cimycnn Dencha$ n guarentee of payment for fire cnlls, seconded by 00uncilIllan l1ussey and by vote declared vARRl~. cO MMUNI'CAT I ONS . A letter waa rend from the ~outh ~aatern ~ire underwriters Asaociation. ~o acti0n was taken. tlESOLU'l'lO.NS A Heaelution adopting tho iax Assessment ~oll for the yenr 1947 Upon motion by Ulen U.Matthews, seconded by A.tlumsey the above nnd fa~e- going Keaolution was passcd by the unsnimous vote of the rown vouncil of the rowo of ~dgewnter, ffloridn at its meeting held this 22nd,dny of October,A.D.1947, vote of snid ~olmcil Deing 0.3 follows: ~. H.Lohmnn les 'Mayor-vouncilman. A. Hussey Yos ~ouncilllln.n. Olen o. ~~tthew3 Yos v 0 unc i lImn. ~he Auditor, Mr. $rnnk uentcr of ~entland nnd rtobertson presented his repert upon the nudi t made of theJ.own of ~dgewn. ter ,for the .I!'iscnl rear oJ " L ~ I .~ ~ I \...; '-' ~ ending September 30, 1947. ~he repert on the examination was read in full and the various parts RXPlained to the ~ouncil. ~ouncil~~n tlUS8ey moved that the report be accepted, nppreved and mnde a of theBe minutes, seconded by vouncilman ~atthew8 and by vote declared carried. vouncilmnn tlUBsey moved that we do now adjourn, seconded by vouncil~~n Matthews and by vote declared GAHBI~D. iime g:OO P.M. Mayor i;ouncilm;m~~ (;0 unc i 1 man -o~ NAAA.~ ... - ::: ::: ~ ::!: ,,.. '"';:; -... --- --" , vouncilman ~ 0 ~ -- ;..... .. A'l'TEST: ~~ub.JJ 7"wn~ .~